Show TRIAL OF E S CROCKER Defense Charges Bias and Judge Hnyford Will Preside Evanston Wyo Sept 91he case of the StKto vs Edwin S Crocker for the murder of Harvey Booth last January Janu-ary came before the District court today to-day Judge Jesse Knight presiding The lawyers for tile defense Judge Corn und J I Kick man of Evanston and Judge Vandevanter of Cheyenne presented pre-sented the sworn affidavit of E S Crocker stating that It was his firm conviction that ho could not obtain a fair trial before the presiding Judge owing to bias Judge Knight Immediately Immedi-ately assigned the case to Judge Hay ford of Laramie and wired lire gentleman gen-tleman to lhat effect Judge Hayford will start tonight which will bring him here tomorrow at noon The trial will probably commence Wednesday as both sides state they are ready It Is stated that defendants defend-ants lawyers object to Sheriff Ward as the one to serve venires in the case he having been BO zealous in his endeavors endeav-ors to place the crime on Crocker Prosecuting Attorney Hamm will be assisted by Cyrus Beard of Evanston < and Judge M C Brown of Laramie J |