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Show 1 " CURRENT COMMENT. this time rests the future of the party a woman on (lie legal aide of propriety, that there In Utah. Rut the result can only he but he InMsted, nevertheless. 1 la e dividing line. T wo ds nude to A. C. IVINS, mot, THE CITYWARD DRIFT. achieved by inlell gent end united blfurofctea, for example,yaimight be lb' action and hard work. All this talk proper thing, while ols yard, perhaps Amour the soclul .and led u?t rial render ths rider liable to arrest. niovenorutsuf the time tne drift of TBS TBIBCXS8 DISH OF CROW. of ap easy victory and a "walkover la would was a del lists question, bnt In ths the talk of fbols. look tbe add flats It ease before htm Judge Irw decided that population toward the cities is r--i Th Salt Laka Trlbuae, the la the faoa, and wouc. a great evil. Theic is life doubt he bed the right to say ' list ths young woman had not used sufficient material that It Is. Perhaps its magnitude Is opponant of Chureh role aid of her afire. Tliedsi even champion of Amenoan Jlliarty In So It la happily aettlrd that the in the making was greater then is commonly lmag-laian attractive, tall who Utah, hut bow tha unofficial organ of semen will not vote on the Cauititu-tlc- fendaut, The alartlinx statement Is as name had her Mi) given or at the State elation, and blonde, Mormon cnureh, has prepared for that In tbe Smith, and aha InslMted that that was her made id good authorit Itaelf a moat tramendnua dish of that a whois lot of trouble is saved. By the true name. A few dive ago aue eame to four great rgrleultiiral Statu nf Ohio, famom political edible aaltod erow". decision the Democrats will be Jut a San F rauetaco from Saersmenro. With Indiana. Illinois and Iowa half the young women friends she eaw Sau It had a taate of the uma dalectahla gain of ef about 8 per unt over the two and saw It In Ll wmere. So townships were less ponuloui in 1860 Franelaoo, Ol diet In the year af our Lord 1892. but Republics ns, for which, ' Lord, help the Sacramento girl consented to don than in 1880, while the large cltlea had trousers and other mucullue attire. vastly increased lu else. There was a thia time It will awallow tha whole ua toa be duly thankful. True, M Mlsa May Smith Insisted In cnrreepoudlng " bird feather, elawiandall. It will , dimlmutlon of th l'he Deseret News, the official organ eonrt, then were laces and pleats and number of be a bard, tbliif for ilia Tribune to productive she was not enterprises car that as evldei.ee things Rechew and harder (till to digest, be ofthaMormen church, likens the aa mannleh is the r ppeared. Sue rled on in rural distrfrlH. In New really oaua tba latter proceea will he arcnm publican Btate ticket to a certain expected exoneration la the pnl ee court, York Slate of tbe townbelieving that the Judiciary of a big city ships became leu p'lpulnue. and mnr panted with palm aerere and lasting image whoae heal was of braaa and feet wonld be up to date on the question of clay. We woudef how the comparison palne, of the counties, while woman's bebloomwrd etrldea toward her than unofficial Srgdnf The Tribune, when It eaw that Us trikes the larger sphere, But Judge Low believe the population of tlo1 cities inerwed Editorial Department?' FRAGRANT -- j. VANITY FAIR CIGARETTES) J M. 8TCLL, Attorney at Law. Two doors so?th if Rorkbill SPANISH FORK, Hotal. UTAH. i arat-whi- lp Notary Public. n ta MONEY LOJCNDKD ona-lhi- rd phnaen candidate couid not reeelTO the The Republican Geographical State nomln itloii for tha head of the Repubthe Supreme bench exempted, ticket, lican State tiekat, sooner tnau eee th? laaMaok eye to the party; but the psxt heal and worlhlaat manjrettba le a sure winner and may Legislature place, heoausa