Show SPARKS FROM THE WIRES The tenth biennial convention of the supreme council of the Order of Chosen Friends convened at Cleveland The Pope has approved the nomination nomina-tion of Rev Dr Kennedy as rector of 4 the American college at Rome Richard Mansfield is dangerously ill With typhoid fever and may not be able lo appear on the stage this season 4 sea-son sonThe The will of Susan W Talmage wife of Rev T Dewlll Talmage was ad rnllled to probate The estate Is valued at 100000 and is left to her husband An agreement has been entered Into between German and British steamship companies under which there will be a considerable advance In freight and passenger rates to America Tho Catholic university at Washing ton has decided to admit women as I pupils in all lire higher studies embracing em-bracing courses in science philosophy and tho arts but they will not be permitted per-mitted t secure degrees The Comptroller of the Currency has declared dividends in favor of the credi tors of Insolvent national banks as follows I fol-lows National Bank of Kansas City Mo 15 per cent Linn County National I bank of Albany Or 10 per cent 1 At Hennessey Okla a Cheyenne In dlan Mouse Trail received 100 lashes I on his bare back and was banished I from the tribe for brutally assaulting Violet Manny daughter of Chief Man ny on lire Cantene reservation Saturday Satur-day dayA A fire which originated In a barn destroyed de-stroyed the extensive plant of the Santa 1 San-ta Clara Mill and Lumber company at San Jose Cal valued at 150000 three S flats two dwellings and lire contents of all The total loss Is 176000 Insurance Insu-rance 85000 Tho Sovereign Grand Lodge of the J Independent Order of Odd Fellows will > I nreel at Atlantic City N J next i Tuepday Nearly 200 members are in lud < In the supreme body and representatives rep-resentatives of the grand lodges throughout tendance the country will be in at j t |