Show DIBTBIOT COURT A7FAR ThIS September term of the First District Dis-trict court opened at Provo Monday with Judge King on tho bench Deputy Clerk T lint man at tho clerks desk Assistant United States Attorneys Tharmun and I Richards in attendance and a large representation of the bar present At 1010 Judge King came In and promptly began work Some minor matters of the February term weio transacted i trans-acted Matters not disposed of were continued until the September term and the February term was adjourned The September term was opened and tho following grand jurors were then Impunoled UBUIT Burton ILL John oll Joseph A lUBtenaeu A A Brim James GondHll Isiah Ilnllailay Luke Cool Joseph A Thomo8 N W Tiffany AV 11 PiigH Jacob Snyder George Hayes EI win Lee Gland Wheeler and Joseph W Oyld Till court nppontod J A Thomas of Ijohl foreman and then proceeded to give general Instructions as to the dutle of a grand jury Afler reference tn the Edmonds Tucker law the court sild that sometimes some-times In tho imM epoclitl stress had If ft n laid upon certain statutes It was not the proTinco ol the jury thu court charged to lay stress ou any legislation bnt to treat nil violations of the law alike Some gland jurors say laws against Rambling fornication and tM liquor law ought not to be rigidly enforced en-forced Such sentiments are wrong The court bad been informed of a terrible crime committed In Utah county wherein where-in several poisons were killed Th grand jury was charged to give that case particular attention It Is not necessary nec-essary to multiply expenses the court charged by summoning many wltneses whero a few witnesses make clear cao that a crimp i18 ueeu wimmttlctr juij T dUO admonished of the great l expeiuo to the Territory perhaps Ii thousand dollars a day when It Is In 1 session and It was asked to bo asezpedl tlous as possible with public affairs tint turnover to neglect anything VEHNAL TOWMSHIP SUIT After some petit juror proceeding cnma on nn intereaiing quo warrant Chile to dissolve ttiH townnlilp organiza lion ot Vernal Plaintiffs rested and I claimed the burden of proof was on de feudants This phaan of tho question was argued a MINOU MiTTEnS James Ptirpgrofsl vs C 0 Creerj case dlhmltiied by stipulation ut costs of defendant I de-fendant Henry Shields TS Hercules Mining Co demurrer argued and sustained Plaintiff allowed to amend by Interim Imion Defendant given ton days In which to answer Openstiaw T il Hulson demurrer overruled over-ruled and ten days further given to answer NEW CASES FILED J H Goodhne trustee for Kate O Volst has commenced unit against D C Jailers and wife for 3325 crowing out of the lease to dufendant for 500 of sheen nnd then mortgages held by plaintiff r Oudrun Tliorcolrson has commenced suit against John Thorgeirson Tlio were married at Spanish Fork March 20 1889 arid have two ctilldrnn Sh alleges that on Feb 28 1801 defends left her and ver since that limo has wilfully failed neglected and rtfuHd to furnish plnlntlff find her chlMrmi with the luceHirrles ot life Sill nlleges thnt lio earns 50 a month arid wants Slo a month alimony and tho cart or the children Albert Singleton has filed his answer In till snit of divorce brought uaains him by llaear Singleton Uo briefly denies that on Dec 10 1S80 or at another an-other time he and plaintIff were intermarried inter-married and denies that ho Im com mltted tbo crimo of adntery with Mama Clark ou April T 1815 or at any other time lie Slly8 thot he and Mame Clark were married on April 5 1805 and over since have been and are now husband and wife I |