Show A REMARKABLE CRIMINAL Stole a Cool Million From a Bank and Escaped Punishment Mr William Pinkerton under whose direction tho great Pinkerton agency I has been perpetuated while In Unit E Lake last weak In speaking of noted crooks gave tho following history of a man whoso operations extond to all clylllzcd countries A lifetime lias been devoted by Detective De-tective PInkerton to tho suppression of L crime the apprehension and conviction of Its perpetrators From no source has this work received re-ceived greater encouragement said he last night than tho Bankers Association As-sociation In which 2700 banks In this country are now united and for which we are In addition to the two Jewel l ers Association doing the work The results have been most gratifying We now have in custody Count Shlnburn and his gang of burglars Charlie Fisher Fish-er and his confederation of forgers and the Allen gang of sneaks What a career of crime by the way there stands against Shlnburn With the frost of nearly 60 years upon his locks lie Is awaiting trial upon the charge of attempted bank robbery of a National Na-tional bank at Mlddleton N Y and there are on his trail nnd pledged too I to-o everything In their power to procure his legitimate conviction 2700 banks It was thirty years ago when his career began and when he was first unmasked I un-masked by the Pinkerton agency He had Just done time a few years later and coming from a State prison lev l eled his energies at the Ocean Bank of New York City From a nelgnborlng foothold he tunneled Into Its vaults and with his confederates departed with nearly 1000000 That beats mining min-ing when you take time as essence In the deal With his bitwhich was the lions share of course he sought Europe Eu-rope settled In Belgium and after purchasing I pur-chasing a manor bought himself a title From Maximilian Shlnburns skin he Issued as Count Shlnburn anti settled down to retirement That like ale uncorked grew stale however and he was soon t frequenter of the gum blinghouses a prominent figure in the paddock His losings were heavy and his expenses on a sliatmr scale It culminated cul-minated continued Mr PInkerton as du all careers of that kind In his waking wak-ing up one morning to ascertain that he was a broken man Then to recoup he attacked a bank at Liege in Belgium Bel-gium was apprehended convicted and I sent to prison His time done two years ago he returned to America Here he reopened his career of crime lIe proceeded toreorganiye the gang that yeas ago had shared his nefarious exploits ex-ploits and plunder Finally they went i against a National bank at Mlddleton One of his men were captured and I then fell Count Shlnburn and his first lieutenant Mahr Into the embrace of the ntectlve and both of them are now 1 nwnlthjc trial at Albany This is profit I profi-t ably tht last of the Counts career as f an active criminal Ho will not likely I survive the sentence but lay down his life behind the bars of Sing Sing f I Mr Pinkerton will with his nephew I spend the day in Zion and then renew I I his Journey eastward The latter will I enter Yale next season Reason vs Instinct in iuoinesa Affairs I Af-fairs Business Is business says this man vowed to that life and so It is unquestionably I f unques-tionably but equally personality Is personality Leaving the latter out of consideration will throw business calculations culatlons about as far astray as those I of the astronomer who does not allow i l for personal equations This the suet sue-t t LIi IL cessful man of affaire fully understands under-stands When It can be recognlei there Is nothing moro interesting than watching the actual consultation of Il business man with the promptings of his own souls equations Such powc of consultation is not possessed by nil and invisible with many of those wh Imvo it I remember hearing a young I business man describe such a rnro revs lotion In an Interview with nn older business friend known as tho keenest financier The proposition which the young man had to present was reasonable reason-able seemingly sure of success and he himself believed It enthusiastically I laid It before the old fellow he paid one by one meeting and explainIng explain-Ing the vexed points he raised He ceased questioning me finally because tho patent value of tho proposition seemed proved so far as words go lIg nodded affirmation as each heading wag checked off I felt emboldened to ask What do you think of It sir And then I saw a curious sight The old fellow sat motionless looking away into In-to space his blue eyes growing innocent inno-cent and far away as a childs who Is 1 listening for a distant and famllla voice 1 could have sworn ho heart something which I did not Finally ho turned to me with a smile and shook his head I cant exactly believe In your plan ho said I sat staring at him I knew and ho knew that his reason was convinced it was an Instinct In-stinct alone that held tho old mat back an Instinct In which he superstitiously supersti-tiously trusted nnd on which he obstinately obsti-nately acted It was the most extra dlnnry thIng i ever saw The more BO that events have proved the warning voice gave him a private Information which was mOle than correct The plan failed dismally as I too well know Extraordinary or not those who come In contact with successful business men will see the same phenomenon repeated I over und over In greater or less degree Call it a genius for affairs or what you will this curious power of dlvlnatloi remains still as unexplained a mystery as any other kind of second sight Margaret Sutton Brlscoe In Harpers Bazar Tho Keoley Instituto a direct authorized branch of the parent houso at Dwight ill has boon opened at 100 W Secoud North Salt Lake City on tho line of tho street railway ruunliif to Warm Springs For tho treatment of tho liquor and opium habits with Lesley E Koolo Companys double chlorldo of gold rem cdlcs The Institute Is under tho manage mont of Dr J W St John who has been at work with and In tho outplay 01 tho Lesley B Kooloy Company for tho past four year Tho treatment and management of patients will bu Identically Identi-cally the sama as at Dwight |