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Show HOMES 1 1 rai ACCESSIBLE TO CITY Val Vcrda, the beauty spot north of Salt Lake, In the center of the rich country coun-try which lies between Walt Iake and the Davis county line, is nn example of what can be done in this dlctrjet by enterprises similar to Val Verda, according to V. A. j Heltllyon, ivresidorit of Bettilyon Home K'uildei s company. "Val A'erda was the first suburban man-to-an-acre pi'o.ieet in the state," s;ud Mr. Hcttilyon, "and its success proves that the district to the north of this city has a future that can he measured only by the enterprise with which similar projects aro pushed. "Independence, the pleasing contrast of pcrnirural surroundings with the life In the city during the work day and the pure joy of raising things in ample gardens gar-dens and orchards, has been the big attraction at-traction or Val Vcrda. This year the community is a I I:jze with flowers ?j beautiful home place in the green hiiis. "The' ease with which Val Verda and the "surrounding country is reached from Salt Hake will always be a. strong appeal lo men whose business must be cn rrled on in Salt l.akr. In addition to' the two inferurbar lines, the Bamberger and Utah IJght & Traction lines, the 8a.lt J.aKe-Ogden J.aKe-Ogden hid.w;:y passes through the heart of the district, aud the new state load curving around Hnsngn pea it from Salt Lake will join with the main s'.reet of Val Verda on Its way down to the state road In the valley. This provides quick and easy means of transportation between Salt Lake and Val Vet-da for the man who owns an automobile and the man who patronizes the, car lines. "Persons who have not. visited Val Verda have missed one of the most inter-j inter-j esting lard and home development sights j to be found in this part of the country. "Wide -sprf ading lawfis, shade trees, beautiful beau-tiful shrubbery and flower beds, extensive gardens whore all sorts of vegetables are raised, orchards producing the tastiest of : fruits, poultry yards with their fenthered gold mines, are characteristic cf Val Verda today." |