Show JEALOUS MANS AWFUL GRIME Butchered Two Women and Attempted Suicide Horrible Crime Committed by a Jealous Jeal-ous Husband at Indianapolis Tho Trial of E S Crocker at Evanston Judge Hnyford of Larauno Will Preside Testimony for Durrani Railroad Official Under Arrest Indianapolis Sept 9Lomi Hooker mum ronmoulder murdered his wife tonight jy cutting her throat He also attempted at-tempted to Kill Airs Kmmu Pees shashlng her about the head and face with n razor making wounds from which It is believed she will nol recover Mrs Pees run screaming Into the street covered with blood She presented pre-sented a terrible sight und a crowd of excited people quickly gathered Hooker Hook-er made all attempt to escape and stepped to the front door with the bloody razor In his hand Seeing that it would be Impossible to do so on account ac-count of the crowd of excited men who had gathered about the doors he made some remark about killing the first man who attempted to lay hands on him and then cut his own throat The act was witnessed by a number of people peo-ple The blood spurted from the wound and the man after staggering about for a few minutes fell The crowd started for him but he arose and held them al bay with the razor lIe then left lire house and ran three squares followed by a great crowd When Elizabeth Eliza-beth street was reached lie got on a streetcar where he was caught by Patrolman Bolan Mrs Hooker after receiving the terrible terri-ble wound started for the city hospital which is only a short distance from tho scene of the tragedy After taking a few steps she fell and died in a few minutes Hooker and Mrs Pees had In the meantime been taken to the hospital and the doctors believe that both are fatally injured Jealousy was the cause of the tragedy tra-gedy Hooker believed his wife from whom he was separated was not living as she should and he resolved to kill her The crime was prernedllated and he lay in wait all tho afternoon for the opportunity which came about 6 oclock |