Show MRS DALINGTONOOTH General and Mrs Balllngton Booth who for several years have been prominently promi-nently before the public of this country coun-try as the leaders and representatives of tho Salvation Army are now at work In Canada The home of the Booths Is In New Jersey off In one corner of Montclair TheIr cottage Is an architectural archi-tectural poem on the simple scheme comfort Tho family Is a lovely quartette quar-tette consisting of papa mamma little lit-tle Iluth and baby Freddy The chit c Mrs Dalliitgton Booth dron two of the most delightful bits of humanity each hold offices of great hanoI In the Salvation Army Their entire home speaks of peace and godliness godli-ness the characteristic environments of the Booths themselves The onetime one-time despised Salvation Army has become be-come a great power for good In the large cities of our land and to Mr and i i Mrs Balllngton Booth who never tire In their great work much credit and praise are due Probably the most distinguished guest present at the Labor day demonstration demon-stration In Chicago was James Kelr Hardle the English socialist He Is the leader of the Independent Labor party which Is fast gaining ground In England In the House of Commons fill lf l James Keir Hardlo he represents a division of West Ham For a long time Kelr Hardles name has been Identified with worklngmens interest He is a tenacious cautious man of thoroughly Independent character char-acter Is of Scotch physiognomy with a shock of light hair firm mouth and Jaw and powerful physique He Is a strong advocate of home rule |