Show NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES List Thursday the Lnhi sugar factory started up The starting of this ludusi try moans the distribution of some 200000 unions the people of Utah Jeff Morrison of Salem died very suddenly sud-denly Tuesday moraine about 8 clock of heart disease Ho was a strong hearty man of nnnsnnl physique and was well known In this community Tho funeral took place Wednesday afternoon being conducted by tho I 00 F of which the deceased was a member The priesthood of tho stake held its regular monthly meeting today frost dent Partrulgn spoke on irrigation and thN law oftltMlng After the meeting amass a-mass meeting on Irrigation was hplll with G D Glazier In the otmlr I anil J W Bean feuretary Presllfltit Part ridge was annnlmouuly elected to ropre sent this county at the Albuquerque cnn < rses bigluui rg on the 20th lust Money was rllltPII to help defray the expenses ex-penses Provn Inquirer |