Show Phya and Playcrf Homo talent assisted by Richard Foote timid Annie Pluukctt lu The Hunchback of FJornncA held the boards at tho Young Mens opera house last Friday evening This ns its name ludl oatcs Is an Italian drama rind eight of Spanish Forks young people enjoyed the 1 novel sensation ot appearing on tho fltnjro dressed in the costumes ot tho I time of 200 years ago The story of the play waa of tho lov sot s-ot several people who whoa it wiii allover all-over with didnt live happily the loadIng load-Ing characters belns killed off in the last act in fact which In tho humble olllliou of this HERALDS dramatic critic was n wholly undeserved fate It VIlA a good piny however und poll rendered Of tho amateurs the young ladles Muses Clara Jonm uud Eilt Such hint ill I x most lilllcnlt parts to play They acqnitrd themselves well In every re pact bringing out truly Tory iihi o of char actor uBjuuiPd and frill MI ly niirtorstai IIIK tloronghly tilt spirit nf th pleco Oi < nlnl John Uinki playa the part of tIlt heavy vill an anti he did it an well that that ludivlrtunj fate III the last act was regarded as well iltfcPrYi 11 P Uomerll was tho lover In the play und his Impatitiuce at HIP t dnlhiue ot gay mid burly Harry Hughca Un the chur nfftnr of n servant fOlllld au echo In many a young n Hpeutil6ia heart Dertoa desire j de-sire for something to eat nod the anxious lovers efforts to see his lady I Miss Snell In the character of Ilsii otasliud fie qlenlly much to the umusenriiit of the iiwlie Cf Miss SiuII la an Umpire gown and with her hair dressed in the Italian style reminded one of tee Goddess of Liberty Miss Jones 19 Slgnorliia Pit the betrayed be-trayed wife had the snildo t part to play and scorned tho Instrument In Uo hands of Fate to prtdnltiuo the fatal Hiiillng C W Booth wa a 1 v ry toot priest but the other chnractora didnt appear to have much use for his adTlc > hrnco their ultimate downfall DO doubt Gorge Alngo and M J Martell as n Floroutino and an ollljer h td mluor parts which they rendered sueeesifully and dlsap icnred in thu lUnt not The professionals In the cast Richard Foote and Annie Plnnkett took tho characters Hugo the leading one and of Elena a ladys maid respectively They are both Rood actors Tho professionals profes-sionals and Piuatpnrs blended well in this play and produced l n good entertainment entertain-ment A feature ot tho entertainment not down on the bill but which was a rcg ularone in allot Mr Footos appearances here was an exhibition of nervy which no doubt t ok yens of cultivation of a grant natural gift to produce A little gall Is a good thing but this man has nn abnormal development In hat respect and Spanish Fork people weary of too much of a Rood thing like the rest of humanity hu-manity For his first performance here he Issued to ladles here a largo number of Invitations to the play gratis The ladles accepted the invitations attended and during tho play listened to sarcastic remarks re-marks about a dead head house They made no particular comment however though the Salt night house dlo1lIt exhibit I ex-hibit number present of tho ladles who were roasted for accepting the invitations invi-tations extended for the previous evening even-Ing Those who did attend were favored with a repetition of the feud head remarks Just before the last act of tho Hunchback Hunch-back of Florence was when the malia > gers cheek was the must nearly sublime lie appeared baforo the curtain and announced an-nounced another performance tor then the-n xt night rung in the dead head chestnut chest-nut and a few fresh insults Ou bearing this his amateur Imes flatly declined to play another nigbtor seem in any WilY In sympathy with him The proceeds ot the evening were about 50 Mr Foote tried saddle the Opera house bill upon the amateurs but f1ll tIn t-In that pocketed tins ni receipts and forirot l to pay the orchestra No one denies that Mr Fmito lA l an artist both in his profession and In his displays of cheek Tho youtiK pio pie who d ew his most profitable house for him are richer In experience und also have the satisfaction rf having appeared before their admiring fellow cltizenf in 140 worth ot good clothes of thn vintage of sixteen hundred ana fiometliintf If at any Hmo Mr Booles oollosil nerve should Make 11m I wish touppeir on the Spanish mile staire ugaln there Is no doubt but that the people would he glad to great him In the star act of a bueknuniberlientrult uialince with feline deceased acuompanluients Charles OMalley and his company WHO af the Y M Opera house last evening in the comedy College Chums This is a deservedly popular piece but twin to bitter experience with shows here ipppntlv the people did not turn out well Mr OMalley will be back his way again after a couple of months and will no doubt draw a better nouto |