Show EVIDENCE AT TORONTO What Witnesses Will Swear to II Holmes Is Extradited Toronto July 27 Should Holmes the alleged murueter of tile PlUel cniluren be brought to loronto fur trial me au loillles could put In the witness box thirteen or louneen persons wno would furnish damaging evidence against hIm It might be proved that 011 tile ith of October in company with a Woman wo-man known us Mrs Howard Holmes brought Alice aiid Nellie 1ltscel to the cty that on the 25tn of tile same CitY Holmes took t these girls to tne i4use on atrVnreeni s j ret that he was with them in that house on tile morning ot the date named and they never left the house alive In connection with the disappearance of these girls the woman known us Irs Howard would tell all she knew and the Purport of her statement is how In the hands of the police authorl ties When she was in Toronto she was registered as Mrs Powell of Columbus I umbus 0 but she stayed with Holmes UB his wlte Inspector Stark upon Instructions from the authorities has written the Jnlladelphla authorities asking if they vlll consent to the extradition of Holmes If a favorable reply is le elved papers will at once be taken out and an olllcer will proceed to Phlladel Uila to bring the prisoner here A Frenchman Hissing Chicago July 7A local paper says lIy no means the least mysterious of he many mystifying disappearances from the Holmes castle was mat of Peter Verrett He was a short heavyset heavy-set Frenchman with an unquenchable thirst for strong drink He went to he castle und requested to be cured of he drink habit Holmes had an Inebriate In-ebriate asylum In the castle and offered fered to cure the habit The drink cure In the castle was run under the name of the Silver Institute Peter took he cure He said he was heir to a fortune In Toronto Canada Since I then he has not been heard fiom I n |