Show That boll on the posterior of journalism jour-nalism the Salt Lake Weekly I Argus nulclijiir along has been one Df the moir ardent supportrrs of Charles f Crane for the nomination for govet Dir now suds u ahnwl ot Joy at his defeat de-feat and cnei crow f the press of the Territory It la not inrprUInt i that this thing without principle policy pol-icy or parts mid vrhoce hole mission on earth u to Lund In with the win I ping nlde in inuluefs politics society reli lou or anjtnlnu else for a con uderutjop it IK not surprising that it ibould stultify Itself In this Instance because that U Us regular business c Hut that it should talk of crow to tile countiy prchj when it would Itself I t a toOl cut crow ns aprlnc chicken proilded always that the hand that fed It the mesa rraa lined with the fractional or any other coin of the realm Is almost beyond belief and reaches the climax of audacious hy pocnejr |