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Show For the Advancement of Spanish Fork, Utah County and Utah Territory, and the Free Coinage of Silver and Fair Legislation. FORTIER IN RE. $3 PEE, TEAS, IN ADVANCE. SPANISH FOHK, UTAH, lfltlDAY, SEPTUM liKli 13, 1895. YOL.K1. UTAH MOONSHINERS' . I AN ILLICIT DISTILL EEY RAIDED IN liE 7IER COUNTY. Still Located In a Demote Mountain la Operation for Years Makers of While Eye in Jail. today, with her daughter Bessie. She TWO WIVES AND TWO NAMES. JEALOUS MAN'S AWFUL GRIME told the story of Holmes's movements, her over the particularly in leading country while he was making away with her children. She identified her Inoffenslvo Negroes Massa- son Howards overcoat, and was pros- - Startling Developments upon Butchered Two Women and t rated by grief. Mrs. Pletsel first described the garment she packed In Sepcred by a Florida Mob. an Arrest Made Here. Attempted Suicide. tember last It was then shown to' her. She burst into lamentations, and said: la poor Howards coat; oh, 1 must Under the First Name He Married In Horrible Crime Committed by z JealThirty Masked Men Opened Fire it him." With Rifles Killed Two and Mrs. Pletsel was so distracted that ous Husband at Indianapolis Tha Sterling, Sanpete County, and UnInvestigation was suspehded. In Wounded a Dozen Attempted As- the Trial of E. S. Crocker at Evanston an interview, Mrs. lietzei said ; that der the Second He Married in Salt sassination in Arkansas Crocker she would like to take Holmes by the Lake and Moved to Chester Story Judge Hayford of Laramit Will Trial at Evanston Charged That throat, not to kill him, for I could of a Double Life and Fraudulent Preside Testimony for Durrant nut commit murder, but I want to see the Sheriff Is Prejudiced. Railroad Official Under Arrest. Acquisition of Property. ilm punished.' , FLORID NEGROES KILLED. - Llclifleld, Utah, Sept. 7 W. J. Carter, aged about So, and Samuel D. Jiiuwn, aged Ml, both of whom have families living in juzcpn City, Sevier county, are conllned In the county Jail at Kicnneld cnarged with Illicit the arieai was made Iasi 'iiiuieday by Deputy L. b. Murshal W. J. lieu ii, no opposition being oltered by For many yearn iiilur e wliue-cyhuS been a common aiiiung ibe mineis aud stockmen In me mountains about Josepn uity, uud It has been known lluil muonshln-ei- s were operating In that district. the Deputy ilean bus been working on succase lor some weeks, but did not ceed lu locating a plant until this week. All day Wednesday was spent by the Marshal in a lone search for the game, and on mat day he met Carter aud procured from him a half pint bottle of the moonshine whisky. Toward noon the officer got wind of the still's" whereabouts, and requested three different residents of the locality to accompany him aa guides and witnesses. All refused, and tha Marshal then realized that he could not depend on the denizens of the mountains for aid. All of Wednesday night was spent In the search, and Anally about noon on Thursday Marshal Bean surprised Brown at work. Ths plant in-Is situated In a secluded spot almost accessible except on foot, back In the mountains about two miles from the nearest habitation, and twelve miles from Joseph City. As he approached, the officer heard the sound of wood In the chopping, and came upon Brownfurnace. act of providing fuel fur the A loaded shotgun stood conveniently near, and this was the first property did appropriated by the olilcer. Brown not try to escape, and In answer to questions, he stated that he did not own the still, but that he had leased It from Jeff Carter, and was working It on shares. That he was working it was apparent from the stream of liquor which dripped from the worm barrel. No buildings Into a forty-gallo- n of any kind were In sight, but In camp barrels, were eighteen forty-gallo- n were filled with mash .eight of which with and wheat chopped and the others shorts in cruder form. Brown said keg of "white-eye- " there was a near by, and the two men started In search of It, but the officer grew suspicious of his prisoner's actions and concluded to proceed with him at once to Jail. At Joseph City Carter was arrested, and found to be heavily armed, though no resistance was made. At midnight, after securing his prisoners In the ltlchileld Jail, Bean returned to the mountain and found the distillery had been destroyed. No