Show DEPLETED GOLD RESERVE NO DEPOSIT FROM THE BOND SYNDICATE Reserve Has Now Fallen to 07710 772 but the Treasury Officials are not Alarmed Naval Promotions Washington Sept 9The gold reserve re-serve today was further depleted by the loss of 1200000 withdrawn for export ex-port from the New York subtreasury This leaves the reserve at lire close of business 97710772 The treasury olll clals have received no Information of contemplated gold deposits by New York banks as reported yet they have no doubt that tho syndicate will very soon make good the losses below 100 000000 For this reason when questioned I ques-tioned they say they have no apprehension appre-hension for the future As to the real purposes of tho syndicate with regard to speedy action they have no olllclal or reliable information Patti has found a method of entertain IIIR while sparing her voice At her I CralKynos castle last week puo played tho title role In tho dumb show piece oalled ICwiUo tiro Enchantress being generous enoutiii however to clo with a song b |