Show DEMANDS OF WOOL GROWERS DEMOCRATIC MISTAKES MUST MiST BE CORRECTED Resolutions Adopted by the Idaho Association hat Free Wool Has Cost the Industry Other Subjects Boise Ida Sept 10The Idaho Wool Glowers association held an Inter esing meutlng and transacted a large amount of business The question of the aO clallurr assisting to defray the expenses Of the prOHCOUlkOll tl < ttcixIT41uV41r be arrested for cattlekilling In Long valley came up on the report of the committee to which the matter was referred The committee reported thai the prosecution would cost the stock rnenl in the neighborhood of bOO After Af-ter consideration it was decided to donate do-nate 150 to aid the cause of the Long I Valley stockmen During the day Senator Shoup was sent for The Senator responded amid addressed the association briefly assuring as-suring the members of his Interest In their welfare and stating that he would do everything In his power for the advancement of their industry An interesting discussion took place over the shearing question comparison being made between the hand and the machine work Mr Ormsby staled that a band of sheep at Casper Wyo was divided half being sheared by hand and the other halt by machine The machine he stated saved the cost of shearing In the Increase In the amounl of wool secured The resolution committee composed of F It Gooding F J Hugert John McMillan and A B Clark then reported re-ported The report was unanimously adopted It will be forwarded to Ida hos representatives In Congress The resolutions recite the effect of the free wool clause of the Democratic tariff law giving elaborate tables of figures and conclude as follows Hcaolved That free wool has proved a disastrous and appalling mistake In the United States entailing a direct loss upon up-on the sheep Industry of this country of more than 4150000000 and reduced the price of sheep and wool fully one halt Itcsolved Thai the Interest ot this I country demands early action at the hands of the Fiftyfourth Congress and the correction of tho appalling mistake No supposed party or political advantage will Justify it in postponing this plain and honest duty llesolved That tlio slunllnt out ot wool from among socalled raw materials for sacrlllco by the last Congress whllo others of less importance were cared for and protected was a clime and an outrage out-rage upon our Industry and should bo resented at tlio polls Resolved That It It shall unwisely and unjustly become the settled policy of time Government to maintain free wool we will then as a measure of equal Justice demand flee woolen and cotton goods and we ask our Senators and Congressmen Congress-men to lend their energies that way until un-til tile manufacturers are placed on tho same footing as the producers of this country |