trace of the worm could be found, but the boiler was discovered broken In pieces and - concealed In the brush near by. This as obtained- and brought to this city" the same day. A quantity of white-eyela also In poBseaaion ox the Mar-sha- L liquid and It is a purethewhite cultivated taste very palatable to Tomorrow consumers. of Its regular will be taken morning the two prisoners to Provo, where they will have a hearDudley. When ing before Commissioner Brown denied seen In Jail yesterday, the operation of any connection with was merely chopthe aim, saying he arping poles for hisIs own house when reticent, and has rested. Carter nothing whatever to say regarding his connection with the affair. Thre are known to be other such Illicit plant district, and lifing operated in the same thinks he Deputy U. S. Marshal Bean haM two others definitely located. Bank Wrecker Surrenders. ' Chicago, Sept. 10. Frank C. Nlehoff, an alleged walked into the office of the Clerk of the Criminal Court last evening and surrendered himself to the authorities. For over two years Nlehoff has been a fugitive from Justice, he and hie brother Otto, who ie still In parts unknown, being charged with the wrecking of the N le-huff bank of tills city. When the hank closed Its doors the assets were $5175, the liabilities Receiver Jaeger In his report, charged Otto and Prank Nlehoff with N0.52 crossing Champ street In front of the Picayune office about 8 oclock thle morning, wae ehot at twice by W. B. Stansbery, formerly a reporter on the Ti Yesterday's item contained a scathing article on Stansbery. This morning Stansliery met O'Malley and demanded that a"retractlon of the offensive article be made. OMalley refused to retract anything the Item had said; Stansbery then fired two ineffectual shots at O'Malley, who wae unarmed. The police came on the scene and Stansbery was arrested and afterwards released by the Recorder on a bond of $250. TRIAL OF E. 8. CROCKER Defense Charges Bias and Judge Salt Lake City, Utah, September H) Westvllle, Fla., Sept. 10. Vaster Jay Indianapolis. Sept. 9. Lon Rooker, an Hayford Will Preside. IroiiiuoulUei-- murdered his wife tonight murultur two nrxroee were shut to An. arrest was made In this city yesWyo., Sept. 9. The case her throat. He also at- ofEvanston, by death slid several wounded by a band cutting Marshal tbe State vs. Edwin S. Crocker, for terday by Deputy Tluimony tempted to kill Mrs. Emma Fees, of masked men In the northern portion which developed a startling case of de- shunning her about the head and lace the murder of Harvey Booth last Janutoof Holmes county. The tragedy ocwith a lazor, making wounds from ary, came before tbe District court The ception and crime. curred near a large sawmill, which Is Knight presiding. D, D. Lefevre has lived In Sterling, which it is belieted she will not reeoter. day, JudgefurJeese ths defense, Judge Corn owned by Graves A Beatty. The nrm Fees run screaming Into the lawyers Sanpete county, about two years; not Mrs. and J. H. Rickman of Evanston and blood. covered preShe street, employs many negroes and operates a with Yandevanter of Cheyenne, prelong after coming there he wooed and sented a terrible short railroad from the sawmill to the of Judge sight and a crowd sented the sworn affidavit of E. 8. won for hie wife a widow named Mrs. excited people quickly river. A freight car had been lilted up gathered. Hook- Crocker, that it warn his firm with bunks, and In this about thirty $120,-1Mary Ellen Westfall. With her he lived er made an attempt to escape and convictionstating he could not obtain a that negroes slept. to the door tlie with front In all apparent happiness and comfort, stepped fair before the presiding Judge, trial About 1 o'clock yesterday morning razor in hand. his bloody that Seeing marred only by frequent absences from It would be to bias. Judge Knight Immedithe car in which the negroes were embezzling $511.114. Impossible to do so, on ac- owing home, which Mr. Lefevre accounted for count of the crowd of exulted men who ately assigned the case to Judge Hay-for- d sleeping was surrounded by masked Laramie, and wired the genmen, who immediately opened fire with Denver Woman Murdered. , by saying he was in tha (fettle business had gathered about the doors, hs made tlemanof to that effect. Judge Hayford Winchesters. The negroes were awa10. William Hose, an