Show DU FRAKERS CAREER Swindler Has Been Involved in all Sorts of Scrapes Los Angeles Cal Sept 7Dr W O McLcod a well known physician of this city knows some chapters of swindler Frakers life that have not yet appeared ap-peared In print He said today Fraker always was a shrewd mean fellow I knew him when he wus a young man He began to practice without with-out a diploma In Trlplott Mo This was lawbreaking but he was never arrested for It Before long he turned In to be a druggist His store was really an unlicensed liquor shop He was arrested for this offense and his business was broken up He married und moved to Excelsior Springs a watering wa-tering place seventy miles away His wife was a good respectable girl Two years later she was home on a visit when her clothes and all her little belongings be-longings unexpectedly made thcli appearance ap-pearance and with them a message fiom Fraker that she need never come hack He declared that she was too jealous and that he was done with her Ills wife loved him She wanted a reconciliation At last she gave up and applied for a divorce and sometime some-time after married her second hus bandFraker Fraker used to get Into all sorts of little scrapes He would do some mean thing and sink low In every ones estimation esti-mation but always managed to get back Into the towns good graces again He did get a medical diploma at last I think he never married again so he could live very comfortably His father and mother died when he was a little boy and he was brought up by an uncle but was thrown on his own resources early In life and drifted by slow degrees from little things to worse ones |