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Show T" rw.- - sonsrs. j t.or ;.f Mr. J. A. Telford, of Grand June aiupting the plaiform of tha Pltys and Plsyat-llomTUUIJL1&. 1vsll,n,ai:d ptedgtum, CJo., will address tlie psople sit talent assisted by Rlohard j'Pll,.1Icfn s'UIa alitgUiiee till hearty support cf the the pariliion, Monday evening, yu W. Foote and Annie Plunkstt In The lug DIALERS same. Tha rape; t of the eommiitea on Wk.F. Gibson, Editor, etc. Lumber, Lath, Doors, C. T. U. work and Mildred subjects. Hnnehbsek of Florane" held the botrda credentials was adopted, t!ter being D. P. Filt, Manager. Everyone la cordially Invited. ttbe Young Men opera bouse last amended so as to consider each ward of Provo a precinct. Manufacturer of the Beat Broom on the Market. The Utah county committee ol the Friday evening. Thia as Its name Thomas John moved to taka an InforIs sn of at In Italian and Marmlsf met State Initiation moiety PablikM itmj Friday Spaslah eight drama, n Friday mal ballot to place before Via eun AU kinds of Produce handled in Fork, Utah. JProvo and eon firmed the appointment Spanish Forks yonag Season. enjoyed the liktly randidatcr- - The motion was wore defeated. Nomination on novel sensation of appearing the promptly of the following precinct officer for then began, speeches being limited to Urd at the PcaUafflM at Bpanlih Fork, bjunUh Vork: Henry Gardner, stage dressed In the costumes of the are muiim-v. Utah, H HOOltllMI Mtur. 8. S. Jonra llif cgbt the randlJats for licnj. Argyle, vice president; tlmo of 200 yeara ago. The etory cf tns play was of the lov? a J iidgc should tw a man of sound legal John Moore, secretary. of several people who when It was ali scnuien, esrefnl aud honest. He ought The Democrats held a primary at Bio Grande Western R- - B. to ba a Christian gentleman. He had a over willi dldut live happily the to the pavilllon Wednesday evening niau w.ntm ha behaved would fill all Pulimtn BlMVtra and Buffet off In kilted characters Usi the being mania. Though not burn lu Utah, uleci delegsitia to the Judicial cinven Ing In Can oa all Throu h Train. set. faet, which In the as tha pulta of thia great nation beats, ha Mouat'Frovo tomorrow. Tlie follow- of the Ukrald's di saint iehnmbleoplulou Time Table No. M, la affeet March II, IMS. critic, wss a la one wilh ua- "That man, gentleINCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF UTAH. Emit Bound ing tea were chosen: Mcasn. Wra. B. wholly nudeserved fate. It was a good men," tie said when called to time, Ta Station Want Bouad Paw Mixed Hughes, Win. Creer, T. 0. Creer, D. T. play, however, and wall rendered. inns V. N. Whltecoltun." J Aip'.aua'.j 8. E. D D 8. K. Of the amotenia the young ladlra. Capital Stock $500,000, lV'bert Andersi'i areas to mMuiuta a 1:00 pm :66m 1:8 pm Lewis, J. P. Jones, J. W. Thomas, Bees Mi mom Clare Jones nuJ KiU Sue!!, hm' in - n tr i.ili-i- with Utah and liitarsta, 1:65 pm Proro l:Kim 1:40 r. James, and Meadames Wm. Greer, ihx must diffieilt parts to play. They With 500,000 :Mpa offering for :SI pm Sprinfrilla pm 1:11 aw :Snm especially wtll arquatnted with tha Maw 1:41 pm Spanish Fork R: IT am l;10 pm Jaa.Hutchlson, and Alfred Rees. The aeqoited themselves well in every repset, Pnnrth jud.dsl district. He vu raised :Haa 1:66 pm Payaon liOham l:Hpm 100,000 Shares ot Alfred bringing out trul r i very ih of charn Utah resiJ'w in Woaateh :11am l:N pm Eareka 0:41 am 1:00 pm three alternates arc: Messrs. acter auumsd and rvld n ly understand-lu- comity andeunty, 11:45 hae large business Interest :10 pm Mrr. Elizabeth pm Mammoth (:11am and il;Uan Keca.D.R.Erans, thoroughly the spiel of th;- pieee, In Uintah aonnty. lie la a man muram-nrele- rt IliMaa :Mpm SllTorClty I; I tarn It; 10 pm G 'iiIhI Jinn Banks yluyid the Chisholm. jartwellof by fixed legal opinions