Show A METHODIST PASTOR BLESSED Monsignor Satolll Did it and Ex citment is Great Chicago Sept 8There Is great excitement ex-citement In Hyde Park Methodist circles tonight over the report that Itov Herbert Her-bert G Leonard pastor of the leading church In that fashionable suburb had this afternoon received the papal blessing from Mgr Satolll It In Enid the ubleguto blessed the Itev Leonard In the name of the Pope at a function at the convent of the Sacred Heart to which tho Methodist minister had been Invited Mr Leonard admitted to a reporter that It was true lie said ho had received the blessing and that he was proud of It Asked when lie Intended to leave the Methodist church to embrace Catholicism hue said that he would rather not talk on that subject Later N VS Harris Andrew Fowler and Paul Cornell deacons In tlin Hyde Park church were Informed of what had taken place and they lost no tlmo In culling upon their plotter und JcmunUliiK an explanation It was a decided stormy Interview and Mr Leonard did not know which way to turn to escape the crosslire of scathing questions that were hurled at him from all directions Ills first excuse was that It was all a Joke Ho said ho hud never before been Interviewed by a newspaper man and hardly know what ho said Then tho reporter re-porter was called In and asked to produce his I notes of questions and answers At ter this had been read Itev Leonard told the three trustees that ho had gone to the convent with a Miss Garrison a former for-mer member of the Catholic church out of pure curiosity to see a great man und that Mgr Satolll had blessed the entire congregation of which he was a member It Is said that tho trustees of the Hydw Park church will Institute a thorough In realisation |