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Show March of Progress Causes Demolition of Wall of Paris Removal Makes Room for One of the Most Remarkable Remark-able Parks in World. PARIS, May 21. (By the Associated Associat-ed Press.) By authorizing the demolition of tho wall of Paris and the cessiou of the site and the military 'one outside tho wall for city improvements, tho French parliament parlia-ment lias just removed the principal obstacle to a "Greater Paris." 1 The city will thus obtain the elbow 1 room it needs, and one of the most remarkable re-markable parks in the world. With a width of 250 yards aud a length of ; -5 miles, the park will completely Mir- i round the city, adding one more to the I circular systems of improvements that j have successively takeu the place of ; I disappearing wails since the time of i Philippe Augusle , which show the j i grow tli of the city us rings mark that i of the oak. j Americans revisiting tho city ten i years hence will come upon "Greater 1 Paris" without knowing lL if they look i for the old landmarks. The ragpickers' 1 huts, truck gardens and piles of refuse i that made the military zone look like i " thantytowu " and gave arrivals the first warning of approach to the city will have disappeared lo give place to , the park, i In place of t he massive stone wall and deep moat in front of il. that 'marked the city limits there will be another belt J 4 U yards wide and 121 miles long composed of buildings iu the best jVench style, built according to a general plan combining harmony and taste with the most approved hygienic hy-gienic installations. The demolition of the wall will release re-lease 1150 acres of ground, of which 30U acres will be taken up by new streets, boulevards, railroads and canals. ca-nals. The suppression of the military zone will make available 1S75 acres of space, of which 1750 will be devoted to the new park, constituting a third of all the pa rk area of I he city. The rest of the space will be utilized for the erection of a permanent exposition l building between the gates of Saint (.'loud and A ul euil. |