Show BALFOURS BIMErALISIYl r HOW THE LONDON PRESS CONSTRUES CON-STRUES HIS LETTER It is One of the Most Extraordinary Documents Ever Signed by a British Brit-ish Minister London Sept Ulhe Graphic thinks the blmetallsls will get cold comfort out of Hon A J BalfourB letter explaining ex-plaining his recent utterances In Parliament Par-liament against the feasibility of an international conference The letter the Graphic says virtually confesses that the cause of which he Is the permanent per-manent chairman is hopeless The fact Is that even assuming theoretical existence ex-istence of the bimetallic system there Is not sufficient motive power behind the nations to unmake the currency and other revolutions which please the academic disputants In America returning > re-turning prosperity has forced the sliver sli-ver men Into silence The Dally News says on the same subject Mr Balfours letter Is one of the most extraordinary documents that was ever signed by a British Min ister Mr Balfour Is now the authorized author-ized exponent of the Government financial finan-cial policy What he says the treasury treas-ury says Is I tto be endured that the First Lord of the Treasury should treat tho gold standard as a mere subject of academic debate lIe does not seem to grasp the monometalllsts view of the situation A Mohammedan archbishop arch-bishop of Canterbury would not be more Incongrous than a blmetalllst First Lord of the Treasury The substance of Mr Balfours letter was that his views on bimetallism had undergone no change and that he was and always had been In favor of an Internal agreement but he did not believe be-lieve that an International conference called at this time would affect such an agreement |