Show TEST IT HEWLETT BROS New HighGrade ThreeCrown Baking Powder Is I the tronget and pureit Made No Alum All Grocers No Ammonia Sell It I 1 BLUE DIAMOND LABEL ON EVERY CAN t S oAijcTj The choicest clojtln roslUeuet subdivision subdi-vision In Salt Lake City 3iJ loti told llIcu April 17th 05 WHY It Is rljUt In till city only 12 minutes drive from bnslnuss ceaterhlKli ground splendid rlurr 1 etirrouiuteil by nlcn lionsea wide streets rot > 110 feat deep to alley 10 > 4 hot wide Now 90 to 175 per Lot Only huH their present value 10 easli 10 per month No luturest no taxes until pnlil ror Annual lat prices will bo advanced W E HUBBARD 13 Wot Second South Onluy lias n now pork A Tour of the Yellowstone Park Residents of Utah should purchase railroad tickets to Helena or Butte Mont thence via the Northern Pacific railroad to Livingston the natural gatevay to natures wonderland A complete tour of the park covering rail and stage transportation and hotel expenses for five and onehalf days south of Livingston costs only 4950 Tickets covering this tour can be purchased at the offices of the Northern North-ern Pacific railroad In Butte Helena or Livingston Mont For publications and detailed Information address A D Edgar general agent Helena or W M Toohy general agent at Butte To Whom It May Concern About three weeks ago I placed myself In the hands of The Eacla iquor nnd Tobacco Habit Curo of Salt Lake City Territory of Utah for treatment nf alcoholic stimulants stim-ulants and tobecco I was In very bad shape when I first commenced to take the treatment and previous thereto I had drank an average of a quart of liquor per day for irtrty days It required paid amount to kelp mo on my feet and alive and today am reeling first rate and have no desire for liquor nor tobacco la any form and feel confident I am permanently I permanent-ly cured and can cheerfully recommend the Eagle Liquor and Tobacco Habit Cure to those In need of name Very respectfully re-spectfully JOSEPH HUFF Resident of Oasis Utah The man who la tired of life when drunk Isnt half BO tired of llfo as the public Is of men of his type It Is sometimes some-times unfortunate that their aim Is bad IIILl1cIPIII 1r03l I T The Eagle Tobacco Cure Is a Wonderful Thing I fi T HAS NO RIVAL in Its successful U Work Head the TESTIMONIALS of wol > known mon Works no INJURIES D I JURIES on tho system but improves your HEALTH TAKE IT nnd in C DAYS you will be CURED of the TOBACCO und CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on earth will bo lengthened il Sond 5 for one bottle toE I Eagle Pharmacy S E Cor Sicond Soiitli nnd Wwt Temple Stroot salt rikn City Agents Wanted Everywhere loforo buying sac that tho bottles arc sealed with tho signature DHAV I LKK JJAIS None genuine Without Ihlq seal or when coal Is broken j E N JENI < INS Temple of Music Utah Agents for the bolt Pianos nnj < Organs In tho market 208 South West Temple POST OFFICE BLOCK I JV1 R EVANS CONTINENTAL BICTCLK SALKROOM Riding school nail bloyul IIvlry llloyolei bl > cycle lundrloi ulu sweaters porting poodi at 23 and z4 W Second South MOiMHOU 3YR100SK ARIEL FALCON UloyulesAiientf for MONUIC11 IIICYCLES wanted Salt lake CUT Utah Watchmaker Jeweler S Optician ALEX I WYATT 2J2 Main Street I M N TJ 251HOB SnIt lake For a Suit That will SUIT You Send for Samples it 1 You Can Not Call i D L ROSS Merchant Tailor M W Second South St SALT LAKE CITY UTAH G F CULMER BROS Mnnufiicturors uf SHOW V GASES SvrMr lISCItlLThON 1AIVTS VICllMSHKS > OILS miHsiins ETC 20 H First South St Silt Inke City ASTONISHING RESULTS From The EAGLE LIQUOR CURE SAFEST MOST SUCCESSFUL AND MOST PCnMANUNT UEMKUY YET DISCOVERED Cases heretofore hnpelo now cured and brought to ncurfsi of life I und huppluesa UKAI Till TESTIMONIAL ol ft phy t dolan once skcptlcul ou liquor curas hut now a IT convert to the Eacle Remedy Itclapsea from other uures and vlctlmi 01 the terrible Jiuuo A license should not delay Write for arthur particulars or call at EAGLE PHAUjSIACY S E Cor 3d So and W Temple Sts Suit Lake City Utah na I 1rinters Supplioi Wrapping par pa-r ii r I per lines Twine Eta IAMmatT 1AlKR COSalt Lake OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY 07 SALT IAKK AND OCirillN MEHCllAttr When iitiKserni ndvortUinients < kindly mention this newspaper J I VV CURRIE ASSAYER 159 lain J IV UUIIUIL bt bftltlttke Irompt attention given all ordirt by mall or expres Supplies and Grinding SALT BAnBERS i LAKKHAHHKUSSUITLYCO 131 W 2nd South St inirvi To Loan on Improved farms LIUF1I I OIIAVES A VI TON CO Mo Oornlck Hldg Salt Luke City uuththn TflflhC Itontiht and sold J MINING STOCKS A lollock160 Main St Suit Lake OIly III Manufacturer of fine candles Ill I iinpn I I andjobberln oonfeotlonerssup plies a57 S MainSalt Lake City 111 Utah Optical CO 8 i EXAMINATIONS FHKE LAWYERS I I SHEGKELL 1 HUTCHINSON unti lliui Opera UoucehlkSAltLako MUSIC PIANOS ORGANS COALTER SrrSLGROVIS CO PCMI < 7J Mel t Street DCMIIPTOH I 18 a household word In al KbMlflb I I I 1 UN mo iv lIry olllee SI Grit is lin4 23rJ SI OgdenIs ox olushi dmler In those TVlirimTrnP inuchlucb In I Northern TYPEWRITERS Utxh lie make ull ll III I IIUi kinds of Kaimlrlui II Sunulultv BICYCLES Best in > the Market UIU I ULLOs At 40tS5 < jia75 and 100 Send 4u l for calalo ue All kinds bicycle tup piles sent by mall Address C C IIKltlNQim propr Onden Cycle Star KM 25th St OudenUt FREE COINAGE RESTAURANT M West Eucoud South Et Salt Lake City Best and cheapest Eating House in Utah Call and be Convinced SID HATTON Proprietor BROWNING II I I BROS clii I t Washington Ave i5 Alain Street OGDEN UTAH SALT liAKK CITY I G Ibmler lUmlnijton Warwlok Tribune und 1 athrstiii IGYGLES und cycle sundrlns Guns Ammunition Kith lac Tackle Tints Vlaylng Cards Ho Illustrated Illus-trated catalozuu fret I Farm Loans 1111 Hawley rfl Mtg tl Utll CoM Mill r Co-M oCorn lllork Mii Lnk Reed H tel oa8f 1 > iJ i m A y UTAH 131 Room 3 eleratori ulfQtrlo lIght Strict ly I limit class In all Its appolntmenti Make a W rutu luteriaouutalu trade |