Show HOLMESS LATEST RUSE Letter to Qulnlan Evidently Written for a Purpose Chicago July 27lhe police today found a letter from Holmes to Pat Qulnlan to which much importance Is attached The letter Is as lollous July is 1S05 Dear Pat Among their other fool theories they think you took tho Iltzel boy to Michigan and ullhor It ft him them or put him out ot the way I always told them I never nskcd you to do anything Illegal but they are bullheadcd Cm October Oc-tober 12th 1 saw you at tho factory I think Cant you show where you were all the lost of the month 1 If they question ques-tion you or threaten you tell them anything any-thing hole Is to tell about tliU or uuy other matters They may want to know If you weie In Cincinnati or Indanapolls about October 12th It IH well for you to be able to know where you were workIng work-Ing I am awfully sorry Pat for 1 always al-ways try lo make things easy for you When Minnie kllkit her sister I needed you the worst way but would not drag you Into It If the detectives would go to New York as I want them to they would find where Mlnne W took them by boat I have done no killing Put One by one they are llndlng them alive Minnie W will not come here as long as there Is any danger of her being arrested Boston May knows where she Is and the guardian guar-dian Mosaic iL Watt will at he pioper and safe time go to her Let your wife write me anything you wish not oftener than two times a month dlrtctlng 11 11 Holmes county ptlbon 10th unu Heed streets 1nuadelphla l cannot write many loiters to you I am ilolng all I can for all I expect to hear shortly neal youGive Give my Jove to your wife and Cora Tell her 1 have her picture in my room with me and I thank her for it Tell her 1 have a tame mouse and spider to keep me company My food Is the worst part here aiuill be out ot It sooner than you expect They kept Mrs 1 shut up here six months When we would have let her out on ball they made a tool I of her Write soon ana tree Ask any questions you want to Oeorglana Is visiting her mother Went about two weeks ago With regards to all 11 H H The police believe the chain of evidence I evi-dence against Put Qulnlan Is now complete com-plete and Holmess exJanitor will be tried for murder here I wont allow Quintan to become states witness to escape the rope said Chief of Police lladenoch touay 1 have enough evidence evi-dence to Indict both Holmes and Quln lan and the case will be submitted to the grand Jury soon |