for long P. a. Wadlemh, Oen. Paw. ana Ticket Affent, the heavy vilLitn, and ha did it a.i D. C. Dodos, Gob. Mirr. la a m .n of eqai-- ability While at Mercur this week Lieut. that 8. H. Babcock, Trmffle Mgr., Salt Lake City. that Individual's fata In the Just ae. practice, Mure than all Mr. with Wbitceotion. the said Company DougFort of B. B. Hun, Agent, Spanish Fork. Creer met Gen. Penrose SS. F. was regarded aa well else, ha a a vote git'er, and his name la was a was the snd poasl iu lover who there the Romeril stated that las, play A.C. latch of Wasatch. Great appUnse. of the regulars at that pout his Impatience at t'ie daifeing of gay J. P. Dull of Uintah, In an eloquent billty burly Harry Hnghes (In the char- eflort.siK'ke fur tho Utah boy, who had The Union Pacific System- - coming to this city on their annual and acter of a servant) found an echo in many bean raised among the people and had march, but nothing deflul'e was knuwc a young speetctoi's heart. ISerto'a t plucked flowers TU THROUGH CAR UNI. from tha Utah hills In Thb Properly 1, Lo:ateil auil Situated In the as yet. Gen. Penrose extended a cor sire for aomethlug to eat and th an a Iona his iufaney. The gentlemau succeeded Local Time Card In (fleet Aug . 18, 1805 dial invitation to the men of Troop B lover's affurta to see his lady Mias Buell n awakening considerable euthtulaam I. W, Kenwood of Provo seconded assured the in the character of Lias) aiasiiiHl fie. TTCT North Bound to visit the Fort, and . South Bound quently, much to the amusement of the Whlteoo'.ton'a nomination, and spoke for would be calls ' their that Mlsa to Lieutenant au Smll audience. Arrive STATIONS Empire competency ou the judicial benen. Lean Salt Lake city 4:sspm made aa pleasant as possible, aud ex gown and with her hair draseed in tha Nomtnailona then closed, and s f:lhm T:41am Italian stylo reminded one of the Goddess Sandy receu was taken to prepare tha i:sop pressed lilmself a desirous of assisting Lehl Junction 1:16am Pints Conffiy, Ulah. There le s ballots. American Fork I: Bam SlfSSS the militia to perfact It. organization S.'guorlua PI., the be- :Mam Pleasant Grove When It earns to a vote, the result C:M)pm Provo la cveijr way m his power. 1:66am trsysd wife, had ths eadde t part to play stood: Hatch, 48; Yi Itccottnn.Si. in S:8Spm :14am apaniah Fork seemed the Instrument In ths hands motion of and of Provo, Mr. H, J.iui S:ITpm 't:Kam Payaon of Fate to precipltsis ths fatal eliding. Hsteli'a nomination was made unanil:SSptL l0:Bam Reli the Ad. Nepbl Lcatc W. C. lS:45pm J 11:111am but mous. Booth was a Arrive gool 1 Arrive lS:Snnm Read tha ad. head.d Free Conrse by the other charactersv.rydldut priest, Leaver ,u lliBam li Abnnisn?i appear to S:SSam Mall A fSinuitttee of thrua caliad upon Mr. Oaalc Commercial :06pm the City -, knife their Capital by for nss his much sdrleI.SMm hive 7:10pm Hatch and cae rted him to the conven6:l6ara college. It Is a flue i ffer. Apply for it. animate downfall, no djubt. ISmi MUtord Ac say Average S2S.OO T:C0pm tion hall, where ha spoke feelingly of 4:00am Ton. Frlaco (:40pm U. s and a J. Florentine UarteJl, Aloge DIRECTORS shown him. Ur. Whltoeotton the honor an and rnlunr litd officer, PURELY PERSONAL. parts which aim spoke, promising his best support Trains south of Juab run Call; except Sunday Brigham D . Darger, Pres. John Chriitianaen, V. Pres, and Tree. to Chicago they rendered successfully aud disap- for the party's candidate, Through Pullman Palace Sleeper J, Stewart, Richfield, Utah. Tour Slooporo LO.IL Park, Xepkl, Utah aet. In the it first without ehamre. Inipiorcd in peared B. Sunday spent Hughes Tha convention then adjourned Harry da v aooehe. Free reclining cbalr eara. Elegantear The professionals la the east, Richard service. Provo. Tha only lira operatlaf Dining for PatU.aI.ra