Show Bloomer Must ks Baggy The Inevitable question nn to how far the new woman may go In adopting the attire of man has been precipitated III 8an Francisco by Police Judge Guns A Low In his court Saturday he decided that there Is a point beyond nhlch If a n woman strides trctisoresho guilty of an infraction of the law Tuo matte catno up In the police court A piquant young woman insisting that she hat done no wrou gave dramatic Interee to the issue says an exchange The courts position was Anomalous The point Val not that bifurcated gar icentR per fe are immodest nnd the wearlug of them by women u violation of the law but that they ore improper and not to bo worn when scant amount of material is used iu tho making oC them In other worth the jtidge approached ap-proached the subject with a yardstick and tape Hue lie did not know exactly how many yards of cloth It takes to keep J a woman on tho Legal nldn ot propriety but ho Instated luvertheleba that tlreri Is a dividing line Two jaids mrfde Itll 1 I fur on ten for xniuplo might be tic roper thing while otto yard pcrhapc would render the ilder liable to arrest It wan a delloatn question hut In the Case bflfnro him Judge Jjw decided that he had tho right to say I hit tha young woman had not used oufilcleut material in tho making of her attire The dei Audant who was nn attractive tall blonde had glvitn her name as Ma > Smith and eho insisted that tlmt was her troD name A few days ago flue camo to San Francisco from Sacramento With iwo young womeu friends Him saw San Francisco and saw it In bloomers So he Sacramento girl consented to don trousers and other maacullie attire True no Miss May Smith insisted lu court there were laces and pleats and thinKs aa evidence that she was not really as mannish as she rppeared Ulin expected exoneration In the pot cp court believing that the judiciary of a big city would be up to date on the question of woman bebloomcred strides toward her larger sphere nut Judge Lo < v believe that a woman should ha known by tlie clothes she wears lIe was going to put her In prison and compel her lo wear a dress but ho rilented confiscated her trounera to tho state and dismissed her with a solemn lecture on ethics dress making and the law |