Show AFRAID OF THE SHERIFF Crocker Claims the Officer Is Prejudiced Preju-diced Against Him Evanston Wyo Sept 10Judge Hayford of Laramie arrived al noon today to-day and at 2 oclock opened court and proceeded wllh lire case of E S Crocker Crock-er The Impaneling of the Jury continued contin-ued throughout the afternoon and al 6 p in eleven qualified jurors were in the box The defense up to this time had used two of their peremptory challenges chal-lenges while the prosecution had used three of theirs and had exhausted lire panel I The Jurors after Instructions from lire Judge retired under care of court officers Judge Vandeventer for the defense de-fense made a motion asking the court to dispose of Sheriff Ward and substitUte substi-tUte some disinterested party to serve the venires for further jurors He based the plea on lire ground that Sheriff Ward had been largely Instrumental causing the Indictment to be found against Crocker that he was also an Important witness for the prosecution and consequently biased and prejudiced against the defendant Judge Hayford after paying a flattering flat-tering tribute to Sheriff Ward in which he said that Ward was an olllcer second sec-ond to none in the State either as to efficiency or honesty mentioned the fact that there were no sections of the statutes that would jutslfy his replacing repla-cing Ward with any other person whereupon Judge Brown for the prosecution prose-cution arose and In opposing the motion mo-tion to depose Sheriff Ward Insisted that said motion be put In writing and supported by allldavlt His Honor said he would hear the argument at 8 this evening His Honor opened court at 830 p m and prepared to hear arguments on the question of Sheriff Wards removal In the case E S Crocker appeared and swore to an affidavit setting forth the plea that Ward was biased and prejudiced pre-judiced against him whereupon his Honor prepared to hear argument upon the question After considerable consultation con-sultation It was agreed to ask the court to defer the hearing until tomorrow I when both sides would be prepared |