Addru and Annie Plankett, took the iioanst aid ruim ukb to all Dr. Geo. PinaFi, of Provo, wss in Foote Book of If ormon Kanuieript. etisrsctero ef Hugo, the leading one, and TOIM TV lAit. ef Elens, a lady D. E. BURLEY, Oen. Agent PeMcnger Dept, town The most valnable mannierlpt now maid, respectively. Friday. City Ticket Office, SOI Main St, Salt Lake City. are both good actors, Tha proftw owned within the limits cf They tia Uultrd W. E. LAWSON, Agent, 8panlah Fork. Albert Runulfaon returned hlonalsand inatsnrs blended well in P. O. Ti, Fork, Utah, const! Federal and tha S. H. H. Clack. lutlra the States, Schofield last evening. this plsy and produced a good entertainW. MIKK, Ouvn of Declaration aicne ment. Independenes E. ELLBKT AKBUSOX, Mrs. Mary Mellor has been on the JOKH W. DOAKK, A fsatoro Of the eatertrinment not haa lately come Into tha poasra Rudkick R. COKDXKT, sick list for several days. down on the bills, but which was a reg- sionof George W. Schweleh of RichReoelvers Dentist Holds way, of Sprlngvillo, ular one In all of Ur. Foote's appearances mond, Ray eppnty, this outs. Tha relic Agent, B. L. LOMAX. Gen. Fen andTldtetNebraska Gen. here, was an exhibition of nervo which , Omaha, Mgr DICKINSON, was in this city last Friday. I. no doubt t ok yeaia of cultivation of a In qiieetlon, which is unique aa wtll as Peter Rietruu, the printer, spent great natural gift to produce. A little historical, is nothing more or Ires than gall Is a good thing but this man hnsan tha manorcrlpt of the orlclnal Hook of last week visiting In Eareka A&dren of Weleome. abnormal development In .hat reepset Mormon, jnri a It was translated from went James Creer and F. H. Surrey and Spanish Fork people weary of too the golden plats records of tho Nphltao The ebliaren of Uie Primary" to Mercur. Monday, on a business trip. much of a good thing like the rest of ha by Joseph Smith and his assistants. If In conference today will of Cod ghonld aoek to learn the manity. For hia first performance bore you have a eopy of the Book of Mormon MIm Lucy Thomas leaves for Clear hs And His commands obey. Issued to ladles here a largo number of to refer to, you will find that the baek of YES 1 Then yon should read Creek, tomorrow, where she will take Invitations to tbe play gratis. The ladles the title page bears a notice to the world We welcome those who com to teach, to of a Teatimosy" by the in wladom's path guide, aeceptedtha invitations, attended and In the shape charge of a school. Lost thoughtless youth to evil ways The Thrice-a-WeWorld the play listened to sarcastic ra three witnesses to tha Dlvlaa authenduring Bhould ever turn aside. this to returned Stewart J. R. city marks about a ' dead head tioDsa". They ticity of tha book, W know temptations great abound Tho leadlug Democratic paper of tho United Oneofthrea witnesses w ho saw the Saturday morning and Id now located made no particular commeut, however, To lead astray the youth, two doors south uf the RockbiU hotel, though the next night's hooas dbl'iit ex- angel which God sent fiom bearan with Unlers their Uvea are governed by States. The new i of the dsy Is now of great imi hibit a large number present of the ladles the plates and engraving.and who hear( The love of God and truth. Messrs. T.D. Evans, Htmy Tilley who were God ronitad for accepting the Invi- tho voice of portanee. The preliminaries. fm the great Presicommanding that they We welcome all who come to bear, and C. W. Booth, and Mcsdames Gwi. tations extended for the previous even- bear record of the same, waa David That they with us may know dential campaign of next year havs now begnn. The blessing of eternal life. D. Snell und Ellen Tilley represented ing. Those who did attend were favored Whftmer. who died at RlchmoLd, Jana - David Which from the gospel Howe. Who will be tho