Show liarrity Very Busy Philadelphia Sept a National Democratic Dem-ocratic cnair man WJlllarn K 1 Harrity was today shown arr Interview with siitiHinr lray WhO bays he favors Pres rclunl i Cleveland lor ti third term Mr Harrity bald Personally 1 think Mr Cleveland does not wish to be a candidate and would decline the nomination I I nomi-nation When asked whom ho favored with Mr Cleveland out of the race Mr Harrity said he was very busy and had not time to talk politics M cnubbeiiui Lila inventor of tho rlllo ot that imino which bus killed bo many iiuolilt luuus a very piacetul life at Nlcu lie does not permit hunting on his premises pre-mises unit Is un unUiuslusiio member of tile boclHty for lire 1rovunllon of cruelty to Children r |