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Show I I TERRITORIAL TOPICS. poinca iv Mike Scania n. "Well, th comity was dlsthracted. Here was a man thatd break th fair au do it with th hist humor, fr he come frm another parish. So we held a private session. What'll we do if says Dorgan, th' chairman. They was a man be th name lv Flaherty, a good man thin an a betlher now, fr he's dead, may he rlst In peace. An Flaherty says: We've got to take th bull be lh' home.' he saya If ye lave him to me,' he says, 'I'll fix him. So we lnjooced this man Burke fr to come an' down back lv th ehootin-gallersays he to Burke: 'Ye'er lucky tonight.' Not ao very.' says Burke. Twud be a shame fr to lave ye get away with all yeve won, says Flaherty. "Twill Inconvenience. be a says Burke. I'll have to litre two or three Well. late.' tls an he saya dhrays, says Flaherty, I'm appointed be th with ye. parish f r to cut th he suys, 'f'r to see whither ye give back what ye won or take what's lift.' "Tls 'air,' says Burke, an whoever wins 'tls fr a good cause, an' he put th money an th watches on th table. High man. says Flaherty, lllgb man,' says cut th Burke. king Flaherty Iv spades. Burke, th' robber, cut th ace lv hearts, lie was reaclilu' nut th money whin Flaherty put Ills fr hands over It. 'Wud ye take It 7 saya he. 'I wud. says Burke. 'Wud ye roll th church says Flaherty. I wud. Thin,' says Flaherty, says Burke. scoopin It in. 'yeer a heretic an' coinin' to ye.' Burke nawthln they'se looked at him an he looked at th comity an lie saya Gentlemln, Iv ever ye some over In th Slvlnth ward dhmp In an' see me. he saya 'I'll thry an make It plislnt fr ye. he saya An he wlnt away. Th alhory got out an th' goud man heerd lv It. lie was mighty mad about It an th nlxt sermon he preached was on th evils lv gamblin, but he asked Flaherty fr to take up th' colllctlon, Mr. Dooley thought awhile and then called Jawn. asked Mr. McKenna What Is xwas all right f r McCarty iv Lemont to beat th church fair, but what doee it profit a man If he gains th' whole wurruld an' loses his own soul? I'd not he in his place fr twice wan hundherd an' fifty, an Id kill a man Chicathis mlnylt r wan hundherd. go Poet. The fifth annual Itaptlsta association of Utah convened in Ogden the liuh. A propoaltlon to hold an electrical carnival In Halt Lake next month iff under consideration. The Logan term of court has been postponed on account of the aerluue of Judge Smith. Balt Lake City has a new paper, the Broadaxe. It la edited by a colored gentleman, and la orthodox Democracy politically. The Populist State convention la called fur the 14th. H. W. Lawrence la the probable candidate fur lJuveruur, and Warren Foster of the in Advocate for Congress. The poatufilce and store of It. M. Holt at Uale, Salt Lake county, were burglarised the night of the lutn. Stamps to the value of $17 and sundry articles of merchandise were appropriated. W. S. Montero. a printer employed on the Salt Lake Star, commuted sui-cithe 9th by taking iuuuauum. Strong drink and despondency are supposed to have been tne cause, ilia parents live in Richmond, Va. Charles Palmer, 10, and his brother Lewis, 11, were arresital fur in Salt Lake the luth, on a warrant from a Tooele county court. It Is alleged they stole a puny valued at $20 from James Blinpsuu of Uatevllle. Matilda Martin of Salt Luke hus filed a IZO.UUU damage ault against tne Suit Luke tt Los Angeles railway, alleging that through the carelessness and negligence of employees of the company, sue fell from a cur July 4lli Iasi, breaking her hip. The following parties will attend the Irrigation convention at Albuquerque, N. M the 10th Inst.: Judge L. W. BhuitlllT, who Is chairman ui the commission, accompanied by hla daughter, Miaa Louise Shurtllff; Hon. George Q. Cannon and wife; lion. John Henry Smith and wife, Gil 8. Peyton and wife, Hun. William Buys and wife of Heber, Jamea L. Seilgman of salt Lake, Cob E. L. Stevenson, secretary of the commission; Andrew Madsen of Mount Pleasant, W. H. Rowe and C. R. Clarke and wife of Ogden, President Edward Xn a California Fruit Valley. Partridge of Provo, and C. S. Kinney, Heber J. Grant, R. R. Candy, M. W. Dead sea fruit! That's what I call Itf exclaimed a gentleman, who, Clayton and wife, all of Salt Lake. Nomination! for District