Show FLORIDA NEGROES KILLED Inoffensive Negroes Massacred Massa-cred by a Florida Mob Thirty Masked Men Opened Fire With RiflesKilled Two and Wounded a DozenAttempted Assassination As-sassination in Arkansas Crocker Trial at Evanston Charged That the Sheriff Is Prejudiced WcBtvllle Fla Sept 10 Yesterday rnornlrur two negroes were shot to death and several wounded by a band I of ruuttkcd men In lire northern lorllon of Holmes county The tragedy occurred oc-curred near a large sawmill which Is owned by Graves Beatty The firm employs marry negroes and operates a short railroad from the sawmill to the ilvur A freight car had been lilted up with bunks and In this about thirty negroes slept About 1 oclock yesterday morning the car In which the negroes were sleeping was surrounded by masked men who Immediately openeu fire with Wlncheslers The negroes were awakened awa-kened to find messengers of death whistling all about them The shots and the screams of the negroes brought Graves Beatty and a number ot white employees who live near to the scene and then the masked men fled Examination Ex-amination showed thai Henry Johnson and Sam Evans negroes had been killed and that a dozen had been wounded some of whom will die The freIght car hud been riddled by bullets bul-lets The attack has so terrorized the negroes ne-groes that they have refused to work for Graves Beatly longer and today about fitly of the sawmill hands reached this place It is thought lire allock had been instigated by white men who had been discharged by the owners of the plant |