Show TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING V ii in i QeorRpWt3annoii was elected to the Jant GnnitUutloiml convention and was at the same time chairman of the Itopubllran county committee He rclend us chairman of tho count cutumittce ti be elected ef the He publican Territorial committee Ur Is still chairman of the State committee commit-tee andat tin namu time is IL candidate candi-date for the Legislature He has bee bred and fed at the public crib slue he wai old enough to Pit on a stuo and sign hU name to u par roll He his never in nil ills Hfo lone ono thing to merle the innumwrabla honors he hart received from the Republican party nor shown single qualification for the ofllces btl has held except It be the charmnd name he bear lIe hit honn thai ho posupjaea a spiteful malicious and vindictive nature und R i frnnt remarkable predellctlrn for office but there IK a point beyond which even a good thing become sickening We think MrCannon has pateed that point und now we call a halt We dont ballere Mr Cannon or any other nn hai the right to bo ut the time time a re uhirlv nomlualed can oldatc for ofllce and chairman of the State comniltUa Wn call him down |