Show PURELY PKftSQNAL Harry IJ Ilushns spent Suncliy in Provo Dr neo Smart Pf Provo was in twn Friday Albert Uunulfson returned from Schufleld last evening Mrs Mary Mellor lias been on the sick list for Hereml days Dentist Hold II way of Sprlnuville was in this city last Friday Peter Rlctruu die printer spent last week visiting In liaroka James Creer und Eli Surrey went to Mercur Monday n business trip Miss Lucy Thomas leaves for Olear Creek tomorrow where she will take charge of a school n J Stewart returned to this city Saturday mornlnu and la now located two doors Lout h of the Hockhl1l hotel McHsrs T D Evan Htniy Tilky and 0 W Booth and Mosdamea Qi o D Sncll and Ellen Tilloy represented Spannli Fork In the RepublicanJudi clal convention at Provo Tuesday Johnny Inks wellknown in Spanish Fork spent a few hour chat with us Wednesday on his way from Mammoth Mam-moth to the capital where he will at > tond the Colley late Institute American Amer-ican Fork Item |