with Mr. Saunders of Balt Lake, and some remark about killing tha first Denver, Sept. kened to find messengers of death undertakers' assistant, shot and mor- he man who attempted to lay hands on will start tonight, which will bring him to see had about and collecting whistling all about them. The shots him and then cut his own throat. Ths here tomorrow at noon. wounded Mrs. Phillip Kuhn this The trial will probably commenoe and the screams of ths negroes brought tally shipping the animals. act was witnessed by a number of peoforenoon shot He lour home. her at her as both sides stats they of white a number man Graves, Beatty and Wednesday, Within called a ths The blood from year the wound ple. ran past In and He times the back. spurted are ready. It is stated that defenemployees who live near to the scene, although closely pursued byaway, tha and after Johnson man, about became a in Henry staggering crowd, acquainted and then the masked men fled. Exlawyers object to Sheriff Ward aa to reload hie revolver and this city with Mrs Caroline M, Han- for a few minutes, fell. The crowd dants amination showed that Henry Johnson managed the one to serve venires in the case, he rearoee for started be held but will and He in himself mouth. him, shot the and after due courtship he mar- them at and Bam Evans, negroes, had been cover. was the cause of the son, bay with the razor. He then having been eo zealous in his endeavkilled, and that a dozen had been crime. Jealousy woman were each ried her in Ogden un May 16th last. left the houee and ran three squares, ors to place the crime on Crocker. He and the die. The will some of whom wounded, Prosecuting Attorney Hamm will be She had some property, and aa guardi- followed by a great crowd. When Elisa$5 years old. The womans bus-bafreight car had been riddled by bul- about Is Phillip beth street was reached ha got on a assisted by Cyrus Heard of Evanston Kuhn, license Inspector. an of minor children by her first hus- street-calets. r, where he was caught by and Judge M. C. Brown of Laramie. band she was In charge of valuable The attack has eo terrorized the neI Patrolman Bulan. at Chester, In Sanpete county. groes that they have refused to work REGISTRATION FIGURES. Mrs. Booker, after receiving the terriEugene realty for Graves A Beatty longer, and today shot hie paramour, Ly- - Not long after the i.iarrlnge the couple ble wound, started for the city hospital, about fifty of the sawmill hands Wilson, tailored, twice Williams, today and then went to live In Chester. Mr. Johnson which Is only a short distance from the Over Eight Thousand Women Enreached this place. It la thought the dia himself In the head, dying Instant- was frequently away from home, stay- scene of the tragedy. After taking a rolled In This City. attack had been Instigated by white shot The woman will recover. Jealousy few steps she fell and died in a few men who had been discharged by the ly. Salt Lake City, Utah, September 8. ing for some time, alleging that he had minutes. cause. was the Rooker Mrs. Pees and had owners of the plant 320 acres of land at Sterling, where he in the meantime been taken to the County Registrar Wilson yesterday Fort Sheridan. at was feeding a lot of cattle, and that hospital, and the doctors believe that finished the checking-u- p Tragedy of ths regisAFRAID OF THE SHERIFF. 10. Private Thomas his business necessitated hie personal both are fatally Injured. Chicago, Sept. tration hooka There were over sight Coffee of the Fifteenth regiment, Uni- attention to Jealousy was the cause of the tra- thousand women enrolled and more this and other allied matCrocker Claims ths Officer Is Preju- ted States army, was shut and killed gedy. Hooker believed hla wife, from than a thousand new Edmunds-Tucke- r diced Against Him. by sentinel J. M. Kress at Fort Sheri- ters. He attended faithfully to these whom he was separated, was not living oaths taken. Comparative figures with as she should, and he resolved to kill last year were unobtainable. In n today, while attempting to escape absences. Evanston, Wyo., Sept. 10. Judge dan from the guard-hous- e. Mrs. Hanson, now Mrs. Johnson, In her. The crime was premeditated and number of precincts the total enrollHayford of Laramie arrived at noon tohe lay In wait all the afternoon for the ment was so far ahead of that at the the pursuance of her guardianship, day