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Show Lift Corns Of f! L-t.., Doesn't hurt a bit! Sore, V Ky7 tender coms and calluses z'. . lift right off with the . fingers. Try it! ' C Apply a few drops of Freezone upon that old, touchy corn. Instantly that corn stops hurting. Then shortly lx'- you lift that troublesome corn right ! '. ; off, root and all, without pain, .oC,, soreness or irritation. " J j WOMEN! Keep Freezone on your dresser and never let a com I acbe twice. ' "" y A few cents T iJjZ buys a tiny bottle h of Freezone at any drug store, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, V) and the painful calluses and hard skin from 0 I the bottom of the feet. Seems magic! No humbug! Just think, corns lift right out I NJ 1 f - : s 0 ?a ' i - a? vi nvxs - . 1 Let Music Mould Their Minds I What are you doing to teach your children the love for home with its wholesome influence -and safe environment? Plenty of good music 1 is always found in the best homes. It can be made to play a very important factor iu the -'fj moulding of your children's minds. The singing tone The Voice of the Chickering Piano I is the voice of musical refinement. Chickering Tone is renowned for its wonderful 'fit sweetness, its great "singing" quality, its tremendous ,S' carrying power. . Chickering is a name that all the world loves a name more closely associated with the nation's music vi than any other. Chickering is a piano you can select for your home with full knowledge that it is the best the world af-fords. af-fords. The slight difference in price is more than off- -d' set by the satisfaction of having the best. Besides, the Z'-. years of service it will give makes it the least expensive in the end. We invite your inspection of the latest Chickering Models in Uprights and Grands. They can be purchased 5-on 5-on easy payments. '.: Sole Representatives for Utah. : (Mm Bros -Ro&vt f 44 West Second South St., 2472 Hudson Avenue, ' Salt Lake City. Ogden, Utah. r-l Your Telephone Bill 1 If you hare a "message rate" residence telephone, either one-party, two-party or four- !;f party, or a "message rate" business telephone, ?;j it will pay you to eliminate all unnecessary V calls. ';i I It costs just as much to make a needless :;r call as it does to make an important call. Un- ;-V; der the "message rate" plan the amount of your bill is entirely within your control. In your own interest you should carefully supervise the use of your telephone. Tr : J THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY v FREE TO VSTHMA SUFFERERS New Home Cure That Anyone Can so Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. Yv'e have a New Method that cures sthma, and we want you to try it at .ir expense. No matter whether your iso is of long standing or recent devel- iment, whnther it is present as occa-onal occa-onal or chronic Ath:n;i, yuu should nd for a free trial uf our method. Xo atter hi what climate you live, no mat-v mat-v what your age or occupation, if you o t rouble' 1 with Asthma, our method luuld relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those parent ly hopeless cases, v hero all run of inhalers, douches, opium prep-ation:, prep-ation:, fumes, "I'atent smokes,"' etc.. tvo f;ii!ed. A'e want to show everyone. our own expense, t hat this new t'.thnd is designed to end Ml difficult ea'hine;, all wheezing:, and all those rnblu paroxysms at once and for all me. This frer offer Is too important to necr-,;t necr-,;t a single da y. "Write now a nd then k,'n thr method at on.-e. Send no oney. Simply mail coupon beluw. Do i today. j FREE ASTHMA COUPON. I FRONT IK ft ASTHMA '(".. room I :7t)F, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Uuifulo, N. Y. fc'cud free trial of your method to: If Your Kidneys and Liver Are Sluggish , Bliss Native Herb Tablets Will Restore Them to Healthy Action D A Woman's Verdict j Tells of Suffering Greatly Wilh Kidney and Bladder Trouble and How Ealmwort Brought Relief. Her Letter Well Worth Reading1 Mrs. Nellio Mi-Ginu. CWJ J'-.asl :!Mth street, .eV York City, writes: "For the last year I li.nl suffered fireally from Kidney and liladder j trouble, distressing paiu in the back; and liips, with rlieiimal io minxes and: frequent severe lieadaelie, .'iceoiniiauied bv iierousness, cltiils and fever; also a frequent desire to eliminate, a smarting, smart-ing, burning sensal ion, with pain iu tho region of l.lin bladder. I woul.l frequently fre-quently have to arise at uthl, my sleep beinjj disturbed bv I be pressure aud iu- j f luminal ion in bladder. Jie'iiiniiig t he j use of J'.almuort. Tablets, i nutieed al- most instant relief, and, eoutinuin;; to I use them, L am now totally well and ; relieved of all pain and distress from uhieli I suffered. I am glad to reeom-nieud reeom-nieud liahuwort Tablets as a reliable beuefieial niedieine and Irusf others may find relief and freedom from pain and distress as I did, ete. ' ' Tho above letter is a true staleinent nnd is on fiie iu our of fives. Lialtmvort Tablets tiring relief when olher medicine medi-cine has failed. .Sold by leadin drn-yists, drn-yists, 4l.0U per tube. ( Ad ertiseiuont.; "I suffered for years from defective de-fective kidneys and sluggish liver. Nothing seemed to relieve me till I used your Bliss Native Herb Tablets. Tab-lets. They are wonderful, for 1 can f.ay that I am perfectly well. They relieved me in a very short time and I have had no more trouble with sick kidneys or liver. I can't sav enough iu favor of Bliss Native Herb Tablets to auy one suffering from bad kidnevs aud liver. "J1US. QUKKN TFIvNKR, "Oak l'ark, Va." There is a nugget of health in every one of Bliss Native Herb Tablets. They contain only tho purest pur-est herbs, roots, barks ami are free from drugs containing deleterious ,1 substauces. Bv their nctiou the in" is stimulated, the kidnevs eleauscu, the bowels respond gently and trie- lv, aud a hcalthv condition results. Thcv are imalualdo in cases ot con- vA. stipation, indigestion, biliousness. dyspepsia, sour stomach, hearthurn. sick headache, rheumatism. "Us-s y ,v Nalive Herb Tablets are put up 1 boxes conlaiuing L'OO tablets- 1'ai" box bears the plielofrnph ot Aleiuo 0. Hlk-,3 and guarantees beneticiai . results or nmnev refunded. Jv I'rice $1 per box. He sure and AH get the genuine. I0ery tab- let stamped with our tradeniinK. S,dd by leading druggist? ,in'1 agents everywhere. I " ' ;) s. VIPOVERISHED MEN AND WOxMEN irhy Ji('ain llonlth, Strcnlh. KntTy ami Ambition by Taking o-CJrain Cad o in o n ft T :i b 1 n t $ TJlO LTV liCSt 'J oiiP; fcolJ by All lru;;-i .si;. ( Advcrtjh'jiueuL.j |