Judges on after attempting to eat one of the specimens the Republican ticket have been made largest and most beautiful In Fulus follows: Second district, comprising of California peaches ever seen In disgust. Weber, Morgan and Davis counties, ton Market, threw it away It was an John D. Murphy; Third district, com- And hetowas right: for, while its great delight the eye, withbloom prising Salt Lake, Summit and Tooele object and delicate counties, Barlow Ferguson, E. D. R. else, perfect shape, flavor was decideduperb coloring. Its Thompson, Wilson 1. Snyder; Fourth of exdistrict, comprising Utah, Uintah and ly vegetable. So New Yorkers Wasatch counties, A. U. Hatch; Fifth perience In such things buy California servo with district, comprising Juab, Millard, peaches to look at, and to Reaver, Iron and W aahlngtun counties, the dessert as the crowning ornaments a in of a perfect dinner, but lay supply E. V. Higgins; Sixth district, comprising Sevier, Piute, Wayne, Gurfield and of Delawares to eat; while In Chicago Kane counties, William M. McCarty; they eay, "Oh, yes, California peachee Seventh district, comprising Sanpete, are pretty, but the St. Jo. product Carbon, Emery, Grand and San juau le good enough for ua counties, Jacob Johnson; First district, Having thus persuaded themselvee comprising Cache, Box Elder and Rich that all California peachee are tasteless until and Insipid, dwellers In the East woncounties, nomination postponed der why the same article, put up in September 28th. flavored, and Fall strawberries, grown In Utah, are cans, should be so finely In evidence on the Salt Lake market, generally superior to canned peacheela from elsewhere. But the proposition They were a arriving Tuesday, the luth.Woods very simple one. The peach for canCross, grown by R. E. Egun of with Davis county, who expects to harvest ning is not plucked until It Is ripe,flavor the fruit until frost cuts down their all lte Juicy richness and delicate for intended while that growth. The berries were picked from fully developed, vines that In the early part of the sea- shipment to a distance Is gathered son yielded the usual crop. After the while still hard and devoid of everyfirst harvest a mowing machine was thing save color and size. The Califorin Its native orchard, put on the patch, and the vines were nia peachand cut down aimuM to their crowns. Afripened until so filled with terwards a regular and thorough course rich Juices that It la ready to drop of cultivation and Irrigation was Insti- from the tree. Is a perfect fruit, as tuted, with the result that the vines pleasing to the taste as to the eye; but can It atagain threw out their bios sums, and only under such conditions later a crop of berries equal In vise tain perfection. When It Is plucked, and apiiear&nce to the spring crop, and Its development is arrested, and after excelling the spring product in flavor, that It will only soften. Thus there Is was the result. Mr. Egan has about as much difference between a Califorthree acres now under thla unique nia peach In California and the same method of cultivation, and announces thing in New York as there Is between that he will supply strawberries to the a pineapple, luscious and sugar-swe- et local market as long as the weather in its tropin field, and the pineapple of remains warm enough to ripen them. Northern markets, acid, fibrous, and bearing every evidence of having been cut long before the date of Its maturity. The largest prune orchard In this MR. DOOLEY ON CHURCH FAIRS. country, If not in the world. Is located (the cats), on the western Ha Commends John McCort'y for at Losof G&toa the Santa Clara valley. It conedge 880 Beating One of Them. acres of trees, 120 of which are tains Well, Jawn," said Mr. Dooley, lay- planted to the acre. Over one hundred ing down hla newspaper and pushing men and a score of teams are constanthis spectacles up over his forehead, ly employed In this great orchard, If they'se anny man In all th wurruld which has Its .own waterworks and that deserves to be called a hero that electric-lig-ht plant. Its drying-groun- d man is John McCarty Iv Lemont." Is twenty acres In extent, and It yields T" asked What has ho been doing a net Income of something like $50,000 Mr. McKenna. a year. Near this Los Gatos orchard la a Ho beat a church