Show RAILROAD OFFICIAL ARRESTED D P Conroy of Arizona Charged with Murder Phoenix Ariz Sept 9D P Conroy auditor and general olllce manager of the Marlcopa Phoenix railroad Is under arrest on suspicion of having murdered J I Miller commercial agent of the road who was found dead In the rear of the companys olllces Saturday night with a bullet hole In his temple The arrest was made on Conroys admission of having been present pre-sent when Miller Is said lo have committed com-mitted suicide There had been trouble between lire men but no threats were made The bar tender In a saloon near the place of the shooting said Miller had been In the saloon almost immediately immedi-ately before time shooting He was In a pleasant mood without coat or vest and had rro revolver Railroad ofllclals here believe It was suicide Both men had been with the company since Its organization and were trusted olllclals Conroy Is In jail |