Show UTAH MOONSHINERS AN ILLICIT DISTILLERY RAIDED IN HE VIER COUNTY Still Located In a Remote Mountain i l > astnes > In Operation for Years Makers of White Eye In Jnll Richfield Utah Sept 7Y J Carter Car-ter aged about M ana Samuel D IJruwn aged 60 both of whom have lumllles living in Joseph City Sevlor county uro confined lu the county Jail ut Htcnheld charged with Illicit distilling dis-tilling Tile ariL was made Wat Jluiisday by Deputy XJ b Marshal w J Bean nu opposition being otlured by Llthtr uuspectH lor many yearn whllui > e has been a common beV etufie among iiio minors and stockmen In tile mountains about Joseph City und It has been known that muonshln fia weie operating In that dIstrict Deputy JJeuu has been working on tin case lor SoniC weeks but did not succeed suc-ceed in locating a plant until this week All day Wednesday was spent by the Marshal In a lone search for the fame and on that day he met Carter Car-ter and procured from him a half pint bottle of the moonshine whisky Toward To-ward noon the olllcer got wind of the stills whereabouts and requested three different residents of the locality to accompany him as guides and witnesses wit-nesses All refused and the Marshal then realized that he could not depend on the denizens of the mountains for aid All of Wednesday night was wpent In the search and finally about noon on Thursday Marshal Bean surprised sur-prised Brown at work The plant Is situated In a secluded spot almost Inaccessible In-accessible except on foot back in the mountains about two miles from the nearest habitation and twelve miles from Joseph City As he approached the olllcer heard the sound of wood chopping and came upon Brown In the act of providing fuel for the furnace A loaded shotgun stodd conveniently near and this was the first property unmonrlated by the olllcer Brown did not try to escape and In answer to questions he stated that he did not own the still but that he had leased It from Jeff Curter and was working work-ing It on shares That he was working It was apparent from the stream of liquor which dripped from the worm I Into a fortygallon barrel No buildings of any kind were In sight but in camp I were eighteen fortygallon barrels eight of which were filled with mash and the others with chopped wheat and Bhorta In cruder form Brown said there was a livegallon keg of white eye near by and the two men started In search of It but the olllcer grew suspicious of his prisoners actions and concluded to proceed with him at once to Jail At Joseph City Carter was arrested ar-rested and found to be heavily armed though no resistance was made At midnight after securing his prisoners In the Richfield Jail Bean returned to the mountain and found the distillery had been destroyed No trace of the I worm could be found but the boiler was discovered broken In pieces and oncealed In the brush near by This vras obtalnedund brought to this city the same day A quantity of white eye Is also In possession of the Marshal Mar-shal It Is a pure white liquid and very palatable to the cultivated taste of Its regular consumers Tomorrow morning the two prisoners will be taken to Irovo where they will have a hearing hear-ing before Commissioner Dudley When seen in Jail yesterday Brown denied any connection with the operation of I the still saying he was merely chopping chop-ping poles for his own house when arrested ar-rested Carter is reticent and has nothing whatever to say regarding his to connection with the affair Thqre are known to be other such Illicit plants being operated In the same district and I Deputy U S Marshal Bean thinks he has two others definitely located |