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Show SHATTERED NERVES AIDED BY DREAMS London Physician Is Meeting With Success Suc-cess Through TJso of a New Method. LONDON. May 24. (.By the Associated press.) Curing nerve-shattered soldiers through their dreams is the latest experl- menl of the British army medical corps, i and. according to CaiJtaln M. Culpin, it I is succeeding beyond all expectations. "In tho method I adopt," Dr. Culpin said, "tho patient relates the dream to me. I question him about U, and. If the underlying memory is not deeply blurred, this questioning may recall it, and it is only necessary to insist upon the man talking about the incident. "Next I make the patient close his eves and visualize the dream, and I try to ascertain what particular feature causes emotion. By dwelling on this feature fea-ture T induce an emotional state and assure as-sure him that he felt like that before and that memory is coming up. "When success Is attained there is a udden change of facial expression eleven el-even an access of terror. By this 1 know I have reached the true cause of the dream. The merest scrap of a dream suffices." |