candidate! and what will be tha 1888,had Whltmer 25, a of long lieud with head ary the Spam h Fork In the Republican Judl remarks.repetition been tha sole owner of the marusnipt Of all the dwellers on the earth, platforms? No ono can aay, bat the cinl convention at Provo, Tuesday. Just before the last act of tho Hunch- aud upon his death it descended by right None have such causa to praise to son. a Not 1). WoiM will describe all the developments of And glorify our Faiher'a name J. Whltmer, in Spanish back of Florence" was when theniaua heirship Johnny Inks, promptly, Aa Saints of Latter Days ". D. J. Whltmer was smothered since must cheek was long sublime. the ger'e nearly accurately sad pintnresqasly. Fork, spent a few hoars chat with us He to death lu a aahd pit near Richmond, before eartaln and ' IfHow the we could only realise appeared Wednesdny, on hia way from MamThe k another performoace fur the and Gearga W. Senweleh. a nephew World la larger than any greatly we are bleat, We'd thank Him for our happy lot to tbe capital, where he will at next night, rang la the dead head chest- (grandson of David Whltmer, one of the moth or And try to serve Him beat. sml weekly newspaper published, furnweekly founders of tha Mormon church) became tend the Collegiate Institute Amer nut and a few fresh tnsulta. Ou hearing sola owner of tbe valnable document. To God, our Father In the Heavens, amataur allies to his declined this ishing eighteen pages, sight columns wide.tvery flatly lean Fork Item. Our Brat beat pause la due, readers In order that Tha play another nfgLt,or seem In any way In week for one dollar Brea use He has restored again a year, combining all the freeh-neMr, with nlm. may have an idea of the value of ympa'-hThe U os pel, pure and true. SkgvAIng The Local Vmpipsr. aud crlspnees of 8 dally with the instructive Tha proceeds of the evening wera about Schwelch's treasure, I will say that a Has given to ua a prophet, S50. Ur. Fooie tried to saddle tha Opera short time prl- -r to David Wbitmera A local paper to not the public exeen With twelve apostles too, special teatnrea of 8 weekly. bourn bill upon the amateurs, but faillag death the Salt Lake Hierarchy offered And teachers to instruct ua In tloner with malevolent thoughts and In is believed in for and it The regular price of tha gold it, The way we ougxtto go. nd $100,08) k that pocketed the net receipts World, ealloused heart, as many bsllsvs it to be. forgot (?) to pay the orchestra. that they would have msd an offer o Is whleh Issued throe times a Wepray the holy spirit may 156 or a week, times waa there Noons denies that Mr. Foote isn $500,000 lad they thought that It must often praise an enemy and Within each heart remain; Mr. Whltmer parting with a of Is In prospect We ask this in tha worthy name hia in both a $1.00 and artist year, profession rise World year. his faults and perpetually The, Of Jeaua Christ, amen. It. St. Louis Republic, of cheek. The young p Bat bis dlsp'ays und The Spanish Fork Hsrald ono year for only bovs personality and ew hs most prafiuoie house whod of tbs most discreet may Written by Mrs Hannah Comoby and deliv- - the judgment $2.5( cash In advance. for him are richer in experience, aud Tha Eranlt Sapa Cats. ered by Mlsa Annie Ferguson at the Primary sometlmrs bs at error. have the RHtlsfartinn rf having also Confer nee at Spanish Fork, Aug. 11, URL The person who, it was thought, adle Globe hand with The at Payson before admiring fellow would enjoy a harmless account of some appeared I141 0 their worth of good clothes ditional laeta relating tj the Brandt citizens in own oven were his at It Stats though incident, Csavnties Populist of the vintage uf sixteen hundred and rape cue. It says: may be, and often Is, the very Baft Lake City. For the above occasion exponoe, -cflsnse. Hs will, salt Is