and at I o'clock opened court and which cams about 6 final closing of the books on October 8, for and obtained from the P DEMANDS OF WOOL GROWERS, CrockS. case E. of with the proceeded oclock. gj court of Sanpete county an order opportunity, 1894, that the Registrar considered the continthe er. The Impaneling of Jury to sell certain real estate at private figures unsafe to calculate upon. In ued throughout the afternoon, and at sale. Ae is usual in such cases, sealed RESULT OP FAMILY TROUBLES. one precinct, for Instance, the registraI p. m. eleven qualified Jurors were In DEMOCRATIC MISTAKES MUST bids were received. The best tion was 425 above the total of last was that BE CORRECTED. the box. The defenee up to this time of Mr. Lefevre, above referred to, despite the fact that there were Veteran Shoots His Wife and year, had used two of their peremptory chalonly 181 new oaths A true estimate $4000; he said that In payment he would Army of the total registration cannot bo given Attempts Suicide. lenges, while the prosecution had used turn over to her husband, Henry Johnthree of theirs and had exhausted the Resolutions Adopted by ths Idaho son, beef steers to the amount of the Clinton, I1L, Sept 9. John Capllnger until after the books art finally panel. Association W hat Free Wool Has bid, and from him aha could get the attempted to kill his wife by firing two closed. from instructions at her and then plated tha reThe Jurors, after In view of the fact that some misCost the Industry Other Subjects. money when the steers were sold. In shots to his right temple and sent the Judge, retired under care of court understanding has got abroad in reshort time afterward Johnson in- volver ball InInto his officers. Judge Vandeventer, for the dehead. la au Capllnger gard to the qualifications for voting on formed his wife that he had received mate of Soldier's home at Quincy. the Constitution fense, made a motion asking the court and the State offlcersL the steers from Lefevre, and would He caine the Boise, Ida., Sept. 10. The Idaho on home to dispose of Sheriff Ward and substia few hie ago Mr. Wilson desires It stated that there , days her the money aa soon as he association held an interesting pay to tbe National tute some disinterested party to serve way at encampment le one only restriction. Every voter la them. He represented himself as Louisville. and his wife and required the venires for further Jurors. He based meeting and transacted a large amount sold to have lived one year In the large cattle shipper,! out was now sFa chUd-e- n, Capllnger did live nut the plea on the ground that Sheriff of business. The question of the asso- a harmoniously The usual precinct and conn- - ' Territory. tired of business the wAg1. Ward had been largely Instrumental In ciation assisting to defray the expegses n joen-ve- r. au i his visit here at this la omitted. That la tha ty qualification the pnMouuMi oi l L.ZI. Zk. hhwisi. causing the indictment to be f ownd of. He said he was going to Boston, effect aM! cattle-killin- g a reconciliation. His wife and' pSbtlnCVU in be arrested for Lung an was of 24 also o he article that the new Coustltutlon. Crocker; and to against go along as far children would not consent to his re- The oath came up on the report of the as wanted his wife is as follows: Important witness for the prosecution, valley required where she could Denver, and turn. and consequently biased and prejudiced committee to which the matter was look over the place while he stay sworn, on oath went on Sunday Mrs Capllnger was standing Blank, Ibeingam duly referred. The committee reported that to Boston. She a mala cltlaen of against the defendant and startstock-ment over In agreed, front the ths coat would they the the leaning gate, yard United the flatprosecution on a and tha 5th day of States, Judge Hayford, after paying In the neighborhood of $00. Af- ed from this city for Denver on August and her husband was standing behind November, 1Z6, will be over 21 years of tering tribute to Sheriff Ward, in which 21st, doto He him her. entreated her was take decided to It age; that I am now a resident of the he said that Ward was an officer sec- ter consideration He refused. of drew she but cause then of and to $150 resided back, have the the nate aid Territory there Utah, A STARTLING DISCOVERY. Long ond to none In the Stats either aa to