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Show I Decoration Day Cleaning jjpy SHOULD BE SENT EARLY Z. g Palm t$ We always make allowances for people who ML ST send in their work a t? i 8 the last minute, and invariably trv to accommodate them BUT QUALITY- EeaCU .j, & FIRST WORK ON FANCY GARMENTS REQUIRES NOT LESS THAN an,i othor ,. k ? THREE DAYS' TO FIVE DAYS' TIME. ACCORDING TO WHAT IS TO mcr suits will BE DONE, and wc can render better service if people will bear this in anTlook better gg K mind and SEND "WORK EARLY Monday if possible ; Tuesday or Wednes- if cleaned and day at the latest. Ladies' and ''cntlemen's dark suits can be handled in pressed by 5, J , Mvers Experts. vC one day, it necessary. - MYERS CLEANING work L 15fEAXS EXPERT cleaning, absolute safety and unexcelled ser- Guaran- If i vice. It covers a wide field, including practically even thing , 1 C a man wears suits, silk shirts, ties, hats, etc. It includes leea f. vjrf' the dainty waist and expeusive gown of milady her silk sweater, Clothes J? 5$rck ,;,i-, summer coat, lingerie and other articles which washing or amateur , Wc leaning would ruin. Insured y 'I Avs fT INCLUDES the household furnishings curtains, ZZZZZIZZZZ ( ' JjAhtK tt? J. costly rugs, pillow tops, portieres, table covers, etc. TfxSlJv " 11 is better to bring work in person when Parcel g iSySiiasTESBAS convenient; otherwise a phone call Wasatch Pocf x s rflr$'M receive immediate attention. w &m""VK ifcte&'l&Fxi&u . Send r v c r s WhAs MYERS RECOLORING youreu g I III 1 Yui ' aud uyciug by k! I I I Like other Myers innovations. rcooloriDp" is being mail or express. I llr imitated. Jo order to be feURE that you w ill get "We give special $ pi r, ! ytiT FAST COLORS, even shades, superior finish and other a t t c u t ion to fl 1 Mvers advantages, either bring vour work direct to out-of-towu or- ih 'r the plant. 11 1 East Broadwav. "or DEMAND THIS ders. T V ' 1 MYERS RECEIPT when you deliver your work to a 3 - solicitor. Safety as well as Quality Eirst. fa sg Phone Wasatch 974 feg I1 - ' "sLiii SHOP Monday SaleStarts at 10 o' Clock 1 MARKED DOWN DRESS SPECIALS 200 DRESSES FOR STREET, FOR AFTERNOON OR f EVENING WEAR Values $49.50 to $57.50 Marked Down, Special . $36.50 f Values $58.00 to $70.00 Marked Down, Special . $44.50 I Values $75.00 to $95.00 Marked Down, Special . $67.50 J Many Specially Marked Down Gowns Which We Cannot Describe or j Place in Any One Price Lot. These Are Most Wonderful Values j and Every Gown Comes From a Master Maker. Everyone Knows What a Hamilton Gown Is Smartness and Individuality In-dividuality Always Prevail. This Dress Sale Bears No Comparison With Any Sale Held in This City as Every Style is Authentic Every Garment Is High-grade. I MARKED DOWN COAT SPECIALS j A GROUP OF CHOICE MODELS 1 Regular Values, $49.50 to $95.00 j I MONDAY SALE, $35.00 TO $65.00 j In- Duvetyns, Velours, Serges, Tricotines, Satins and Taffetas j j MARKED DOWN HAT SPECIALS ! A Magnificent Special Lot of Hats Latest Models for Spring and ( ! Summer Wear. ' I 3 - i MmMW Sfel of Genius W J'''' ' i"ryJ a Masterpiece. W Announcing the M im V CHENEY Phonograph ffl frf TTTE HAVE been so fortunate as to secure the dis- WA J S'H W tributorship of the wonderful, Cheney Phono- J W T graph and cordially invite you to come and see (W&P' a 'M and hear this wonderful instrument. fft! We are showing a full line of styles, which are posi- iLrM . tively indescribable in their beauty of design and finish. 3j, , M. The Cheney is the triumph of the century m the realm jlw M M, of reproducing instruments, as its-tonal system embodies fKfc H W many marvelous improvements, evclusively Cheney. K&$j H The serene purity of Cheney tone endears it to all who Wm ;a hear. $$01 I 'M You who can appreciate the ultimate in phonograph ere- Kit il :S& ation will be most delighted with the Cheney. JjpK if ' May we show you v if . f ' li -TIIK CHARACTER STORE- ffj . I :jiMA just Below the Wilkes. q.i fe, h M : ; I 150-156 South State Street. Mb. Credit illi'Sfel: I Terms to : |