Show MRS PIETZEL DISTRACTED Would Like to Take Holmes by the Throat Indianapolis Sept 10 Mrs Carrie A Pletzel the wife and mother of II II HolmesH victims was before Coroner Coro-ner Castor nnd the county grand jury today with her daughter Bessie She told the story of Holmess movements particularly In leading her over > time country while he was making away with her children She Idenlllied her Bon Howards overcoat and was pros tratCMl by grief Mrs Plelzel first described de-scribed time garment she packed In September Sep-tember last It was then shown Idher She burst Into lamentations and said 11 is poor Howards coat oh I must Bee him Mrs Pletzel was so distracted that the Investigation was suspended In an interview Mrs Pletzel said that she would like to take Holmes by the throat not to kill him for I could not commit murder but I want to see aim punished 1 |