af lie personal animoswhole the thing through. Push to knifed Us pull him, deliberately Chosen candidate, who was lto beat friead, and deliberately delivered the Republican party Into the handa of the enemy to gratify Its grudge. Tha people ot Utah owa tha Trlbuna aomathlng. Tba Republican party of fJtah nayer did owa It any thing but nontampf and the debt la nowte.e large far them to ayer Lope to pay, so ity that It lfftarhape, n good thing that tba Trthune baa taken the eettlement upon itself It Is considered had polities to sacrl See one's party for principle, but It limply heinous to sacrifice both party and principle to gratify a petty spite. This le what tbs Tribune naa done. too Mucn or a good thing. Gfrorge jEUannoo was elected to the last Constitutional convention and was at the same time chairmen of the Reputllran conoty eommlttce. lie resigned aa chairman of the county committee t'i be ; elected ef the Republican Territorial committee. He Is still chairman nf the Scute' comm tee and nt ths same time is a candidate for the Legislature, lie has been bred and fed at ILe publlo crib aince be wee old enough to alt on a stool and sign his name le a payroll. He hie sever In all ms life dona one thing to marls tha Innumerable honors ha has received from the Republican party, nor ahown s single qualification for the offleas be has held, except It be the chinned name be bears. Ha hu shown that he possesaea a spiteful maildqua and vindictive nature, and a fcwwt remarkable predellctlcn for office: hut there is a point beyond which even a good thing becomes IcaenlAg . We th ink Ur. Cannon has passed that point, and now we call a it-- halt. It along. that a woman should be known by the Tb result Is abend. ned clothes she wean. He was going to pul enormously. one hand, and overon furais tue her in prison end compel her to wear a drees, bat he relented, confiscated her crowded trades la tbe cities on the trousers to the etats and disabled her other; and also an Increase In the co with a solemn lecture on ethies, dressi of food through diminished producmaking and tbe law. tion and a lowering of wages thr.iagh Nstisul Zrrigatlu Ougrsu For the above aimed event, to be held at Albuquerque, X. M, on Sept 18-8IITSX5T COURT AFFAIRS. tha Union Pacific will make a ratio! The September term of the Tint Dis- $32.06 for the round trip fromBpenlsh trict court opened at Provo Monday with Fork. Selling date Bept. 13ib andof 14th; tleketa to carry transit limit (onr Judga King on the beueb, Deputy Clerk days in each direction with final limit That man at the clerks desk, Assistin' of October 10th, 1895, United Btatss Attorneys Thurman an! Richards In attendance and a large THE KINDERGARTEN. repreasntaiton of ths bar present. At 10:10 Jndgs King came In am A movement Unrivaled in the History ef promptly began work. Some minor National Education. matters of the Fabrnary term wei a transOf the sixteen American cities with acted. Mattera not disputed of were continued nntll the September term, end a population of over 900,000 in 1800, only four Philadelphia, Boston, Milthe Fabrnary term wu adjourned. The September term wu opened end waukee and 8t Louis have incorthe following grand jurors were thou porated the kindergarten on any large systems, Impaneled: Usher Burton, R.L. Johnson scale in their Joseph A. Jnatensen, A, A. Brim, James writes Talcott Williams In ths Century. Goodsll, Istati Helladay, Lnke Cook, Four more Hew York, Chicago, Brook' Joseph A. Thomas, N. W. Tiffaay, W. H lyn and Buffalo have kindergarten Pag, Jacob Snyder, George Hayes, E l sociationa organized to introduce the wlu Lee, Claud Wheeler and Joseph Wt new method as a part of free publlo Oyld. The eonrt apponted J. A. Thomu education. In San Francisco kinderof