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Show Marjorie Rambeau Returns 3 a & . 3 3 Will Stage Successes Here MIK3 MARJORIE RAMBEAU (Mrs. Hugh Diliman), famous star of a half dozen New York stage successes, and formerly of Salt Lake, and her husband, both of whom arrived yesterday to begin rehearsalii for a three ! weeks' stock engagement in this city. j f -" h t: . j, Iff w xkv Broadway Star Accompanied Accompa-nied by Husband, Who Will Also Appear. MARJORIE RAMBEAU of the "radiant, "ra-diant, exquisite and unmatch-able unmatch-able beauty," Salt Lake's own Irish colleen, is back In tho old home town, which she left only a few years ago, a youthful artiste to I fame and fortune practically unknown. Then ahe went to New Tork smiling, capturing the little old town by storm, and, in spite of its mercurial public, succeeded suc-ceeded In fastening a lasting grip upon its heart. She met with bonfire popularity popu-larity on the Great White Way, as friends who had watched her marvelous mimicry here while in stock knew she would. Unspoiled by her magnificent successes, suc-cesses, both on the screen and before be-fore the footlights, with the same puls-eant puls-eant ciiarm of manner and the same engaging en-gaging smile, she and Hugh Diliman, to whom she was married during this season's sea-son's engagement In New York, arrived in the city at 4:30 yesterday afternoon to begin rehearsals for a three weeks' engagement at too Wilkes theater, beginning be-ginning a week from next Sunday night. "Glad to be back? Great heavens, I should say so. I've sort of undergone a regeneration since I breathed again the wonderful air of this mountain-girdled valley and recalled the good old timee we used to have in dear Salt Lake.'' And she spoke from the heart, too. She evidently was reminiscing about the time she and Wiilard Mack played co-leads co-leads in stock here and the overwhelming ovations they both used to receive after third-act curtain calls, when Mack would tell his audiences how much Marjorie had helped him and Marjorie used to make a naive reply to the same effect concerning herself, and a buzz of admiration for the "loving pair" would sweep over the audience. audi-ence. But Hugh Diliman, Marjorie's new husband, hus-band, was standing there as she spoke and her Interviewer did not press. her to detcrmino the correctness of his surmise sur-mise . "Believe me or not," she continued, "but it's a fact with which I am too well familiar, that living in New York too long kills tho soul. No trees, no green plush lawns, no invigorating air as we have here. And those mountins! Oh, how I missed them. The sight of them fill.se me with strength. "They wonder back there why the girls of the west come to New York and make good so easily. It's because they are fresh and filled with life. I feel as though I can return next season and jive them more than I ever have before, just simply on account of contact again with the glorious west.'' Then sho sighed with a thrill of emotion. The whirligig of time has brought Us successes to Marjorie. Sho was to the manner of the mimic art born and bred. Starting out as a child In California with one nigiit stand productions, she toured tile country in vaudeville with a sketch written bv" her former husband, Wiilard Mack, which brought her to the notice of New York's theatrical czars. While in fait Lake she was offered the leading role in a Henry vV. Savage production of "F-verywoman." But, without rhyme or reason, she rejected the offer. Her time was not yet. Then she and Mack went to New York, where Marjorie first appeared ap-peared in "Sadie Love," which brought her into instant favor. From then on her climb up the ladder of theatrical fame has been steady and sure. Whether she has reached the full heyday of her ca'-eer cannot he determined, but she says not. and it's believable. After her engagement here she will go to California to loaf an-1 invite her soul in the vicinity of Lake Tahoe. She is to be back in New York by September, she says, when she will rehearse for a play, the name of i which siie is not at liberty to disclose. hut she says it will eclipse them all. It ! is due for a London Engagement in April. |