Show The Brandt Rap Case The Payson 01obG Is at hand with additional ad-ditional lacts relating tj the Brandt rape case It says Charles Hrandt a blacksmith of this city attempted to rape the UyearoM daughter of Samuel FrancomIiuudiiy evening about 4 oclock While the parents par-ents wore away attendini church he enticed en-ticed the little girl Into his house which is just across the street from tho Fran corn residence by giving her fifteen cents After ho had got his victim in aids ho looked the door and at once proceeded pro-ceeded to accomplish his hellish pur nose and no donht would have succeeded had not the screams of the child attract lid some young men near bv who wAnt to the house and looking through the window saw what was going on The presence of tha boys caused thn t wretch to desist from his purpose Marshal Ballard wan notified and placed Brandt under arrest and locked him in the city jail Ho now linger In the county jail awaiting tho action of the grind jury |