a revolver and placing It at her head, continuously since the fth day of NovemAfter their departure It was In some clicked the trigger, efficiency or honesty, mentioned the Valley stockmen. UM." ber, which drew Mrs. was Senator the Shoup During day fact that there were no sections of the that Johnson and Had women been allowed to vote, ' for. The Senator responded and way discovered attention, when she grabbed statutes that would Jutslfy his repla- sent are one and the same man; that Capllngere arm. He hie i the association would have fallen under the opeand addressed the pulled they trigger briefly, cing Ward with any other person, curing the members of hie Interest In he had a wife In Sterling, as first sta- fired at her back. The ball struck a ration of article 4 of the Constitution, ted and a or child three four whereupon Judge Brown, for the proseweeks In which saved steel her her he corset, and their describing tha qualifications of voters stating that cution, arose and in opposing the mo- would welfare, not determined In article 24. In view do everything In his power for old: that he was not eligible to matri- life. tion to depose Sheriff Ward Insisted the advancement mony when he wedded Mrs Hanson, children house heard The in the the their of the fact that there Is some talk of Industry. that said motion be put in writing and An interesting discussion took place and that his bid on and payment for two shuts and ran out Just In time to of from the decision of the Susupported by affidavit. His HonorS said over the shearing question, comparison the Sanpete land she had in her con- grab their father's arm aa he pulled the appealing of the Territory to the he would hear the argument at this being made between the hand and the trol was a fraud; that he had taken' trigger when sent a ball into his own preme court Supreme court of the United States aw the to as stock and Johnson Sterling, evening. on arm hie The head. Mr. stated work. the machine that changed Ormehy the suffrage question, it may be of Ue executed bills of sale of them to direction ofJerk His Honor opened court at 8:80 p. the ball so that it did not terest band of sheep at Casper, Wyo., was had to note that the following sepaLefevre. m. and prepared to hear arguments on divided, half le there sheared at fatal not hand once, prove though Conference. by being rate oath Is required of the women: Alabama Silver the question of Sheriff Ward's removal and the other half by machine. The Judge Johnson of Spring City, on dis- much hope of his recovery. on L W. B. 9. oath, swear (or affirm) In the case. E. B. Crocker appeared machine, he stated, saved the cost of covering these sensational Birmingham, Ala., Sept facta, at George Capllnger served as a Union that at the next election I will be of the ewora to an affidavit setting forth shearing In the Increase in the amount once located the deceived and betrayed soldier John, member ol the Legislature tofrom and e In (XI) years and upKentucky cavalry regiment see of twenty-onthe the woman at Colorado Springs and re- during thea war. tills county, who was a delegate Ward was biased and pre- of wool secured. that war was wards, and will have been a citizen of the he plea After has silver conference, on Immediate her return hie quested United the Washington very States him, In for of whereupon chief for a judiced resolution The against police committee, composed ninety (IW) days, Ky., She started at number of years. Bhelbyvllle, called a State Silver Democratic con- Honor prepared to hear argument upon of F. It. Gooding, F. J. Hagert. Important business. Twelve years ago he and have resided in the Territory of John once, of carrythe one came for and purpose Ltah In (1) conJohnson also. the county of Salt ference here year, along came to Clinton with his family. He McMillan and A. B. Clark, then requestion. After considerable of the the to ask the court ported. The report was unanimously Judge Johnson met the train and came has been an Inmate of the home at Lake four (4) months, and In blank prewas sultation It ing out the recommendation agreed the woman aa far as Provo on Sun- Quincy for three years and also draws cinct sixty (IQ days Washington meeting to organise a to defer the hearing until adopted. It will be forwarded to Ida- with movement in this Bute for silver. In Congress The day night, and next morning