Show REFUSED TO RETRACT Two Shots Fired at I New Orleans Newspaper Man New Orleans Sept 9D C OMalley proprietor of tho City Item while crossing Champ street In front of the Picayune olllce about I oclock this morning was shot at twice by W B Stnnsbery formerly a reporler on the TimesDemocrat Yesterdays Item contained a scath ing article on Stansbery This morn lag Stansucry met OMalley and demanded de-manded that aretractlon ot lire offensive offen-sive article be made OMalley refused to retract anything the Item had Bald Stansbery then fired two ineffectual shots at OMalley who was unarmed The police came on the scene and Slnnsbery was arrested and afterwards released by the Recorder on a bond of f ssin |