Show LOCAL BREVITIES Tile Excelsior store la being cmb ll Ished I with a coat ot paint The City council held its regular I meeting last Tuesday evening The Young Mens Coop In erecting nnotncr now bulfjiutf their Jot rrii s eoiumorciul tourist Is beginning to appear in considerable cumbers Sixty duo baptisms took place at the Weetlnjihuuso on Thursday Septem bar Ctb TAU settlement was favored with a little rain the other l1aya hint of TTbatmiuhtbc Tlie Spanish Fork choir will give a dance at the pavllhon touiiflii rite K phl Orcbennt will furnish music School was opened In the Mpthodist I buildniRon the bench last Monday with Miss Katie Miles of Paystm as teacher The Young Ladles Mutual Improve lent association held a 1 mooting lathe la-the pivllllon last Ivcnini There wan a large attendance It Is reported Uiiit Malcolm ITutthrs liar purchased the merryo round Which wax hero several weeks since paying therefor 1200 An educatlolal merlin will be Md In thu vavullon tomorrow evening fief Stewart of Ball LtO will be > pros cut > und deliver an addrats Mnrlnus Liljenqulst li I suffering s with several badly lacerated auger tlptjduo to a too Intimate acquaint anew with a knlfu grinding luaohlnn t Jake ShON t r f Mrs J A Trlforcl of Urallrl Juno tinn Colo will address the people at the pavilliou Monday ocniuu on SV OT U work and kindred subjects EVeryone is cordially invited The Utah county cominllton ol Um I State Irrlttatlon society mot Friday in I t Provo and oonllrmpd the appointment i of the following precinct onioera for bpaniehl Fork Henry Gardner president presi-dent l8iij Argyle vice president John Moore secretary The Democrats held a primary nt the iiavllllon Wednesday evpnltiK to sylectdnlpgiitis to the Judicial convention conven-tion at Provo tomorrow The followIng follow-ing ton were chosen Messrs Wm B Huulies Wm Creer T 0 Crcer D T Lewis J P Jones J W Thomas Rees I I James and Mesdames Win Grpor JasIIutchlson and Alfred Hccs The three alternates arc Messrs Alfred KcuRDR Avails und Mr EllzubHh CbUhohP While at Mercer this week Llout Orccr mou Gen Penmsu of Fort Douglas Doug-las who stated that there was a poser blllty of the regulars at that post commit to this city on their annual mardi but nothing definite was known as yet Gnn Peiiroso extended cordial cor-dial invitation to the men of Troop D to visit i the Fort and assured the Lieutenant that their calls would bu made as pleasant as possible and expressed ex-pressed himself us desirous of assisting the militia to perfect its organization Incveiy way tu his power |