Lehl foreman tad then proceeded to gartens are maintained with no appar. give general instructions as to the duties ent expectation of uniting them to the of a grand Jary. free school system. Only Baltimore, After reference to the Eduronds-TuekCleveland and Detroit, law the court said that some Cincinnati, times in tbe past spatial stress had been among the aeren cities left the other laid upon eertaln statntes. It wu not three being Pittsburgh, Washington tha province ol the Jury, ths conn and Hew Orleans are returned aa hav charged, to lay stress on any legislation, bnt to treat all violations of the law Tax Herald one year, $2.00. 21 public-scho- ol er Some grand Jurors alike. say laws against gambling, foruieatlon and tbs liquor law onght not to bo rigidly cd foroed. Such sentimente art wrong The eonrt bad been Informed of a terrlbii crime committed In Utah eonnty, where In several peraona were killed. 'The grand Jury was charged to give that case particular attention. It la not y to multiply expeneea, tha court charged, by summoning many wllneses, where a few wltLeesea make s clear cue that a erlme oaa veeu mimmutRn re aiao admonished of tha gre ju.j expense to the Territory, perhaps thousand dollars a day, when it is In session, and It wu asked to bo asexpedl tlous possible with public affairs, not, however, to nsgleet anything. aee-Mar- u We r-- f n. 1887-8- 8 741,-82- two-third- Offiee . at reaidrasa, oas Bk. aa Bpaaiali Vgk, 6 TrtE ToBACCQ HIGHEST workmen empuyed in making r.y ' Meet Mapletoi and City Trains, W5KlMBAll&Gi Tobacco Gt Successor laeoapawt atLsaisviUa Kentaeky, Bept. 11 to IS, tha Union Paelfle will make a rate of $43 for the round trip from Spanish Fork. Tickets on Rale Bept. 6, 7, end 8, and will be lim- MONUMENTS raoncToa," It is ni roliable, un easily adjuated, doea not ebzo-latel- y to Go M, Mickelson, Mfer. 1895. Of hWmi U Lie We otter bo apolofy la plaotng before yea CTJS POR ited for eontlnaons passege in each direction end will not be good for mira prior to Bept. 14; final return limit, udui1 YOK. 8PAXIS8 For G A R 0et.fi, Ut.k. Haokline SKILLED THESE CIGARETTES Tc Ameri cfCo-o- z IBrowttt'q IB- - RTlJWTHE FINEST VIRGI NIASTVRKISrt AWE last-nam- J0. CHKKR, MONEY LOANED bo-co- ed J at Law first-name- perhapi tial Indorsement of our claim. Do not therefore experiment with any of the numerous unreliable articles, aa it ia both dangerous to the Such experihealth and oxpensire to do In loss of time, diaap' menting eon only should Ladles failure. dismal polntment and remember this before ordering other goods sad not waste their time and money on Inferior articles. Thebes: la always cheapest. "Tea azre FBOretmiB" Is said under e positivea guarantee for use for one year, with full and ia sent sealed in plain wrapper upon receipt of expreae money order for S.tW, three nut. for Mi Do not wait but order at once. ZJdrcss The La Croas Ipeelalty 0o La Crosse, WU Urge measure effccti'd through remov at of the other two,;ind that these can he remurpd. Dearly, if not rl together seems z rezaouahle belief. The social advautagea of the city are superior to those of the country, and will probully a!wayn remain ao. The a-- 't or disparity between them should and need not, however, he no gro-- nr It Is. Tillage imp ovement socle le Summons. hare already In many places mi.de Ctah Territory, Utah couni y rural life more attractive. The exten f Spanish Ifork City, sion of their woi i, the multiplication la tha Justice Court, Spanish Fork City, he1 P. fore John Jones, of libraries, lecture coursyt, etc., the David L. Malcolm end Wm. B. Hughes, partof ners the and achcoln, cheapenImprovement doing businoM under the name and style of Malaolm k Hughes, Plaintiffs, vs. ing In price aud the diffusion of guod