Show RESULT OF FAMILY TROUBLES Army Veteran Shoots His Wife and I Attempts Suicide Clinton 111 Sept 9John Caplinger attempted to kill his wife by firing two shots ut her and then placed the revolver re-volver to his right temple and sent a ball Into his head Capllnger Is an In male of the Soldiers home at Quincy lie came home a few days ago on his way to lire NaUonal encampment al I Louisville Caplinger and his wife and sljochU pn did not live harmoniously aril IW his visit here u at thlaiirt the home effect a reconciliation His wife and children would not consent to his return re-turn Sunday Mrs Capllnger was standing In the front yard leaning over the gate and her husband was standing behind her He entreated her to take him back but she refused He then drew a revolver and placing It at her head clicked the trigger which drew Mrs Capllngers attention when she grabbed his arm Ho pulled the trigger and fired at her back The ball struck a steel In her corset which saved her lifeThe The children In the house heard the two shots and ran out just In time to grab their fathers arm as he pulled lire trigger when sent a ball into his own head The jerk on his arm changed the direction of the ball so that It did not prove fatal al once though there Is not much hope of his recovery George Caplinger served as a Union soldier in a Kentucky cavalry regiment during the war After the war he was chief of police in Shelbyvllle Ky for a number of years Twelve years ago he came to Clinton with his family Hems He-ms been an Inmate of the home at Quincy for three years and also draws a pension |