fair, said Mr. curious factory, said to be the only one thlm th' at Ho wlnt again Dooley. wheel iv fortune an carld oil wan of lte kind In the world. It le a factory and Is hundhred an fifty dollars, an' th' hist for the making of grape-foothe extracting and concenpart iv it was he kep It Theys no devoted to wan lver done that befure since fairs trating. but not fermenting, of grape During the season It consumes d, was f'r th greater glory iv Juice. fifty tons of grapes every day, and proGawd. Ive played dice with that ruf-fyof Juice, concentraO'Malley whin th Inside iv th duces 100,000 gallonsof lte original hulk. box was that polished ye cud see yeer ted to process by which this Is face In lb an I won tin dollare wanst The Ingenious Is simplicity Itself. A accomplished In a game iv ca-arwith three o but constant stream of fresh Juice frm the Tlnth ward, an whin I count- small upper end of a copper ed th deck afterwards they wasn't a flows Intotwothefeet In diameter and nineface ca-ain it But I nlver beat a cylinder teen feet long, which le inclined at a church fair. They say Mike McDonald slight angle, and revolve slowly In a Joined th Jews whin he heerd lv what Jacket that keeps it heated to ISO degrees. The Juice forms a film McCarty done. "Wanst I knew a man be th name lv on the Interior of this cylinder, the heat Burke that come frm somewhere evaporate! all water from It, and the around Derry, though he was no vapor is drawn off as soon os formed He waa lv th right sort. by great exhaust-fan- s that make 300 waa he feelln revolutions per minute. The Juice ocWell, an he dhrlfted over to where we was cupies Juet sixty seconds In passing holdln a fair. They was a band outthrough the cylinder, and finally side, an he thought It was a grand trickles from Its lower end In a warm openin, so he come In with a cigar in syrupy stream, robbed of none of Its th side lv hie mouth an hla hat bang- original elements or properties save in onto his ear. T was the las night three times Its bulk of water. lv th fair, an iverything was wide The grapes used In such enormous open, fr th priest had gone home an quantities In this Interesting factory, we wanted fr to break th rlcord. This both red and white, are wine grapes, Burke waa fr lavin when he see where which, os the tourist observer soon dishe was, but we run him again th shoot-l- n covers. are very different from raisin gallery where ye got twinty-flr- e grapes, the former containing the more dnts, a quarter lv a dollar, fr ivery Juice, and the latter the more sacchatime ye rang th belL Th oT gun we rine matter. One of the surprising had was crooked as a rams horn, but things about a raisin vineyard is the It must 've fitted into Burkes squint, small size of Its vines, which, being cut he made that there bell ring as if back every year, are rarely more than fr he waa a conductor iv a grlpcar roundtwo or three feet and the great in a curve. He had th shootln gnl- - size of the buncheahigh, These, when fully on Its las llgs whin we run him ripe, are cut and laid in shallow traya lery e. He broke between the rows of vines, where, again th It. Thin we thrled him on th grab-ba- g. without the addition of any sugar, they waa four watches an are allowed to In the sun until they They goold anny quantity lv brickbats an chunks become raisins, dry Is which all there Is to lv coal In th bag. He hod four dives the process. an got a watch each time. He took a The most surprising thing of all Is the chance on iverything, an he won a that all raisin grapes are foldin bed, a doll that cud talk like an discovery white until they are turned ol gate, a piano, a lampshade, a life lv purple Ingrapes, drying, which la hard to realSt. Aloyslus, a pair lv shoes, a baseise, but is nevertheless a fact. Harball bat, an ice cream freezer an th pers Weekly. aa y. "S MRS. BAUNGTONOOTH. General and Mrs. Balllngton Booth, who for several yean have been prominently before the public of this country as the leaden and representatives of the Salvation Army, an now at work In Canada. The home of the Boothe Is In New Jersey, off in one corner of Montclair. Their cottage Is an architectural poem on the simple scheme-com- fort The family la a lovely quartette, consisting of papa, mamma, little Ruth and baby Freddy. The chll-- OAKLEY f d, d, sta-arte- an one-four- th la-ad- rd hot-wat- er Prls-bytahri- wheel-of-fprtun- HEWLETT BROS. Nsw High-Bra- Three-Crow- n Baking Powder fi lh strongest and persst Made. BLUE DIAMOND LABEL ON EVERY CAN. Eagle Tobacco Cure Is a Wonderful Thing. WHY? I It right In the city, only 12 minutes drive from business canler.blKh ground, splendid view, surrounded by nice houses, wide streets. Lots 1.10 feel deep to alley, lt)V fest wide. Now $30 to S175 tbolr present per Lot. value. 