George H. Babcoek, Defendant. liti raturs in periodical and other To Georgs H. Babcoek, Greeting hereby summoned to he end appear fijiail, Nil ujakw toward tba elevation You are me the undersigned at my offlee in Spanaud iucraacd attractiveness of the before ish Pork (Jltv, (Jtah County, Utah Territory, to a complaint against you Hied herein by country ss a place of residence. Each answer said plaintiffs within five daya if thia summons ia served on yon within Spanish Fork City, village should be made atoclaland within dare if served on you outside of said Intellectual centre, aud each county SpanishtenFork City but within the County of and within Utah, deya if served town a small edition of the metro polls: elsewhere. Said action vs brought to recover while all, by virtue of the telegraph from yon the eum of MC.M, the said sum being a balance due on an account for goods cold and aud telephone, thou Id be and may Ik. delivered at your instance and request at SpanFork City. Utah County, and yon are hereclosely In turn h with the whole world ish by aotiUud that if you fail to so appear and Neither 1j tliora any gcod reason answer aa above required the plaintiff will taka judgment against you for tne eum of MS.MI end why farm work should be so laborious interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum coats of suit. and brntalizing as to reicl men from tilvri; and under my hand this 96th daw of August, use. June P. Joints, engaging m it. To say that there Is, A D, Justice of the Peace. Is to Impugu the inventive and Wm. B. Hughes, Attorney. pro grt stive genius iff the age. A1 ready grant advance have been made in the application of labor saving machinCourse by Mall with tbe ery? and still n hers ind greater are vet to be mads. In none la t he work Capital city done more independently of , COMXXRCIAL COLLKGK xacting clrcunirtanccs, or is the margin of Te Aictrtiu Our Collect leisure greater. And ret we have We will give a thorough course of in- - 9 at ruction In doubJu and single entry scarcely begun to leara ho nr to farm and commercial Arithmetic by mall, TmcISssigs. to a limitFar mors labor ia perform d than ed number of persona This course should be necessary, the result are will bo completed In 40 lessons, Mo charge for diplomas. Address are loo meug re, and enough matter Is wa led every ytar to fertilize the CAPITAL Commercial whole country, (loo of tiiesc days we P. O. Drawer b T..peka, Kan shall have gfiod rouda every w Lire: re do all (he hard work; rayaeeSWHTvwwmnsj inathl.fiy to rclentidu methods of fertilization, culture aad Irrigation; and not u:Jy two, hut two scon blades of grass growing wnere enly one hat grown tiefire. Then tlm farmerll life will lie ultra. t.s ire, his work easy, his profits great i and tte o' her two cuures of tie cityward drift which we have men I luued will lie so Tar overcome that a who'c-suui- '! Inralaablola Office, flahool, and ZToza a balance will be secured and preWeir from Cover to Cover served between the city and the Suorfttor fifth country. Hew York Tribune. "Cn bridged." r . dlree-tion- twenty-liv- i rf SUITS THAT SUIT - .Mafia hr- j&i Jes - JOHKION. WM. rum-her- lhe g h h h b k k JDARD FOOD ! HACK LljNTBS. Meets all trains. OIAYI OlDaaa AY TH BOYAOK EOV. e Veterinary Surgeon, a LIFT Rf MY CAKI WILL FBOP18LY ATTIXDXD . AAUfALS Uwrt T. Woods, Manager. FREE Scenic Line of the WorlJ. g Websters International Dictionary Slandaid nf tha I ff. Govt ic Offlee. tbe U. B. end Court, fiiprsine cf neariy ell the 1. f . imdbikcs lOEFAIY. ml. placed aad iuarea protection. Can M IMPBOTXD FARM AT IKiSOMADLI be worn wben de tired without observation nr BATES. baowldgo ot aaothsr and prerento diaagrcnblo SPAKIH YOBS, UTAH. arnovaBM under certain condition. If you . y um it