Show AN ARKANSAS FEUD Two Prominent Families May Wipe Each Other Out Pine Bluff Ark Sept 10An attempted at-tempted assassination occurred near Dumas Ark last Saturday that Is connected with the most sensational features and may be the cause of great bloodshed among two highlyconnect ed families and their friends In Deslm county this State Late on the night or July 4th when Miss Sadie Seamons the daughter of Joshua Seamons a prominent citizen returned from an entertainment en-tertainment and was about to retire In her room Isaac Bankston who was enamored of her stepped as Rim alleges al-leges from a closet In which he had concealed himself The young lady screamed and when her parents appeared ap-peared they saw Bankston run away with a pistol In his hand He escaped and was Indicted for attempted burglary assault and rape with Intent IQ kill Returning Friday last he surrendered sur-rendered to the authorities He was waylaid Saturday and shot at by the father and brothel of Miss Seamons as he says This statement was partly verified by letlers and telegrams to States Attorney C M Martin of this city who wired the Sheriff of Desha county to arrest all parties to prevent bloodshed The friends of Miss Seamons claim that her rejection of young Bank stan as a suitor goaded him to the actor act-or entering her room for the purpose of compromising her while the young man asserts that he came by appointment appoint-ment Young Bankston Is the son of Isaac Bankston who was killed while Sheriff of Desha county In an Impromptu duel at Arkansas City some years ago by Judge Coates who also fell dead The duel was Iho outcome of a quarrel between be-tween lire two men over a negro girl Young Bankston has many friends who believe his statement and they will protect him with their lives Tile friends of both parties are determined and are said to have become so deeply Interested In the affair that a prolonged and bloody feud is among lire possibilities possibili-ties |