filed when both sides would be prepared. a pension. ho's representatives from received have been Letters effect of the free-wo- suit In the court there In her behalf to the resolutions recite SPARKS FROM THE WIRES, acto vacate on realty sale Lefevre, Senators Morgan and Pugh, Congressclause of the Democratic tariff count ofthe AN ARKANSAS FEUD. willful fraud. She la also try- RAILROAD OFFICIAL ARRESTED. Robbins, Wheeler, men Bankhead, of tablee elaborate figures, law, giving The tenth biennial convention of the ing to recover from the deceiver other Stalling and Cobb, as well as from and conclude as follows: other prominent silver Democrats all Two Prominent Families May Wipe Resolved, That free wool has proved a property he had become possessed of D. 7. Conroy of Arixona Charged supreme council of the Order of Chosen Friends convened at Cleveland. disastrous and appalling mistake In the through her. Each Other Out. over the Bute, saying they will attend. with Murder. United States, entailing a direct loss upYesterday morning she went before The Pope has approved the nomina9. D. P. Pine Bluff, Ark., Sept. 10. An at on the sheep Phoenix, Aril., Sept. this of Conroy, of swore and Commissioner Greenman out country Industry tion of Rev. Dr. Kennedy as rector of office and auditor of reduced $1W,UU0,0U0, PutSONED BY CYANlJu and more near the occurred manager than a assassination general Lefevre warrant with bigatempted charging f. and wool fully the Maricopa & Phoenix railroad, la the American college at Rome. and the case la set for tomorrow. Dumas, Ark., last Saturday, that ie price of slieepThat Richard Mansfield Is dangerously ill the Intercut of this my, Unsolved, most sensational Is naturally In great dis- under arrest on suspicion of having woman at the connected The with Workman aud Superintendent country demands early action at the tress. Her wrath against her betrayer murdered J. H. Miller, commercial with typhoid fever and may not be cause of be the and may great features, Die. Mill h Fifty-fourtan Oregon hands of the Congress, and of the road, who was found dead able to appear on the stage this seabloodshed among two raging, and she needed much per- agent the correction of the appalling mistake. Is In the rear of the companys offices son. Boise, Ida., Sept . A remarkable In Desha No to nlm her friends suasion and their families shooting prevent Bu-k- er or rum political advantage supiiosed I party bullet hole In case of poisoning is reported night with a was The will of Susan W. Talmage, wife county, this State. Late on the night will justify It In postponing this plain when she learned the facta The man, Saturday McMurdo, of The arrest made on of Itev. T. Dewitt Talmage, City. Some days ago A. Pole when Miss Sadie Beamons, and honest duly. however, takes It coolly. He came on his temple. was ad4th, comJuly North of the of admission been un employee prehaving out of wool to this city 8unday night, and on his Conroy's to probate. The estate Is valued the daughter of Joshua Beamons, a Resolved, That the singling mitted with died near Baker, comto is said Miller have when sent raw for materials pany at Lourne, victim's arrival yesterday he appealed among at $166,000 and Is left to her husband. prominent cltlaen, returned from an en- from sacrifice by the lust Congress, while to her to come to the same hotel he mitted suicide. There had been trouble symptoms of poison. NowofDr.theHenry tertainment and was about to retire in others were mill, cured for An agreement has been entered into ' no of less were but the threats between superintendent men, Importance his about at and laJpinuii, say nothing room, Isaac Bankston, who was and protected, was a crime and an out- put up nas died witn the same symptoms. It her If she would keep mode. The bar tender In a saloon near between German and British steamship althat as urging ehe doings, of enamored her, stepped, should be and our were men upon the Industry rage of the shooting said Miller companies, under which there will bs a is supposed that quiet there was no way by which his the place used In the mill, leges, from a closet In which he had resented at the polls. shall could had been In the saloon almost Immedi- considerable advance In freight and by the cyanide McArthur-Forrehimself. The young lady concealed Resolved. That If It unwisely anil treachery and bigamous