oum you will never be without It. It ii ftlihful, safe and relUble friend whenever by zpeelal eirmuztuees rmjutrin 1U cause m Inherent in human needed um. It Is n article every woman nhould keep E. COCHRAN. jor Immedlste um It is simple to um nature, as that nature has been devel ready knit lDiplm eoofllvnce in the woman tiling it. oped in our present civilization. It It is reliable and aeiestiSesUy made, insures any protection without injury to nealth, asOpinmust be orercome, If al all. by truer xood JCttorney physlolM would ssy. We are of thowhich ion ever made been no article his thut Idrala and culture of life. The will higher women of give much Mtlsfsetloa to tho d, UTA- also, la difficu'l 4o deal today u tho udw' urn moticio", MANTI, Immense Mleo of this article is a substanThe both can lie In a with. But having kindergartens, fendants. This phase of the question mostly experimental," connected With wu ergnrd. publio schools. The entire work of HINOH MATTXBS. providing a special education for chilJames Perggroesl vs. C. C. Creer; ease dren from three to six years of age counthe Constitutional convention. In 1803 dlsmlwsd by stipulation at costs of de is still in thia stage in try. Contrast thia with France, where he received the nomination at the frndant. Henry Shields vs. Hercules kilning the teolet materneUet, begun by Oberlin handa ol the Republican convention Co.; demurrer argued and sustained in 1771, and given new life in 1828 by Salt Lake City, but was Plaintiff allowed to amend by Interleu-latio- Urns. Millet, have for Mayor substantially adoptdefeated by lha Liberal candidate, R. Defendant given tea days In ed the Frobelisn principle and practice, and had in an attendance of 4 If. Baskin, the present Incumbent ot which to answer. Openshaw vs. Hudson; demurrer overbetween the ages of three and six that office. Mr. Wells his been iwlre rated aid ten days farther given tn in a population only a that of appointed a member of tba board or answer. the United and a far States, having of wiuks Lake Salt his first public city, NXW CASES FILED. mailer proportion of young children. appointment coming from Mayor J.ll. Goodhos, trustee for Kate G Compared, however, with like moveScott In July, 1890, his etr i from VoIsh, hu commenced suit agaiuet D. C. ments to secure the education of a class, Mayor. Baskin In October, 189J. He Jagera and wire for $3,825 growing out or the adoption of a new system of served io the capacity of Recorder nf of the lease to defendant for 600 of sheep teaching, the kindergarten movement may fairly be considered unrivaled in Salt Laxe city freru 1882 to 1891', and and then mortgagee held by plaintiff. Gndrun Thorgelnon has commenced the history of national education. The for the past live years has been cashsalt John Thorgelrsor. They good Lord could not be everywhere, ier of the State Bank of Utah. Mr. were against married at Spa ulsh Folk, March therefore lie made mothers," said the Welle was married January 15. 1S80, to 20, 1888, and faava two children. She Jewish rabbi, familiar with the type of Mim Mary Elicabclh Beattie, who allege that OS Feb. 28, 1893, defendAnt Jewish motherhood which in Its sudied in October, 1888. On October 14, left her end aver alcee that time Ins preme manifestation at Nazareth has wilfully failed, neglected and nfmed to transfigured the office, estimate and in1882, he married Mrs. Teresa Clawson fnrnleh plaintiff end her children with fluence of womanhood throughout the 111s chier Cummings. diminution, ths nreeeaarlea of Ills. ' She s lieges thst civilized world. The cause of these however, has been achieved as tha he earns $50 a month and wants 815 k schools, rounding out the work and month care and or the the alimony funny man of an amateur theatrical