10 cash, No iulerest, no taxes per mouth. until paid for. August 1st prlcas will be advanced. W. E. HUBBARD, 43 West Second Ssuth. Oakley tis s new perk. BALFOURS Send $5 for one bottle to BIMETALISM. HOW THE LONDON PRESS STRUES HIS LETTER. CON- It is One of the Host Extraordinary Documents Ever Signed by a Brit- Sirs. Ballington Booth. dren. two of the mont delightful hits of humanity, each hold ofilcee of great honor In the Salvation Army. Their entln home speaks of peace and godliness the chancterlstlo environments of the Boothe themselvee. The onetime despised Salvation Army has become a great power for good In the large cities of our land, and to Mr. and Mrs. Ballington Booth, who never tire in their great work, much credit and praise are due. Probably the most distinguished guest present at the Labor day demonstration In Chicago was James Kelr He Is Hardle, the English socialist the leader of the Independent Labor party, which Is fast gaining ground In England. In the House of Commons ia it successful T HAS NO RIVAL Work. Read the TESTIMONIALS of wsl known men. Works no INJURIES on the system, but improves your HEALTH. TAME XT and in 5 DATS you will be CURED of the TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on earth will be lengthened. $10 r itr The Is Only half ca-ar- horse-steal-I- ! VP Tbs choicest close-li- t resldetiea subdivision Is Salt Lake City. 32 lots sold since April 17th, 85. gr-re- at de TM! Eagle Pharmacy, B. K. Cor. Baoond' South and Wt Temple ish Minister. London, Sept. 8. The Graphic thinks the blinetalists will get cold comfort out of lion. A. J. Balfour's letter explaining Ills recent utterances In Parliament against the feasibility of an International conference. The letter," the Graphic says, "virtually confesses that the cause of which he Is the permanent chairman is hopeless. The fact Is that, even assuming theoretical existence of the bimetallic system, there Is not sufficient motive power behind the nations to unmake the currency and other revolutions which please the academic disputants. In America returning prosperity has forced the silver men Into alienee. The Dally News says on the same Mr. Balfour's letter is one subject: of the most extraordinary documents that waa ever signed by a British Minister. Mr. Balfour la now the authorised exponent of the Government financial policy. What he says the treasury saya Is 1 tto be endured that the First Lord of the Treasury should treat the gold standard as a mere subject of academic debate? He does not seem to grasp the monometallist's view of the situation. A Mohammedan archbishop of Canterbury would not be more lncongrous than a bimetallist First Lord of the Treasury." The substance of Mr. Balfour's letter was that his views on bimetallism had undergone no change, and that he was and always had been In favor of an Internal agreement, but he did not believe that an International conference called at this time would affect such E. N. JEINICI1NS Temple of Music. Utah Agent! for the beet Plnnoi and Orgsm la th market, 203 South West Temple, POST office; BLOCK, M R, Evans, For a Suit That will SUIT You COXTISIMTAL BIGTCLS SALZSOOX Bend' for Samples if Vou Can Not CalL Kldieg lehool and bloycle livery. Ulxyolei, aundrlss, euiti, sweaters, ipertlng good, South. SOh ASCII, elS end 4 W. Second SrSAUUBK, ARIEL, PALCUM Uloyulu.Agenb for MONARCH BICYCLKd wanted. Sell Leict Cllv, Dtob D. L. Watchmaker, Jeweler & Optician G. ALEX. L WYATT. 