marriage st the the shouting. He was In a passenger rates to America. before was works In vain; ately using the iniliey of the be proved. The appeal apscreamed and when her unjustly become the settledfree Tha Catholic university at Washingprocess. The tneory Is that they were peared they saw Bankstonparents wool, we Mrs. Iianson Is determined to land him pleasant mood, without coat or vest, Government to maintain run away will then as a measure of equal Justice In the penitentiary, and to recover the ami had no revolver. Railroad officials ton has decided to admit women as poisoned while handling the cyanide. with a pistol In hie hand. He escaped demand here believe it was suicide. Both men pupils In all the higher studies, emfree woolen and cotton goods, property wrongfully taken from her. and wan Indicted for attempted and we ask Senators and Congressthe company since Its bracing courses In science, philosophy It Is a most sensational tale, and once had been with lXarxlty Very Busy. and rape, with Intent men to lend our assault unthat burglary, their were trusted officials. and the arts, but they will not be perway energies and Demone not need Is more It organization National go that proved surPhiladelphia, Sept. he til the manufacturers are placed on the to fiction to find the Incredible. The Conroy Is In JalL tp kill. Returning Friday last mitted to secure degrees. was ocratic chairman William s, ilarrity He authorities. same fooling as the producers of this to the rendered In living the life he did In with man's The Comptroller of the Currency baa gall was today shown an Interview Prea-uieishot at and the country. by DURRANIS DEFENSE. il waylaid Saturday two towns In the same country Is a declared dividends in favor of the crediSenator Gray, who suye he favors of Miaa Beamons, brother and father of tors of Insolvent national banks as folstartling revelation of the possibility Cleveland tor a third term. as he says This statement wan partly DEPLETED GOLD RESERVE All this la fraudulent impersonation. Who Com- lows: National Bank of Kansas City, Indicate Will Air. Harrlty said, "Personally, 1 think verified by letters and telegrams to Testimony the tale that It told; its full developMo., 15 per cent; Linn County National Mr. Cleveland doe not wish to be mitted tha Murders. State's Attorney C. M. Martin of this bank of Albany, Or., 10 per cent candidate and would decline the nomi- city, who wired the Sheriff of Desha NO DEPOSIT PROM THE BOND ment la expected at the trial. 9. An San Francisco, Sept evening At Hennessey, Okla., a Cheyenne Innation." When asked whom he favored county to arrest all partlee to prevent a sensational about story paper Mr. prints SYNDICATE. with Mr. Cleveland out of the race, dian, Mouse Trail, received 100 lashes bloodshed. The friends of Mies Beamons A be offered in which will defense HERDS the the GIRL YOUNG A had BEAR., he was very busy and his bare back and was banished claim that her rejection of young BankHarrlty said talk trial of Theodore Durrant for the mur- on from the tribe for brutally assaulting politics. not time to ston as a suitor goaded him to the act The Blanche der of Lament. tno rifle following ot and Home Corral to iIih the inventor Him Drives 2, jtl Manny, daughter of Chief Manof entering her room for the purpose of Reserve Has Now Fallen to $97,710,-77statement Is credited to a person con- Violet ot Uiut iiuiMtf. winch tout killed eo inuny Shot. Him on the Can tens reservation SaturGets while ny, the are Officials her, young compromising but tbe Mice, Hie at nected defenee: with the Treasury iiiul'ie, luauui a very ptuueiul on hie came $. Alice Jackson, he man asserts day. that by Buttes appointMont, deiiuuiiiitf Sept no Promotions. "The be alibi will itermiL not Naval but the Alarmed i strong, lie due daughter of the thirteen-year-ol- d A fire which originated in a barn deami ie an viilhueiaeiiu member of ment. fense has witnesses to show that Durrancher living seventeen miles southwest me boolety lor the ireveiiliou ol Cruelty Young Bankston Ie the eon of Isaac not not did commit the mur- stroyed the extensive plant of the Sanrant adreonly novel 9. a of heroine The Is gold the of Washington, Butte, was killed Sept while Sheriff who Children. Banluton, lo Yesterday after-noo- der, but will Indicate who did commit ta Clara Mill and Lumber company at by venture with