Show Book of Mormon Manuscript The moat valuables manuscript now owned within the limits of tire United State tho Federal constitution and tliH Declaration of Independence alone tx coptcd has lately como into the posses sinn of George W Schwelch of Richmond Rich-mond Hay cpunty this otato The relic in question which Is unique as will as historical is nothing more or less than the manuscript of the original Book of Mormon jnst as it WAR translated from the golden plate records of the Npphlte by Joseph Smith and his analstantp If you have a copy of the Book of Mormon to refer to you will find that the back of the title page boars a notice to the world In the shape of a Testlmou by the three witnesses to tho Dlvlio authe n tlclty of tha book One of three witnesses who saw the angel which Gad sent from heaven with the plates and engraving and who hoard tho voice of God commanding that they bear record of tho same was David Whltnier who died nt Ulchmoid January Janu-ary 25 1889 David YVhltmpr had long been tho Bolo owner of the mar nscript I and upon hU death It descended by right of helrshlp to U J Whttmor son Not long since D J Whitmer was smothered I to death in a sated pit near Richmond and George W Echwelch a nephew grandson of David Whitmer one of the founders of the Mormon church became sole owner of tho valuable document In order that The Republics readers may have an idea of the value If Mr SchwelGhH treasure I will say that n short time prior to David Whitmers death the Salt Lake Hierarchy offered 10000 in gold for it and it is i believed that thoy would havo made an offer of 500000 had they thought that there was R prospect of Mr Whitmer parting with ItSt Louis Republic |