children. supplementing the responsibility of dub la Salt Lake city. Albert 8ingleton hu filed hla answer mothers, rich or poor, has appealed tc In tbe salt of divorce brought against tho maternal Instinct of women, wherThat boll ou the posterior of Jour- him by llagar Singleton. He briefly ever it has been presented. The move nalism, tbe Balt Laka Weekly Argus, denies that on Dec. 10, 1888, or at any ment haa been essentially theirs. They other time, be and plaintiff were inter- have led it, supported its schools, offi wblclijjl along has been' one if the' married; and denies that hshueem ccred its associations and urged its agi most ardent supporters of Cliarlas mttted tbe crime of adn'.terv with Marne tation. The same work remains to be Crane for tbe nomination for govsinir, Clark ou April 7, 1895, or at any other done throughout the land. There ia Wutii Work. low sends u? a howl ot Joy at hie de- time. Heaavsthatheand Mama Clark not a city, a village or a hamlet which to notice given In nnr las! According were on April 5, 1895, and ever will not be the better for a feat tad erica crow" the press of "I nee mariled kindergarten Issue for the employes of ihe engcr far have bun and are now bnsbaud association. Experience haa amply tbe Territory. It la not surprising and wife. meet the coperlaif ndent at tin proved that these schools will never be ory tc that this thing without principle, polcn Tuesday rnornli g, a larpr nnr introduced or established savo by factory Bloomers Kut be Saggy. icy or pane, and whue sole mission on Difficulties havo aixlous crowd galhtrtd, v l:i) cliunad earth is to "stand In" with the win- - The Inevitable question as to bow far vanished. pressure. Teachers have multiplied. how auxioiia each wm to got ik intthlna nlog aide in buelnass, politics, society, the new woman may go In adopting the Expenses have been reduced. There is io do. But the aupcrlntriMlriit found ii religion or anjtutnji else, (for a con- attire of man has been precipitated lu needed only the personal effort India luiprrsille to give all work, and fur tlilr resroaiomu were dlscppolntrd. Turn sideration) It la not surprising that It Ian Frauelseo by Police Judga Chas. A pensable for general success and nk sueh should bo the rase is a pity. Th. venal adoption. should stultify Itaelf la thle Instance, Low. In his court chmate of Utah and her soil prreeuts onr Saturday he deeidsd of the beet plnere on earth to Im th. because that U Its regular business. that there Is a now Those Girls Loro One Another. point beyond which, If a beet, and ail that is la th. But that It should talk of "crow tu a woman strides In tanners, ehele guilty First Matnre Malden Mr. Smith sugar kind of Inducement tonwdrd he held ou tba cuiintiy press, when it would Itself of sn Infraction of the law. Tbe matter looks quite young and Jaunty since hie proper to men of means to nme here and hei a toon eat "crow" aa spring chicken, ,' eame up lu tba polios court. A piquant marriage, doesn't he? tart factories. But the people it Utah young woman, insisting that ebe had Second Mature Malden Yea, so he need not look for men nf mean to pruildad always that tbe lieodthat done nu wrong, gave dramatic Interest does. lie looks almost as young as he Just eo long bn llie bluer fight fed It tbe mesa was lined with the to the Issue, says an exohanga. on agaiuet the prevent factory by iun did when refused I him. He was Th was court's anomalous fractional or any other coin of the position wh) go np and down the territory ipesk-luthen. bifurcated gar- twenty-liv- e realm, is almost beyond belief end The point wasee,notarethat dlHreepeelful trims of uiei First Mature Maiden Indeed? I who iiihare Immodest and the ment. per made great sarrlliera to star reaches the