Show TWO WIVES ANDTWO NAMES Startling Developments upon an Arrest Made HereUnder Here-Under tho First Name Ho Married in Sterling Sanpeto County and Under Un-der the Second He Married in Salt Lako and Ioved to Chester Story of a Double Life and Fraudulent Acquisition of Property Salt Laku City Utah September lOAn lO-An arrest was made In this city yesterday yes-terday by Deputy Marshal Tlrnmony which developed a startling case of deception I de-ception and crime D D Lefevre has lived In Sterling Sanpete county about two years not long after coming there he wooed and won for his wife a widow named Mrs Mary Ellen Westfall With her ho lived In all apparent happiness und comfort marred only by frequent absences from home which Mr Lefevre accounted for by saying he was lu the cattle business with Mr Saunders of Salt Lake and he had to see about collecting and shipping the animals Within the past year a man called Henry Johnson became acquainted in this city with Mrs Caroline M Hanson Han-son and after due courtship he married mar-ried her In Ogden on May 16th last She had some property and as guardl an of minor children by her first husband hus-band she was in charge of valuable realty ut drearer In Sanpota county Not long after the iiarrlage the couple went to live In Chester Mr Johnson was frequently away from home stayIng stay-Ing for some time alleging that he had 320 acres of land at Sterling where he was feeding a lot of cattle and that his business necessitated his personal attention to this and other allied matters mat-ters He attended faithfully to these absences Mrs Hanson now Mrs Johnson In the pursuance of her guardianship applied ap-plied for and obtained from the Probate Pro-bate court of Sanpete county aim order to sell certain real estate at private Bale As Is usual Irr such cases scaled bids were received The best was that of Mr Lefevre above referred to 11000 he said that In payment he would turn over to her husband Henry Johnson John-son beef steers to the amount of the bid and from him she could get the money when the steers were sold In a short time afterward Johnson informed in-formed his wife that he had received lire steers from Lefevre and would pay her the money as soon as he I sold them He represented himself asa as-a large cattle shipper out was now tired of the busInep lrtrjiirtiliJinlit1jiV aa i4mic ieirctC UKHesb 1IlIJ liver = li-ver He said lie was going tQ Boston and wanted his wife to go along as far 1 as Denver where she could stay and look over the place while he went on to Boston She agreed and they started start-ed from this city for Denver on August 21st A STARTLING DISCOVERY After their departure It was In someway some-way discovered that Johnson and Le ferve are one and the same man that ho had a wife In Sterling as first sta tedand a child three or four weeks old that he was not eligible to matrimony matri-mony when he wedded Mrs Hanson and that his bid on and payment for the Sanpete land she had In her con trol was a fraud that he had taken the stock to Sterling and as Johnson had executed bills of sale of them to nnm Let evre Judge Johnson of Spring City on discovering dis-covering these sensational facts at once localed lire deceived and betrayed woman at Colorado Springs and re quesled her Immediate return on very Important business She started at once and Johnson came along also Judge Johnson met the train and came with the woman as far as Provo on Sunday Sun-day night and next morning filed a suit In the court there In her behalf to vacate the realty sale to Lefevre on account ac-count of willful fraud She Is also try Ing to recover from the deceiver other property he had become possessed of through her Yesterday morning she went before Commissioner Greenman and swore out a warrant charging Lefevre with bigamy biga-my and the case Is set for tomorrow The woman is naturally In great distress dis-tress Her wrath against her betrayer Is raging and she needed much persuasion per-suasion to prevent her shooting nlm when she learned the facts The man however takes It coolly He came onto on-to this city Sunday night and on his victims arrival yesterday he appealed to her to come to the same hotel he put up at and say nothing about his doings urging that if she would keep quiet there was no way by which his treachery and bigamous marriage could be proved The appeal was In vain Mrs Hanson Is determined to land him In the penitentiary and to recover the property wrongfully taken from her It Is a most sensational tale and once more It Is proved that one need not go to fiction to find the Incredible The mans gall In living the life he did In two towns In the same country Is a startling revelation of the possibility of fraudulent Impersonation All this Is the tale that It lold its full development develop-ment Is expected at the trial |