Show THE BEBALD one year 200 I WAnted Work According to notice given In onr lat Issue for the cmploytb of the biigar tap ory tp meet the soperinlrndont at tin factory en TiiemMj mornli g a larf HUP uixluiiH crowd guiliMid vho hlmweo1 how anxious each KS tu got uiMhlnc to do But tup auperlutondtmt found ii unpcFslUe to alva all work and for till reason romu were disnppuitvtcd Timi such should be the Case hi n pity Tin climate of Utah and her etiiriirtKHiitsone nf tho bent places ou earth to ralvn tin sugar beet non all that ia netdcd la tin kroner kind of luiiucemont to bu held out to met of means to < oino lieio and hnlj tart fuctoripa Hut the iiiiiplu tf Utah need not look fur men of meann to onl hero just to long us tlin bitter light jOL on ngittuet the Ir fut factory by WIt WI-t h go up antI jlown thin tirrltory 1lfll lug lu I dlRrt > diuatul hums of thmtt IIUN rtlo Imvo inuclu grout sacrltleis tc star the factory herp Lehl J3tuinr Did You Read It1 The Capital Chug Commnrclnl roleet I MCA a card lu this paper offering irmirnc thou free to a numt r of pmoiiF Pin I yOU md it 1 I tlU 1 FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR CIGARTTE5 i r 7 SiNEDV VlRGNLA TvRI < 151i ToDACCQ 6 TME u HIGHEST SKILLED WOHKMtN tMPL riU in MAtlnu THESE CIGARETTES > < V9s5KlMBALL6Cl TrTe Americn Tobacco G 9 Successor For GAR Encampment at Louisville Kentucky Sept 11 to 13 the Union Pacific will make a rate of 43 for the round trip from Spanish Fork Tickets on sale Sept 67 and 8 and will be hun Ittd for continuous passage in ORoh dl rftitlon and will not DB good for retnrn prior to Sept Hi filial return limit Get 01895 et ittttiit to Lttsi We otter no apology in placing before you i TUE LADIES SAID pnOTEoron It is 1 absolutely abso-lutely reliable easily adjusted doci not become be-come misplaced and < Insures protection Can bo worn when desired without observation nr Itnowldge ot anath and prevents disagreeable arnovance under certain conditions If you use it once you will never be without It It Is a faithful safo and reliable friend whenever needed by special circumStances reiiulrlnr Its usn It u an article every woman should keep ready lor Immediate use It Is simple use and inspires confluence in the woman using it I I It is reliable and scientifically mide Insures I protection nithoui injury to health as any good phy lclnn would say we arc of the opinion opin-ion that no article has ever been raado which will give as much satisfaction to the women of today aa THE IADIKS SAVI puoticron The immense sales of this article Is I substantial substan-tial of our claim Do not therefore there-fore experiment with any of tho numerous unreliable un-reliable articles as it is both dangerous to the health and expensive to dn si Such experimenting experi-menting can only rcsut In loss of time disappointment disap-pointment and dismal faluro tiirtles should remember this before ordering other goods < end not waste their time and < money on Inferior articles Tho boa Is always cheapest THB SAFE rnOTEOTOu is sold under a positive guarantee for use for one year with full dlrco tions nnd is sent sealed tn plain wrapper upon receipt of express money order for 1200 three forf Uo not wait but order ut once Address Tho La Cross Specialty Co La Crosnc Wli Summons Utah Territory Utah county I Spanish Fork City fIn 1 f-In the Justice Court Spanish Fork CHI before be-fore John P Jones David L Malcolm and Win n Hughes partners part-ners and doing business under the name and style of Malcolm Hughes Plaintiff vs Oeorgo II Bibcock Dcfcndan To George H Uabcock Greeting You am hereby summoned to bo and appear before me the undornigncd at my office In Spanish Span-ish Forl City Utah County Utah Territory to answer complaint against you tiled herein by said plalntHIs within five days if this summons Is served on you within Spanish Fork City within ten days if served on you outside of said Spanish Fork City but within the County of Utah and within twentyflic days If served elsewhere Oald action is brought to recover from you the sum of JOJ KO the said sum being a btlnnce duo on nn account for goods eol < and delivered ut your Instance and request at Spanish Span-ish Fork City Utah County And you are hereby here-by notified that If you fail to so appear and answer as above required the plaintiff will take jUdgment against you for tno sum ot 1i2ro