Show Rio Grande Western R R Pullman Sleepers and Iluffct Can on nil Through Trains Time Table No 24 In oOeot March 31 ISO Weat nound Stat ons Erlt n uiii Mixed I Pssa l > alB I Mixed S E D D S E 600 pm Salt Lake 9t5 am 62 pm eo pm Provo S35 rm 3m pm S16am 6133pm SprlnlIl1Io 122am 84Opm 110 rm 814pmSJlanlh1orkll17IIm 30 pm 166 am eM pm Payson SOII am 262 pm 9mIam enapm Eureka 642nm 1pm tetSam empnh Mammoth e32nm 1245pm 1I26am S3Opm SlInrClty 616sm 1220pm T A W ACLEIQII Gen PillS ana Ticket Agent D ODODOE Gen Mgr B H I3ABCOCK Traffic Mr Bolt Lake City E R HUNT Agent Spanish Fork The Union Pacific System TH3 THROUGH CAR LINE LOCAL TIME CARD In effect Aug 18 180i South Bound North Bound Leave STATIONS Arrive IStm Salt Lake City 435pm TMlam Sandy 405pm 8 16am Lent Junction 3SOpm lZ5 m American Fork 320pm 8S2im Plcnnant Grove 313pm 865am Provo eSOpm Hum Spanish Fork 232um VS2am payson 217pm l S5am Nepul l25pn I niram Arrive t I Th J I Leave 1246pm 1 ll3Sam Leave r 1 Arrive 1230pm 105pm OttelS DS5nni 7lOpm Arrive t I nfnri t I Leave niSfmm arrive 750pm Leave f Mllfora f Arrive 515am CUOpm Frisco 400am Trains south of Juab run dally except Sunday Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without chance Improved Tour At Sleepers Free reclining chair earn Klrcantclav coacheS The only line operating Dining car service inn nnoriTEST AND FASTEST MN TO ALL T01NTS VAST Passenger Dept I D E BURLEY mien Agent senger City Ticket Office 201 Main St Salt Lake City W E LAWSON Agent Spanish ForkS Fork-S H II CLARK OLivin W MINK E ELLERY AMDIIISOH JOHN W DOANE RBORICK R COKDERT Receivers K L LOUAX Gin Puss and Ticket Nebraska Agent X DICKINSON Gen Mgr Omaha Nebra Popullit State Convention Suit Lake City For the above occasion the Union Pacific will sell tickets at one faro lor the round trip Sept 13 and 14 witn limit returning Sept 16 Read tho Ad Read tha ad head a Freo Course by Mail by the Capital fity Commercial college It la a due re1er Apply for it Regarding The Local newspaper A local paper la not tho public executioner execu-tioner with malevolent thoughts and calloused heart ai mauy believe It to be It must often praise an enemy and overlook over-look his faults and perpetually rise above personality and prejudice But the judgment of the moat t discreet may BoraetlmtH be at error The person who It was thought would enjoy a harmless account of SOIIHI Incldllnt even through it were at his own expense may be and often II the very one to take offense He will RF it IH I the custom of human nature consider himself very much wronged and although al-though he might restrain his feeling If Incensed by soina Individual he will pour out all his bitterness against the paper The fact la however those who think the purpose of a newspaper Is to injure the community or anyone in it are greatly mistaken and ought to learn tope to-pe the mutter in its true llghtRed Wing Mruu Republican Reduced Rates to Denver Colorado Sept 30 nud Oct 1st for the annual meeting of the American Public Ueuth as ociation Oct 14 Soiling i dates Sept 30 and Oct 1 with final limit ofOct25 Tickets 1 jld by Union Pacific good to return via R G W and connections deiired Tare for the round trip 24 DsmooriHo Judicial Qonyentlon > Prcvo Utah Sopt H Ono faro for the i rpuiul trip via Union Pacific for the above event fcullinz ditto Sept 141 I good roo I lurujnjj or 15 j Ilalelhlp Wan d 175 to 1150 a month paid to any one to represent repre-sent us Work almost easy enough for n child to do Mr J W Nixon Boise City Icliho made Z44 BO In onii week Mary Hush Lyons Colo in ids 57210 ii 1 thrue dab Itov Wm Cuitif tut > nlccn H Dik made fit tho llrat Jay Ni cjpltnl or experience necessary Terms and nmphlots free AddriMnt once SUlsnp 4 Co HKO Chestnut St PhllldclphlaPa RIPANS u a The modern standard stand-ard Family Medicine Medi-cine Cures the N > common everyday ills of humanity w teAse z V o y BO ManN JTJLLJAJvI JEX t SONS IULTn8 Lumber Lath Doors sash etc Manufacturers of the Best Broom on the Market All kinds of Produce handled in its Season Deseret Gold Mine I Milling GoOF Go-OF SPANISH FOaE INCORPORATED UNDlm TilE LAWS OF UTAH Capital Stock 500000 With 500000 Shares are offering for sale 100000 Shares ot MIJSrI G STOCB CXP said the said Company at 3B CENTS PER SHARE FA 4 VALUE SlOO This Property is Located and Situated in the GOLD MOUNr MINING DISTRICT Pmtn County Utah There is a Mountain of Free Millin Gold On Water and Timber 11 Abnudant itsaaya Kverage 2500 fer Ton DIRECTORS Brigham D Dargcr Prea John Chrlitisnsen V Pros and Tres L J Stewart Richfield Utah I Q II Parks Kophi Utah Henry Kosaly Secretary For Partlcnlnrs Address nESESET JGELtB MIKE MILLIHR UK t P 071 Spanish Fork Utah I t n f 1 1 EE OTT tQ A Democrat t YES 1 rhan you should read The ThriceaWeek World Tho leading Democratic paper of the United States The neW of tho day is now of great lint 1 portance Tho prelltnlnnrlosfnr the jroat Fresl mi ft I Jeutlul cnmpalgu of next year have now begun Who will be tho candidates and what will be the I platforms No ono can say but the ThriceaWeek Wall will describe all the developments promptly I J accurately and picturesquely p The TlirioeaWook World Is larger than any CL weekly or sml weekly newspaper published furn T idling eighteen pages eight columns wide tvery I week for ono dollar a year combining all the fresh iiosa and crlspiifss of a dally with tho Instructive special teatures of a woekly The regular price of the ThrlceiWeek Work which b Issued threo times a 1 week or 150 times a year is flOO a year The ThrlceaWeek World und The Spanish Fork Uarald ono year for only 2CO cash in advance v ARC o A Republican THATS S01 1 Then of course you went to read < The New York Weekly Tribune t A twentyipngo journal and Is the leading Republican family paper of the United States It is a national family paper and Rives all the general news 01 me United states It gives the events of l foreign lands In a nntshMI Its Agricultural department 4 partment has no superior la the country Its Market Reports are recognized authority Separate departments for Tho Family Circle Our Young Folks and Science and Mechanics Its Home and Society columns command the admiration of wives and daughters Its general political news editor tale and ilscutsiouE are comprehensive brilliant and exhaustive A special contract eual lee us to offer this splendid journal and The Spanish Fork Herald for ono ycir fer only 225 cash In advance r l l I 1 b If you are n A l 4I I POPULIST I I OR PROHIBITIONIST r i r It will do you no harm to read both of the abort See l Address all orders to m 1 THE SPANISH FORK HERALD l j L t SPANISH FORK UTAU J m dL A |