climax of audacious wearlsg of them by women a violation had no Idea he was fifty. Truth. the factory here. Lehl Banner. of tha law, bnt that they are Improper Tho Beginning of It. and not to be worn when a scant amount Did Ton Beal It? material ia used in the making of "neniy, I have something to any to Fa want tn aes the Republican of them. In other words, tha judga ap- you." Ci i Connneretal The Capitol In the Utah by principle vindicated ro'Iegi "Go ahead, my dear. I am all rare." nos a card In this y proached the snbjHct with a yard stick paper offering Inotrne abction of tba eutlre ticket tins fall, and tapa Hue. lie did not know exactly "I know you are, but that doesn't ticu free to a namttr of peieon,' Dio because upon the decision at the polli how many yards Of Cloth It takes to keep j alter matters at all." Harper's Bazar, jcu read ill HUBER M. WELLS Was born In Salt Lake City, August In 1887 he wee secretary nf 11,18511. - naa londok I fhbdbich rsoxaxii, TIRNAIi TOWNSHIP SUIT, dont believe Mr. Cannon nr any Founder of the Kindergarten System. otbar man has tbe right so be at the After some petit juror proceedings same tjma a regulayljnominaled can cams os en interesting quo warranto ing charitable or religious atwocietimn to dissolve the township organim supporting kindergartens. In 188788, uldate for office and chairman of the cue tlonof Vernal. Plaintiffs and forty-si-x leaser places were named aa State commlttaa We call him down. claimed the harden of proof rested wu on deone or more . overcompetltlon. Tbe causes of this slate of things are varied. Seme ps'jple blame the railroad and (heir discriminating freight rates perhaps with some justice. S'jmeaaylt Is because farming means harder work and poorer pay than city businesses. Borne think It la t cause of the ruperier soolal and educatlaual advantaged of ther.hlcs. Some wy, and irost truly of all that the American haste to gst rich is responsible. The yonng man Is not content with the modest competence of hla fathers farm. He wantH to "make hla pile", ind to make It quickly. Bo bo uits the fa:m for theeity. Thin ON Improved Farms. seixr two-thir- ds "' COKlfABT, glUPIL Pri-.it-- Bcboolbouka. , H' Winaly rmn- - j wmaited ly ( BuperiuteuCvnla (f Schools, trU ( c.lier Filneetors al-without nuns-- fx j Tin only lies raoning two tbroagk Trains Rally t LEIDYILLE, ASFBN, PUEBLO, COLOR 4DO SPRINGS ani DENVER Train Xn. 2 iaxvss Ojlen 7 Ml n. 8'l( Lake 8:05 a. tn., arrive at Puebla 6:18 s. m , Colorado Sprints 71 a. nwror loan a. n. - a. Train Ha 4 Ijsvos O.fisn 6JS p. StHLoka 7:41 p. 5:27 p. iff , Ujlnrado 8,rlnffi 0:53 p. ai s Dourer 9:25 p. m. Ci nuretlous juvls at Paebl i. Color-- ., t 'iprlufis anil Denver with all Hum ta- . Klwant Dty Couehee, Chair Cats a.l Pullman Slerptrs on all tratwt. Tavi the D & R G aud havs a eomromhl tr a aud rnjjy the finest sseierji ou the - Short! Hu to Cripple Crsak.Cai.-rado'Greateat Gold Canip. A.B.nUtiHKV S. K. HOOPER Traffis Mir. G.P. AT. A. Dsivcr, Cuicrafio. A F. KEVINB, Genetal lfsnf, . Balt Lika CIlj, Utob. H. If. CUSirNG, T. P. A. Bill Lska City, Utak. her. BECAUSE fj And tbe word wanted. WMcractwnthdraamriBlpiwbMicolfbMi BBcy i lTrSbub ?3S35SWfl!?W.w It le easy te ascertain the proauedatlea. uhow tuoads sn IsugM la tb It is srey to trace the growth cf pohUs J J cWEAISliSK C0PYRIQHT8.' word, tlmetviiiolngtas sixcnnyMs and srKnWI. tad t ths meaning, swiml hs. srqalv4 are yirvu la tbs wi cl ift.fr growUi from Un ront R lz eery te learn what a word ineene. ESSsSSP8! SSSKBB' O. A c. UERSIAMCO., Puhllahtn, UpriqgSeld, 3f eee., a V. 9. A. paem. tea, MBtaa apyUsellmi. 'Dsaatbaysaasynydatiaf aaWaM adlMsea. 000000000000004041 n, n., arrive at Pu.,i THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY It Ii ,ut hkSwi s |