something, onuto take Charles Brandt, a blacksmith of this If at any time Mr. Foote's oollossal the Union Pacific will sail tickets at one the custom of human nalare, consider nerve should make 11m wish to appear City, attempted to rape ths Cara lor the round trip, Sept, 13 and 14, himself very much wronged, snd al- ou the Spanish km k stage again, there daughter of Samnel Francom.hncday vita limit returning Sept. 15, though hs might reotraln his feeling Is no doubt hut that the people would evening about 4 o'clock. While tha par if tneeused by soma individual, hs will ba to glad THAT'S SOI Then, of conre, you want to read greet him In the star act of ante wera away attending church ha en LOCAL BREVITIES. pour out all nls bitterness against the mat me with tlced the little girl tnto hie house, which paper. Is just Heroes tbs street from the Fran be Excelsior store Is being embellThe feet Is, however, those who think feline (deceased) accompaniments. Tlie Now York Weekly Tribune .. com residence, by giving her fifteen of to la a tha purpose newspaper injure ished with a coat or paint. Charles O'Malley and Ills company ennts. After be had got hia victim In the community, or anyone in it, are A twenty Y. M. Opera house last aide ha locked tha dor, aud at once pro ipage journal, and la tho loading The City council held its regular greatly mistaken, snd ought to learn to were at tbe In tbe comedy needed to accomplish Ills halllehpar-DoaCol'ege evening Republican v ths matter In Its trns light. Red Chums'. This is a deservedly popular family paper of the United States. It la meeting last Tuesday evening. and no donht would haveanceeedad (MtauJ Republican. to bitter experience had not tha aereams of tha child attract Wing a 1 but national owing piece Tbe Young Men's family and gives all tha general paper, erecting with allows here leeently tbe people ad anma young man near by, who went T anotnernew building on their lot. news of the United Btates. It gives tha evontaof Rsdusi Bates to Dsavsr did rot turn out well. Air. O'Malley to tho house, and looking through tho iTie commercial tourist Is beginning will be back th's way again after a window saw what waa going on. The foreign lands In a nutshell. Ii'e Agricultural deColorado, Sept 30, aud Oct. 1st for the and will no doubt preeenee of tha boys caused the wretch to appear In considerable cumbers annual meeting of the American Fub.ic eouple nf months partment has no an parlor In tha eonntry. Its to desist from his purpose. Msrehal House. a draw belter Octas ociation, tolling Sixty fire baptisms took place at the Hea.th was notified Ballard aud Brandt Marks! Reports are recognised authority. placed 80 and final with limit Oct. 1, dates 8ept, Separate under arrest and locked him In the city meeting house os Thursday, Septem-heA. C. Hatch Nominated. of Oct.25 Tickets sold Inf Union Pacific departments for The Family Circle, Our Young now In He the jail." lingers county 6th. jail good to return via RQ W and cannectioni Hon. A. C. Hitch 'of Wasateh earrled awaiting tha action of tho grand Jury. Folks, and Seienee and Mechanics. Its Home and This settlement was favored with a if desired. Fare for the round trip 824. of Fourth tha Judicial thsaonvautlon Society eolnmne command the admiration of wives little rain the other day a hint of district at Provo, Tuesday by sform, and NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. and daughter. Ita general political nawa, editor-WinUi. be. IbUSily what might received ths nomination by sblgma- ITS to 1160 a month paid to any one to repretala and d'acureloni are eomprehaoslve, brilliant will The Spanish Fork choir give a Lut Thorrday the Lehl eager factory Jorlty. sent til. Work almost easy enough (or a rhild The convention met In the forenoon to do. Mr. J. W. Nixon, Botiie City. lA.tha flinee