Show HEBER M WELLS Was born In BIt Lake City August 111850 In 1887 he was secretary of the Constitutional convention In 1802 he received the nomination ut the 1 hands ot the Republican convention for Mayor of Salt Lake City but wa defeated by thn Liberal candidate IL N Daukln the present Incumbent of that ol lee Mr Wells has been twice Appointed a uiomher of the hoaid of public wiuki of Salt Luke city his first appointment coming from Mayor Scott in July 1800 his second from Wuyor Buskin in October 1693 He l red in the ipilclty of Recorder of Salt LaWu city from 1882 to 1890 and for tho past live years has been cashier cash-ier uf the Site Bank of Utah Mr J Wells wiis married January 151380 to MilS Mary Elizabeth Dealt who died In October 1888 Oo October 14 1B92 ho married Mrs Teresa Clawson Cuinmlnga lib chief diminution lionrver hal been achieved ui thu funny man ot an amateur theatrical club ID Salt Lake city |