8J3 Mein Street IMPORTANT MINING DEAL Black Hornet Mine, Hear Boise, is Bonded for $100,000. Boise, Ida., Sept . An Important mining transaction has been consummated here. Involving the Black Hornet mine, a few miles from the city. The property Is a remarkable one in many respects, and Is regarded as one. of the most promising In the 8tate. It has been bonded to II. W. Barry of Denver for 3100,000 for ninety daya The ledge Is very large, with a streak some feet wide that runs from $25 to $40eight ton In gold. The remainder of per the vein carries from $5 to $l01n gold. The total width Is some forty feet. A METHUDIST Monelgnor PASTOR BLESSED. Satolll Bid It, and Is Great. nt Chicago, Sept 8. Thera la great excitement In Hyde Park Methodist circles tonight over the report that Rev. Herbert G. Leonard, pastor of the leading church In that fashionable suburb, had this afternoon received the papal blessing from Mgr. Satolll. It la said the ablegate blessed the Rev. Leonard In the name of the Pop at a function at the convent of the Bacred Heart to which the Methodist minister had been Invited. Mr. Leonard admitted to a reporter that It was true. He said he had received the blessing and that ha was proud of It. Asked when he Intended to leave the Methodist church to embrace Catholicism, he said that he would rather not talk on that subject, v Lflrr N. W. Harris, Andrew Fowler and Paul Cornell, deacons In the Hyde Park church, were informed of what bad taken place, and they lost no time In ualling upon their usetor and demanding an explanation. It was a decidedly and Mr. Leonard btormy Interview, dhi not know which way to turn to escape the cross-fir- s of scathing questions Dial were hurled at him from all directions. His first excuse was that it waa all a joke. He said he had never before been Interviewed by a newspaper man and hardly knew what he said. Then the reporter waa called In and asked to produce his notes of questions and answers. After this had been read, Rev, Leonard told the three trustees that hs had gone to the convent with a Miss Garrison, a former member or the Catholic church out nf pure curiosity to see a great man. and that Mgr. Satolll had bkvacd the entire congregation, of which he waa a member It la said that the trustees of ths llvd Park church will instliuie a thorougli Danville, Va., Sept. B. A terrible gedy occurred In Pittsylvania cot yesterday morning about twenty tr from here. Wesley Powell had I paying attention to Miss Janie Adk and the young woman claimed I Powell had seduced her, under of marriage, and Insisted on his pror ma Ing her. Sunday morning four of the kins boys and Smith Pruett went Powells fathers house to force yo Powell to marry Miss Adkins, whe row occurred. Mrs. Powell, mothei the young man, got In between parties, when Allen Adkins shot killed her. The husband fired on Adklnses, slightly wounding two them. The Adkins party was Juliet California Bate Reductions. San Francisco, Sept. 7. At this noon s session or the California afterRailroad commission, Dr. Stanton, who opthe resolution of Chairman La posed Rue for a reduction of rates. Introduced a resolution forgrain an immediate reduction In wheat rates of 8 per cent and a reduction on other commodities! making a total of 25 per cent. This Includes the reductions made by the company since 1884, the year the commissioners came Into office.present The resolution will be considered at the session of the commission next Thura- - UTAH. F. CULMER & BROS. Manufacturers nf LAN. U 85.1808. Salt Lake. SHOW CASES Sveuy description MATTHEW STANLEY QUAY. PAINTS, VXKNI4HKH, OILS, KKUHIIES, ETC. Flmt South St.. Silt I.eks City The recent fight In the Republican 98 F-party of Pennsylvania, which resulted In the triumph of United States Senator Matthew Stanley Quay, and inciASTONISHING RESULTS Swindler Has Been Involved in all dentally hla election as chairman of the comPro The Pennsylvania State Republican Sorts of Scrapes. mittee, has centered all eyes on that Los Angeles, Cal., Sept 7. Dr. W. O. already EAGLE LIQUOR CURE famous statesman. Mr. Quays McLeod, a well known physician of thla success In the greateet political fight of SAFEST, MOST SUCCESSFUL, AND MOST city, knows some chapters of swindler Frakers life that have not yet apPERMANENT REMEDY YET DISCOVERED, He said today: peared In print Fraker always was a shrewd, mean Ceres heretofore hnneleie, bow eared sad fellow. I knew him when he was a brought to ni.enen of fife end hepulueis. READ TUB TESTIMONIAL of e phyyoung man. He began to practice withsician ones akeptinal on llqnor eunta. hut now s out a diploma in Triplett, Mo. This to the Bags Remedy, oonvert was but he was never Relapse