Show REGISTRATION FIGURES Over Eight Thousand Women f Womel Enrolled En-rolled in This City J I Salt Lake City Utah September 8 County Registrar Wilson yesterday finished the checkingup of the registration regis-tration books There were over eight thousand women enrolled and more than a thousand new EdmundsTucker 1 oaths taken Comparative figures with last year were unobtainable In a C number of precincts the total enroll ment was so far ahead of thai at the final cjslng of the books on October 8 1891 that the Registrar considered the figures unsafe to calculate upon In one precinct for Instance the registration registra-tion was 425 above lire total of last year despite the fact that there were only 181 new oaths A true estimate of the total registration cannot be given unlll closed aCer the books are finally In view of the fact that some misunderstanding mis-understanding has got abroad In regard re-gard to the qualifications for voting on the Constitution and the State officers Mr Wilson desires it stated thatithere Is only one restriction Every voter is 4 required to have lived one year In the g 4 rt Territory The usual precinct and counv ty qualification is omitted That Is theJA u WrUia h II > of article i i of the new Constitution The oath required is as follows Blank being duly sworn on oath says I am 0 male citizen of the United States and on the 5th day of November 1895 will be over 21 years of age that I am now a resident of the Territory of Utah and have resided there continuously since the 6th day of Novem ber 1831 Had women been allowed to vote they would have fallen under the operation ope-ration of article 4 of the Constitution describing the qualifications of voters not determined In article 24 In view of the fact that there Is some talk of appealing from the decision of the Supreme Su-preme court of the Territory to tho Supreme court of the United States on the suffrage queslion It may be of J O terest to note that the following separate sepa-rate oath Is required of the women I on oath swear or afllrm that at the next election I will be of the ago of twenlyono 21 years and up wards and will have been a citizen of the United States for ninety 9 day and have resided In the Territory of Utah ono 1 year In the county of Salt Lake four 4 months and In blank precinct pre-cinct sixty 6 days |