Show A 0 Hatch Nominated lion A C Hatch of Wasatcli carried the convention of the Fourth judicial district at Provo Tuesday by storm and received the nomination by n big majority ma-jority Tile convention met in the forenoon and was culled to I rJr by Chairman Graham of Utah county Ati npornr > > organization was perfected with JP Davis of Llbtnh chslnuau and < lies Sarah Stubbs of Provo ferreinry SSJones of P ova delivered an address ad-dress of welcome The u url commlt teas were then appointed and adjournment adjourn-ment taken until 130 p mIn m-In the afternoon tho committee on credentials reported all but four precincts pre-cincts present The committee on pen mauent organization and order of business bus-iness reported favor of John Huber of Wasatch for permanent chairman B Bachman Jr permanent secretary Mrs Kate Dnigall assistant stcr tarj John McNeil chnplaln Charles W Booth sergeitn ntftiiui flIt > committee commit-tee rpcommended that that HID voting be done by precincts and that majority of all delegates sleeted be necessary to o quorum The report was adopted and the permanent per-manent olllcora installed Chairman Huber made a 1 brief ipeooh ou assumluji the duties of the chair The committee on reolutlurn through Abraui IJaJladay cbnlruian reported in 1 for of adopting the platform of tho Hcpubllcnn Suti convmitlou and pledg log nlliprlniico and hearty support cf the same Thorcrott of the committee on credentials was adopted after being amended so ai lo consider each ward of Provo n precinct ThnmiiH John moved to hike an informal Infor-mal ballot to place before the coiivnn tlon likely candldntcr The motion was promptly defeated Komluatlonn were i hon begun spuoches being hunted to fire ml1l111F B S Jones UK tight tho candidate for Judge should hit a man of sound legal acumen careful nnd honest Ha olllht tn hl a Christian gentleman He had a man wiom ho bollmd would ill all reo luiriinentp Though not born iu Utah I as thin polio of this great nation beats he Is oils with us That man gentile men ho nald when called IU l tiimVls J W N Whltecolton Ai > pUnV 1 I llibm AndorsTi arrsi to uojiliiate a run f i Hiiu vlth Utah interetta and pppecliiliy wpll acquainted with the Fourth jud rtl district h IU win raised In UtiU omnty resiln in Wisotch county slid huts largo business interests in finish county lie la a man nntrnm nifleit by fixed legal oplalonn for lang practice but lx a nun of cquul ability with Mr Whlticottou More than all aloe ho IB a vote getter and his name is J0 atchof Waxntoh Great appliuse J P DivlH of Ulntah III an el quest effort spoke fur tho Utah boy who had liven raised among ihe people and had plucked lowers front the Utah hills in bin infancy The gpntleiunn succeeded I In awakiiilug ceuuidorHblo enthusiasm I W Kenwood of Provo sccundrd Whlteoo tons nomination and spoke for competency ou the judicial bench Nominations then closed and n five minute recess was taken to prepare the ballots When it cam to i vote tho result stood Hatch IS 11 ultpcottnn ail < ui motion of t 0 J 8 Jnie of Proo Mr llrtlolio nomination was made unanimous unani-mous A Cflhunlttoe of three called upon Mr Hatch amt esc rted him to the convention conven-tion hail where hn spoke fpollngly of tho honor shown him Mr WhlUuotton also spoke promlfilni his best support for the partys candidate The convention then adjourned |