fro other cures end vlutlrai of tne terrible Jlunoi-- 'r arrested for It Before long he turned dbeiue should not delay. In to be a druggist His store was Writ for farther particulars or call at really an unlicensed liquor shop. He was arrested for thla offense, and hla EAGLE PHARMACY, business was broken up. He married A E. Cor. 9d So. and W. Temple Bts. and moved to Excelsior Springs, a waBalt Lake City, Utah. tering place seventy miles away. Hie wife was a good, respectable glrL Two Printers bee, Wrapping pa PAPER! per, lfaun. Twines, years later she was home on a visit, Eta. r.A M HKBT PA PER CO., Belt Lake when her clothes and all her little belongings unexpectedly made their appearance, and with them a massage OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY from Fraker that she need never coine waa declared she He that too tack. or SALT LAKE AND OODEX MERCHANTS. Jealous, and that he waa done with DR. FRAKERS he represents a division of West Ham. For a long time Kelr Hardle's name has been Identified with workingmen's Interest. He is a tenacious, cautious man of thoroughly independent character, Is of Scotch physiognomy, with a shock of light hair, firm mouth and Jaw, and powerful physique. He Is a strong advocate of home rule. ROSS, Merchant Tailor kl W. Sooonii South 8t SALT LAKE CITY an agreement James Heir Hardia BtroeU, Kelt Lake City. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Before buying see tha the bottles are sealed with the signature, Deax Lkk Ijats None genulue Without tbl. seal or wheu seal I. brokon. CAREER. her. Hla wife loved him. She wanted At last she gave up and applied for a divorce, and some time after married her second husband. Fraker used to get Into all sorts of little scrapes. He would do some mean thing and sink low in every one's estimation, but always managed to get back Into the towns good graces again. He did get a medical diploma at last. I think he never married again, ao he could live very comfortably. Hla father and mother died when he was a Uttlo boy, and he was brought up by an uncle, but was thrown on his own resources early In life, and drifted by slow degrees from little things to worse ones. When answering advertiremente kindly mention this newspaper. a reconciliation. A Tour of the Tellowstone Park. Residents of Utah should purchase railroad tickets to Helena or Butte, Mont., thence via the Northern Pacific railroad to Livingston, the natural gateway to natures wonderland. A complete tour of the park, covering rail and stage transportation and hotel expenses for five and days south of Livingston, costs only $49.50. Tickets covering this tour can be purchased at the offices of the Northern Pacific railroad In Butte, Helena or Livingston, Mont. For publications and detailed information, address A. D. Edgar, general agent, Helena, or W. M. Toohy, general agent at Butte. one-ha- lf LEADV.LLE MINE CONFLICT, Armed Forces Valued Guarding Property Million. Denver, 8ept. 7. An ejectment suit was filed today In the Federal District court by 8. L. Carleton, owner of Jason lode at Leadville, against the De Lante Milling company, whose claim conflicts with the Jason. The claim of the plaintiff is that ore was found In the Jason eighteen days before the July IB, 1895, De Lante lode was reached. The propIn dispute Is valued at more than erty a million, and the contest has already cost much In money and some bloodshed. The conflicting claims are located on the Sesrl pincers, patented In 18X7, the entry for which was In 1890 declared void by the Secretary of the Interior. The rival companies have armed forces guarding their shafts, and frequent collisions have occurred. at a To Whom It May Concern: About three weeks ago I placed myself In the hands of The Eagle liquor and Totmcco Ilnblt Cure of Halt Lake City, Territory of Utah, tor treatment nf alcoholic stimIn very bed ulants and tobacco. I shape when I first commenced to take th treatment and previous thereto I had drank an average of a quurt of liquor per day for sixty days. It required raid amount to keep ms on my fee and alive, am feeling flmt rat and have end y no desire for liquor nor toliecco In any form, and feel confident I am jiermanent-l- v cured and can cheerfslly recommend the Eagle Liquor and Tolacco llnhlt Cure to those In need of