and Inleiubt thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum anil costs of suit live under my hand this 28th lay of AugustA August-A D 1805 JOHN P JONaS Justice of the Peace Win 1J Hughes Attorney F L JId ia erEgt I1 relO R Course by Mail I tr rua with the Fk CAPITAL CITY I COMMERCIAL COLLIQE I To Advertise Our College w We will give a thorough course of in Htmctlon in doublo nnd olnglo entry booklit CIMDK nUll commercial Arithmetic Arith-metic by mill TIn cl Ourgi to a limited limit-ed number of persons This 1111 I will bu completed in 40 lessons No charge for diplomas Address 1 uirr OMMERCIAL flTtrflt 4LLt v m iH 1 O Drawer U TopeKa Karl m taJJpt a f 1H a Wbters InternatiosJl Di tioilaIty Invaluable OSec School IUIcllomo How from Cover to Cover Sitcctaor of Ih8 1 UiinbrSagoil SUndnid tit the f S Oort Irlit u I Office the UII i iiiiremc Court and LC nearly nil tli btlioolbuoVi Warmly CnUt memlrd I Btcto ° ly i I 45 i Bupcrliitcuf i U s 11 Bctiool sri i t bor lncaton < rl g mOlt without nuisv ber THE BEQT FOR EVERYBODY > OCCAUIC > It Ii I easy to find the word wanted Word nretlT nthelrcorr atpboblteaJ plAta I JT plAt-a the so vocabuisry sa to be rsi4ily esch aught on bclnnthg by Oil if s I pies j It Is easy to ascertain tho pronunciation Iho pronunciation I Is lndc tei t > by the cntlurr I nlAcrlucalir tnarkM letters ned In tho lohoof Mbooli botwho Mlln > era t autf > in I the potUo < ochooll It II l crsy to trac tlio growth of n word J IMIJjmolnglfi I r > ri compltta unit iclfntlfln Cad n the Ifcrrnt rinmnnn vnnl liu arqulr 4 516 9 1 gii tart ui In I order ot Ihlr eronUi from the root 9 I ta-rt 13 eaty to learn what a word meant I Ifaallloinrocl roJplcltand fU I tqri yet comprthnll Eacb dOulUolIl is couiaiaed 11 5 separate rararnpb O < Cr C MKKRIAMCO FuJillahert Sprlagaeltl Jfaaa U S Asa A-sa flpoclmeu pag < s He lent on application Dr Po net bur eIIp reprlDI ot 0ltnl 1 edltlonj OOOOOOO0000OOuOOO L u2 4 31 M8TOLL d Attorney at Law Two dcora toith if Rorkblll Hotel SPANISH FORK i UTAH AlUTEL COHWABY 8AUOEL Notary Public MONEY JLORJND ON Improved Farmo AAKNf LONDOK FIftH IXdURJIWI LOUP1KI O01o d residence ono Rk eac of Coop Sp ciah Tdik U bEE b-EE BEO1VNE3 Hack Line Moots Maplotoa and City Troins 06 SPANISH rORK DIMM I FOR mONUmpTS Go toM to-M Miokelson MJgr mo CRKIK TO MONEY LOANED On IllPnOTJJD FARMS IT HEiBOHASM RATES SPANISH TORK UTAH E COOHRAN J Jtttorney at Law JIANTI UTAJ w m 3 SUITSAT r HAT j1 I SUIT 0 W Mad byWU I WU JOHNSON WDTARD WOODS HAOK LINE Meets all trains MEATS 02DKS AT TBS SOTAOK IOU Veterinary Surgeon ALL AMUAtl LEFT IW MT CARK WILL II PKOPKRLT ATTENDED TO Bthfa d Woods Manager Scenic Lino of the World The only line running two through set Trains dally to LE4DYILLE ASPSH PUEBLO rnrnrtnn RPHrnQ on i rnwrnr S v anUa Train No 2 i laavss Ojilfa 700 n m Silt Lake 805 a tu errlvu at Pueblo 1118 a m Colorado Spring 711 a to DsnyiT 1030 a m Trail No 4 bares Oden 035 p m Sill bilcfl 710 p m arrive itt Pu u i 527 II i m Gjloruilo Springs 053 1 p III Deliver 915 p m nutclioiis wiJo nt Paabb Color i tilings anti IJcnvur with all hues ea Klvcrnnt 1 Dy Couchos Chair Cni al Pullnmn Sleejiers on all caW TUI the D II 0 and litvo a conifort lj It tr n uuil eijjy the finest eaery ou tlu c > tlncnt Shortest lint tn Cripple Creek Cl ratios Greatest Uoll C liwr I A S nuullw SIlL 1JOOPEII Trutta Mgr U P T A D > > 2tvr Colctaflo B F KEVINS Gen ftl l Agent Belt LIko CUr P14h H if CUSIHNGT P A u I Salt Lako City Utah CAVEATSlRADEMARRs ww COPYRIGHTS CAN I Obtllf A PlTJt1IT r tonIIt soswl and an bones opinion wn 5 III H N do CO who have bad Deazlyflruy YV rXPCcieco In the J16len 1111I DearlE mllGleao Clone tjiy cOl1Oi1entl I A Handbook at m fSGPV00 coaeornIn rifent aMt bow to ob Wntbim5flhf5 = l SSWSf KASSSSnMMa > U > loll and ctenIOo boob sent tree latonu taken Ibroll h Mean a 00 roIio a I > Oaal COUclQ thaMift A ASfci5Ss UDU are bronchi widely bJtorl the pobHanltli COk COIl tO Hit lnT Tltor This inlmwlLl paper issued weesiy olOlrlUltl illustrated bai bfar1h2 lataul lIrculotloQ ot say letlnllllo work In tblf World sD ayes ISlmple OOplOlll < < lUroa JulI4Jatr EdIIlOtlDonhl auo II rev IIInCtI UVuWi cOJues UJi cents iYet7 Dumb oontAtzu besa tttul plate In colon M photographs of DO hourtji trim pltm A5blhu1joid to rww abQU Ill Istu hiiiiut cod eriep eoctra S c1c1rW IuflNXutI I sui fuMLitJt HaOAUWhV I I |