a bear. of Desha county In an Impromptu duel servelosetoday was further depleted while she was riding about the 1L There will be more than one Impli- San Jose, Cal., valued at $150,000, three of $1,200,000 withdrawn for exat Arkansas City some years ago liy the Accident to the Texas. on horseback and accompanied cated in the murder. Witnesses will flats, two dwellings and the oontenta mountains from the Now York Judge Coatee, who also fell dead. The port a dog, she came across a big black testify that they saw the girl enter the of alL The total lose la $176,000; Insuby big Washington, Sept. 9. The Navy of close reserve the at This leaves the benus received a dispatch from duel was the outcome of a quarrel rance, $85,000. large even for that country of big church on the fatal afternoon with business $1)7, 710.772. The treasury offi- bear, bears. She had no weaiion with her. so certain man and that at that time "Tex-us- " tween the two men over a negro glrL The Sovereign Grand Lodge of tha of no Captain Glass of the battleship Information home toward cials received have find, bear the headed she has Bankston friends many sustained Young of the dog, drove the second man was within the church. Independent Order of Odd Fellows will New regarding the accident assistance the with by deposits gold statement contemplated and hie will who believe they by that vessel during the trial of her several miles to her father's cat- There the defenee will reet Its Inquiry. meet at Atlantlo City, N. J next with their liven. The York banks, as reported, yet they hare animal lie saye the protect ofhim enfilnee un Saturday. corral and then called her elghteen-- y It will not attempt to prove that these Tuesday. Nearly 200 members are Inno doubt that the syndicate will very tle are both friends chief determined, parties the condemned ear-old The cluded in the supreme body, and repboard of survey brother, Oliver, who shot and0 parties did commit the murder. good the losses below and asks for and are said to have become so deeply soon make of the grand lodges killed the bear. The animal weighed so direct that resentatives are as to this statements engineer of the Texas" when quesreason, this For In the affair that a prolonged story and hear s hido they will leave no ground for the prose- throughout the country will be In atpounds and the (he (lelull of another chief engineer to Interested no have apprethey le to say Butte tioned, feud today. were brought they among the possibilisucceed him. The dir patch reports that and bloody cution to stand on, so far as Durrant tendance. hension for the future. As to the real Is concerned. the reiMurs will be completed in time to ties. with regard the of syndicate purposes resume her trip. Change of Venus for Gay. to speedy action, they have no official Bismarcks Spurs. MRS. FIETZEL DISTRACTED. Helena, Mont., Sept 7. Bill Gay, the or reliable information. REFUSED TO RETRACT. London, Sept. 9. A Berlin dispatch to notorious highwayman and murderer, Missionary Under Bonds. the Standard says that In memory of Patti has found method of entertain, .who killed Deputy Sheriff Rader and Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 7. Miss Would Like to Take Holmes by ths Ing At her others In while sparing her voice. a few years Two Shots Fired at a New Orleans Prince Bismarck's utterance, I earned Throat. county Meagher llanwell, the city missionary, charged Urslg-y-no- s castle lust week she played my diplomatic spurs at Erfurt, a numwith assisting train robber Oliver Perry Indianapolis, Kept. 10. Mrs. Carrie the title role In the dumb show piece ago, and was lately captured In Callfor ber of Erfurt admirers have sent a floNewspaper Man. to escape from the Mattewan asylum, A. Pletsel. the wife and mother of II. called "Nouke, the Enchantress," being nla, has secured a change of venue 9. D. C. OMalley, ral piece In the shape of a pair of giNew will and Orleans, Sept. White from to $21100 Springs, await was bonds In CoroSulphur before was today held H. Holmess victims, generous enough, howover, to close with proprietor of the City Item, while gantic spurs to the Prince, bs tried in Helena in November. ner Castor and tbs county grand jury a song. ths action of tha grand Jury. bank-wreck- a Dev-eru- I I 3. nd five-gall- Wool-Grower- s' ' asiz Le-fer- vs ol one-hal- highly-connect- ed pol-sou- ud m n 0. - |