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Show HUNS REPORTED AS PAVING THE WAY TO SURRENDER TO ALLIES I.ONUON, Friday, May (British W ireleas Service. ) Tlu: Tier man government govern-ment is sincerely anxious to conclude peace and to sign the allied terms, according ac-cording to the view of the Rotterdam correspondent of the Da ily Telegraph, formed from recent events in Germany. The only thing the German government Is looking for, ho says, is some altera-J tlon in the terms which it can interpret j to the German people as a concession in I o! der to say that the treaty no Ion per retains the form which made It 'Unacceptable." 'Unac-ceptable." "The Germans will, in short, n nlcss a rjult e unexpected international upheaval comes, end by accepting the inacceptable," tho correspond en t continues. "The stronger they have become in language, lan-guage, the more va gue in substance becomes be-comes the speeches of Ebert, Scheide-iTiiLim Scheide-iTiiLim and other members of the government. govern-ment. They all stop short at saying what is the alternat i ve policy to a refusal to sign, and another noticeable symptom is that they have lately taken to emphasizing emphasiz-ing that the ailied terms are not ao much Inn ccep table as infulfillable. "It is clear, too, that the protest movement move-ment which the government itself started has become a cause of embarrassment ralher than of assistance to its authors. Nothing is more welcome to them at the moment t han the counter-demonstrations In favor of accepting the treaty which the Independent Socialists are organizing. |