aam. Very reJOSEPH HUFF. spectfully, Resident of Oasis, Utah. to-da- drunk isn't half so tired of life sa public le of men of hla type. It la so times unfortunate that tholr aim is I Philadelphia Press, J.W. CURRIE, assays BAnDLIia SUPPLY CO. barbers 181 W. 9nd South SP e. Prompt attention riven all ordere by mall or eiprern. DIDDCD0 Supplies and Grinding. BALT Matthew Stanley Quay. LAKH his life has. It la said, put him In diImproved forma linUrVI To bean osVINTON rect line for election as chairman of the MURCIA CO., Mo- gRAVES OornlBk Bldg.. Salt Lake City, Republican National committee In 1896. Senator Quay waa born In PennsyllioaKhl and eold. J vania In 1833, graduated from Jefferson MINING STOCKS A, Pollock, ISO Mats college In 1850 and In 1854 was admitted KL. Salt Lake City. to the bar. He gave the Union very Manufacturer of Bne easdiee creditable service during the late war. M. KOPP aadjobherln oonfeotlonsrs'sup-pile- . After holding many offices of trust In SW 6. Meln.Salt Lake City his native State, he was elected to the United 8tates Senate In 1887, where he WV Utah Optical EXAMINATIONS has remained since that time. KRKR. Co.St: LAWYERS SHECKELL& HUTCHINSON The Healey Institute, opera Uouneblk.SAllLak a direct authorized branch of the parent house at Dwight, III., has been opanrd at 106 IV. Second North, Salt Lake City MUSIC - PIANOS - ORGANS. on the line of the street railway COALTER St 8NELGR0VE CO. ruuning to Warm Springs. PO-74 Mum Street For the treatment of the llqnor and I in a liounoliolil word in alLesley K. Koeley most every oHice. 8.J. GrifCompanys double chloride of gold rein fin edles. clueive denier In tlieie The Institute is under the manage- machine in Northern He ninken all ment of Dr. J. W. 8L John, who has Utih. kinds of Reualrlup a Soealaitv. been at work with and in the employ of the Lesley K. Keeley Company for the Best in the Market. The treatment and past four years. At 40,50,S79 and 100 mcanagement of palleuts will be Identl-all- y Send 4c for catalogue. All kinds bicycle supplies sunt by mail. Address C. C, IIEItlNGER the same as at Dwight. Oeilcn Cycle store. esth L. opium habits, with -- prop'r Hon. Stephen Neal, judge of one of the Indiana Circuit courta. It wrote the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. He sent It to Hon. G. 8. Orth, then member of Congress from his district Afterward It was reported to Congress by the committee on reconstruction, anil adopted almost verbatim. Judge Neal la now 78 years of see, mid has always been a Democrat, though, unlike moat Indiana Democrats, ha was a strong Union mun during the war. aiam, Y Gwlr yn Erhbyn y Byd. Remarkable Intent Is being manifested everywhere In the coming Eisteddfod to be held In the Mormon Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 3rd and 4th, 1895, aa it will be the greatest entertainment of the kind ever given In the West. The Eisteddfod la the national pastime of the Welsh, and meant, a joyful feast of literary and musical diet for all who will partake. The entertainment will be given under the auspices of the Cambrian association of Utah and adjacent States and Territories and the Tabernacle choir of Salt Lake City, Utah. The presidents of the day will be Arthur L. Thomas and Gov. Caleb W. West. Special train rates will be given, and It Is not doubted that Salt Lake City on that occasion will be crowded with the lovers of music and literature from all directions, for all will be welcome, regardless of nationality or creed. Complete Information regarding the event can be obtained by addressing the general secretary, John James of Salt Lake City. Utah; $2000 In prises will be given away s tk . ex-Go- v. - Ondea.Ut FREE COINAGE RESTAURANT U Wont Second Suuth Et., Salt Lake City. Best and cheapest Eating House in Utah, Call and be Convinced, SID HATTON , Proprietor. BEOVNING BEOS SMI Wiihlngtnn Ave., UUUEN, UTA1L Rambler, Remington, Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY Warwick, re ninyni ami Keaibemtiiiie Tribune. CiblliLta an nynl sun lrlen. Runs, Ammunition, Pishing Tsnkls, Tents, Playing Curds, Flo. Illustrated catalogue fr. Loans Farm Hawley" Mat'nfulrk Hliiek. ea t l.eke. MtgCo1 Reed Hotel, oc. 137 Rooms, 9 elevator, eleci.rlo lights. Strlot-l- y Omtelaaa is all Its npiioiutinenls. Mokes a M rale tv trad, |