Show I MATTHEW STANLEY QUAY The recent fight In the Republican party of Pennsylvania which resulted In the triumph of United States Senator Sena-tor Matthew Stanley Quay and Incidentally Inci-dentally his election as chairman of tho Pennsylvania State Republican committee com-mittee has centered all eyes on that already famous statesman Mr Quays success In the greatest political fight of j Matthew Stanley Quay his lIfo has It Is said put him In direct di-rect line for election as chairman of the Republican National committee In 1890 Senator Quay was born In Pennsylvania Pennsyl-vania in 1833 graduated from Jefferson college In 1850 and In 1854 was admitted to the bar He gave the Union very creditable service during the late war After holding many offices of trust In his native State he was elected to the United States Senate In 1887 where he has remained since that time The Keeloy Institute a direct authorized branch or the parent bouse at DwIght 111 has been opnnrd at 100 W second North Salt Lake City on tho lino of tho street railway ruuulng to Warm Springs For tho treatment of Limo liquor nnd opium habits with Lesley K Kooluy Company double clilorhln of gold rum edlns edlnfho rue Institute Is undor tho manage mont of Dr J W St John who has been at work with and In I time employ of tho Lesley E Kooloy Company for tho past four years Tho treatment and mcanagoment of patlouts will bo Idontl ally tho same as at DwIght Hon Stephen Neal Judge of one of tho Indiana Circuit courts It I appears I wrotu the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution Consti-tution of tho United States lIe sent It to lIon a 8 Orth then member of Congress Con-gress from his district Afterward it wus reported to Congress by tho committee commit-tee on reconstruction and adopted almost verbatim Judge Neal Is now 78 years of ace and hus always been a Democrat though unlike most Indiana Democrats he was a strong Union man during time war Y Gwir yn Erhbyn y Byd Remarkable Interst Is being manifested mani-fested everywhere In the coming Eisteddfod Eis-teddfod to bo held In the Mormon Tabernacle Tab-ernacle at Salt Lake City Utah on October Oc-tober 3rd and 4th 1895 as It will bo the greatest entertainment of the kind ever given In tho West The Eisteddfod Is the national pastime pas-time of tho Welsh and meant a joyful feast of literary nnd musical diet for all who will partake The entertainment will be given Under un-der the auspices of the Cambrian nsso clatlon of Utah and adjacent States and Territories and tho Tabernacle choir of Salt Lake City Utah Thu presidents or tho day will be exGov Arthur L Thomas und Gov Caleb W West Special train rates will be given and It is not doubted that Salt Lake City on that occasion will be crowded with the lovers of muslo and literature from all directions for all will be welcome regardless of nationality or creed Complete Information regarding the event can bo obtained by addressing the general secretary John James of Salt Lake City Utah 2000 In prizes will be given away A v > |