at the pavlllion tonight. The started op. The starting of this Indus i and rxhansllre. A apodal eoniract enables aa to means ths dlstrlnntion uf some and waa enlled to i rd:r by Chairman m;ne 444.50 in onu week. Mary Bunn, Lynne, try will furnish Orchestra music. la tnrue Wm. nude Her. Colo., Vephl da,n. offer this splendid journal and Tha 8p&Rieh Vork Graham of Utah county. $200,000 among the people of Utah. Curl!, A'ji rdicn, S. Dak., made 114 the Bret School was opened in the Methodist Nil upiul or experience Herald for ono year fer only $2.25, cash lu advance. necvMory Jeff Morrison of Salem died very aud orgauixstlon was perfeeted, with J. Pi day. Terme and : atnphleti free. Addixinatonee, building on tbe bench list Monday denly Toraday mnrnlag, about 8 o'clock, Davis of Uintah chairman, and 1Ui Bluspp k Co , HWi Clicmnut l of Provo rrrra ary. Fhllidelphla,Pa. with Miss Katie Miles, of Pay so u, as of heart disease. Ha wee a strong, hearty Sarah 8tnbba 8.8. Jones of P,ovo delivered an ad ef unnsnsl physique snd was wall man, leather. V knewn In this eommnntiy. The funeral drau of welcome. Tie urual commitThe Young Ladles' Mutual Improve took place Wednesday afternoun, being tees were then appointed snd adjourn If you a by the L 0, 0. F., of whleh the mant taken until 1:30 p. m. Bient association held a meeting in conductedwaa In the afternoon the committee on a member. dreeased was ' the There last evening. pavlllion ail bat fjur The priesthood of the ataka held Its credentials reported a large attendance. present. The committee oa pen regular monthly meeting today, and order of OR Is reported that Malcolm ft Iluglies dent Partridge spoke on irrigation and msnent orgsnlxstlou reported in favor of John Haber of After tha tha a law oftitiilng. meeting have purchased tha chat & for eh Waist man; permanent mass meeting on Irrigation wash-iBachman, Jr., permanent secretary; which waa hare several weeks since, with C. D. Glister In the chair, and J Preal lent Part- Mrs. Kate D Kigali, anlstant seerstarj; W. Bean, Fonretary. paying therefor $1200 Charles W It will do yon no harm to road both of tha above. See! waa jnsoimously elected to rspre John McNeil, chaplain; Thridge be will h1d - cumml:-teAn educational meeting the Albuquerque Booth, aargn'.at-snuat thia sent eouuty Address all orders to recommended that that the voilng be In tha paviillnn tomorrow oven lag. ennr-s- beginoi ig on tha 20th luat. done by predicts, and that a majority of Prof. Slit wart of BaliLnac will I pres Money was rsid to help defray the all delegatee elected be necessary to a THE SPANISH FORK HERALD Provn Enquirer. out and deliver au address, quorum, The report waa adopted and the per ts suffering , Marlnus Liljenqulst SPANISH FORK, UTAH. Daaoarafla Judicial Ooiffgiin Chairman manent officer Installed. with several badly lacerated finger rrevo. Utah 8o)L 14. One on asaamlng fare Air the Haber made a brief $lpa,duatoa too Intimate acquaint- round trip via Union Pacific fur the above the duties of the ehalr. ance with a knife grinding machine event. (Sailing date Sept. 14 good The eommltteo ou rcolutlun through 15, Abram Ualladay, chairman, reported in Shore. Lake gap. $6 Thze! w" s - I ctehszcSc sash Indt-est- es van-tio- pe-ipl- preal-den- its a t; Deseret Gold Mine Milling Co., d re-qu- in - tst 8hare. are r g sale MIUIETO- I l at -d. SB CENTS PER. SHARE PAR VALUE $1.00. OOILjID JCQTTrKTT A 3wncisnQsra- - five-minn- ta otT rjisiEicr, Mountain of Free Milltvig Gold Ore, Water and TimDer U- - I ler - DESEHHT EQLS MINE X MILLIITO Spanish ed, A Democrat? ek Thrlee-s-We- well-kno- ek xu Tbrlce-a-Wes- y Thriee-s-Wee- oYer-ioo- Thrlefr-a-Wea- k io-p-le Ajre You A Republican e, Co-o- p - 4. r fTS-- ! AU-:ucra- -- I . art pre-lna- ts bna-lnee- marry-go-roun- d a PROHIBITIONIST i d, 4. a, 1 POPULIST a on.. |